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Everything posted by salimnina

  1. the airline company debited money from my account, so far I haven't heard from edreams any reply is appreciated
  2. Hi all, I went to edreams.com or .net, not sure who they all are, anyway I got a quote online for a family trip for the six of us, the deal looked very good and I decided to go further. First it gave me a quote of £161/passenger highlighted on the top left of the website, or around £974 for the whole family highlighted under, the price if divided by 6 will be £161/passenger, it is strange bearing in mind that we are a family of six, of which two adults, three kids ( 3, 5, 6 years ) and one enfant ( less than a year old baby) the price for enfant should be less. As we progressed further the total price went up to around £1044, they cahrge extras for using visa debit card, it was around £5/booking + another extra on something else ( I can't remember exactly ), in other words the price went up to £174/passenger ( the price doesn't take into account the ages but works out the price per passenger regardless, unless it is a coincidence ?? I don't think so because the quote we get is always based on the number of people traveling, the total price displayed is somehow always the same price multiplied by the number of people traveling ) Then on checkout it stated that the price to pay is £1044, but when we submitted our card details it gave us a different price to pay £1123 of which £79 goes to edreams. In other words, £1044 goes to the airline and £79 to edreams which they failed to mentioned only after I entered our bank details. I contacted my bank for advise and they asked me to contact edreams which I requested an explanation, price breakdown, I also complained to edreams, so far I haven't heard from them ( I booked two weeks ago ). If I knew they would act this way I would not have booked with them because they are a rip off and we hate such practices. So far edreams have taken the amount. The airline company have not taken any money yet. I need your assistance if I can claim some money back ( including the £79 ) for paying full price for enfant who will either sits on mum's or dad's lap, without jeopardizing my trip which is in the end of March this year. . Thanks
  3. New update: Red sent me a legal threatening letter even though they acknowledged that they don't know why the debt is...? I sent Lowell a letter to ask them for a prove and I had replies from both Lowel and Red stating that they are investigating the matter, that was back in August. Now they are sending again some threatening letters what do I need to do?send another letter to Red to ask them for proof? shall i just ignore them or /and how to complain about them and make them stop sending these threatening letters thanks
  4. no, it was a kind of flyer thing, trying to mislead as if it was from the post office, anyway I wont speak to them, but again I sent them the prove letter and so far they haven't replied, what do you I should do, is that now harassment?? it is as some point, how could i stop them
  5. UPdate, I sent the prove letter back in August, i got couple of replies from red and lowell acknowledging the receipt and also in another letter three or four weeks after stating that they still are looking and investigating...today I had an urgent letter asking me to contact a number ( am not sure if it's from the post office or not my wife found the letter under the door as someone rang and knocked the door many times and left) my wife gave me the number and ref, when i called it was Red again, I put the phone down. what is the situation now? i sent the prove letter and it's more than 40 days now? what am I suppose to do now? call the number? ignore them? thanks
  6. I am not sure how they prove the debt as last week I received a letter from another agency with regards to the same case, it's now Red Debt ( another agency instructed by Lowell ) and they said that neither Lowell nor Red Debt LTD know about the reason of outstanding money but they bought the account and they need to money, they also 'to get another advise if money is not paid and the right action will be taken'. Do you think i should reply to them asking for proof ? is it a real threat? or shall I just ignore them and let them think that their correspondence is not getting to the right person? i am sorry i still not with the mood to contact them, please advise and thanks
  7. the main points raised are not met, those are not written in the contract as ABCD things to do,however what's written in the contract is just full design, which is making a website for the company with fully functional, they argue that they don't need to do much of and limited themselves in few design.
  8. Hi, i am not sure if it's the right place for this thread but here is my problem: in my work, we were contacted by a web design and marketing company who we paid and breached their contract in not designing fully what we agreed. we agreed verbally and also on paper, what's on paper was a vague idea of how to work will be done rather than what it will exactly do and obviously as a result the company denied many of our requested in designing what we wanted. I am not sure what to do, do you think I can do something without involving solicitors ? the company solicitor wrote one letter asking for payment and so far nothing...just wondering what's the best course of action. Thanks
  9. the trouble is that I shredded the correspondence !!! shall I just wait for the next letter and hopefully it wont be late or do I contact them? also do I need to dispute the sum with 3 mobile and get them on hold or would that be stopping them is enough ? also what do you think? how is our case and what are our chances here?
  10. Much appreciated, so I am on the right track then? what would you suggest on top of what I will be doing?
  11. Thanks, I will, I think I have no choice but start this battle, I will let you know about the progress, you will hear from me soon I suppose. Thank you all of you for the great support you're giving
  12. Lowells bought the account from 3 mobile company, 3 said that they sold my account to them. verbal agreement with the dealer not 3 and I am not aware of 3 terms & conditions Lowells might know because of my bank statements or BT bill, but nothing else, not council tax or electoral list as I am staying with my relative, do you think I can ask my relative to write to them and ask them not to contact me on that address? all in all I don't want this headache, it's stressful and I don't want to embark in a long fight this is my point, I don't care now about my credit scoring as I don't like credit cards and loans anyway.
  13. so what's the best course of action then please? to write to them and start this fight? or not to reply to them? am not sure what to do really thanks
  14. if I ignore them what would happen ? I did not notify them of my new address, further more it is not my own address, it's my uncle's address that I am staying at for a while, I did change my credit card/debit card address to this address and i remember now that I paid with direct debit 3 company for some months, would that be an evidence? as far as I know i didn't sign anything with anyone, it was all over the phone.
  15. Hi to all, I did buy a mobile contract over the phone from a company that I found on the newspaper, I called them and they took my cards details, they sent me the phones with a irresistible offer on cash back. I used the phones for about three or four months however I never got my cash back and bills were high, so I stopped using the phone, the network I was using was 3, when i told them about the problem they said that I needed to talk to the dealer who got me the phone, obviously they had no office and it was all over the phone, frustrated I stopped using the phone and 3 asked me to pay in full for the remaining months left. I changed address and notified 3 and then changed address again and never notified them. this is all in 2007. this month I got a letter from 3 company ( I did take mobile broadband with them for a month and that's how they tracked me ) and they asked me to pay the previous balance of £299, then I got a letter from them telling me that they sold my account to Lovells and this enforcing agency or debt collector is asking me now to pay them. I don't know what to do really but for sure I don't want to pay them because I cannot and I do not want to. Can anyone please tell me what are their chances of taking it from me? Are they going to take me to court? are they going to come to my place and threaten me ? I have a wife and kids at home and don't want them to be scared What's the best way to deal with me as so far I ignored them and shredded all their letters. It would be much appreciated if you could advise, as I said my wife is scared when someone knocks...and it's a stressful thing to go through. thanks a lot and much appreciated.
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