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  1. Hi all, Thanks for all your help, I've been working away from home hence the late reply and was issued my own PCN for apparently using a bus lane (in another thread) so it's been one of those weeks. With all your advice I have sent a letter to New Generation Parking on behalf of my relative who was shopping with his companion who is registered Disabled at the time of the alleged offence, along with all you valuable comments I went along the lines of there was no loss as there is no charge for parking anywhere in the car park at any time in the first instance so it was impossible for them (or the alleged affected land/car park owner) to prove a loss and been as there was no perceivable loss the amount was wholly disproportionate and that as my one of my relatives is disabled they had not shown reasonable adjustment and were in breach of the equality act. further to this the Blue Badge guide states that Blue Badges have no validity in private car parks. I await their response and the more than likely further POPLA appeal. Thanks for all your help and I'll keep you all updated. Best Regards Adam
  2. Hi all, Please could someone offer some advice on the following, whilst driving for the first time in Birmingham City Centre I've been recorded as driving in a bus lane. I honestly didn't know that the road was a Bus Lane only road, I entered the road from a roundabout, Roundabout had four exits including my approach lane. My sat nav took me as to exit from the the second exit which was marked Bus Lane so I drove around the roundabout knowing there were Bus Routes in force and exited at the first exit (which would have been first left if approaching from my original direction before entering the roundabout) I saw no signs and there were no road markings stating Bus Lane so I was surprised to return from working away to find a PCN for driving in a bus lane. I've looked on Google Earth but the street view is from 2009 which is of no help. I've done some searching about on this Bus Lane and apparently the residents of Birmingham are up in arms over the vast amounts of PCN's being generated from this route. Although I was driving the vehicle it was sent to the person (registered keeper) on the log book stating they were liable for the charge and the alleged offence was more or less down to them, is this true? I've attached the notice if anyone would be able to offer any advice. [ATTACH=CONFIG]50040[/ATTACH] Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, Notice below. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49925[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]49926
  4. Hi and thanks for the responses. Car was parked on 20/03/14 and no ticket was left anywhere on the vehicle, Parking Charge Notice (Notice to owner / keeper / hirer) letter was received on 25/03/14 (is this the letter that requires a response)? Reason for fine, no valid disabled badge displayed. Am I able to correspond on my relatives behalf and if so would I need to; 1) Respond to the letter above appealing the fine to new generation car parking management, wait for them to reject said appeal and then appeal to POPLA. 2) Strongly appeal to ASDA whilst appealing to POPLA ensuring new generation parking have to pay up for the appeal process. Would somebody be able to confirm the Asda person to write to is andy.clark@asda.com please. Thanks again Adam
  5. Hi, I would be grateful if somebody could give me some advice on the following Retired relatives were parked in a disabled bay in the local Asda (Correctly), one relative has a disabled badge however it had fallen off the windscreen and on to the seat before they left to go shopping in Asda. A few days later(25/03/14) they received a notice from New Generation Parking stating they were being fined £100.00 as (no valid disabled badge displayed) although £65.00 would be acceptable if they paid within 14 days. No ticket was left on the windscreen. Could anyone let me know if disabled bays are anything more than advisory in car parks such as these as surely they cannot hold any "legal" status and are, again, surely advisory only. Could somebody also point me in the direction of the template letters for responding to the Parking Company please and offer some advice on the best way to tackle this "Fine" Thanks in advance Adam
  6. Hi Freethemice. I certainly am not taking this lightly and reading through the threads it is a long hard stressfull battle that needs lots of soul searching before undertaking. I have recently become unemployed and am on income based JSA things in the building industry will not be put right for some time to come and I can't see many offers of employment on the horizon, like many on here I have been plodding along and solvent for some time until the recession took proper hold, I have some savings put by but they will not last long and I am going to try and insulate myself somewhat before the money runs out and the mortgage company starts hounding me. I have provided MBNA with a substantial amount of cash over the years and think it only right and proper that if they are going to hound me relentlesly over financial difficulties in the near future then if i could negotiate a settlement then there is a chance I may survive this recession somewhat intact. I am not trying to wriggle out of paying and am fully aware that I have got myself in to this posistion but another few months out of work and everything I've worked for in the last 22 years will be sold from under my feet. Again reading through the posts I am under no illusions that MBNA will not care if this happens and will be less than sympathetic with my circumstances so if I can eventually sort out some sort of agreement then I might just save what will otherwise be a personal disaster.
  7. Hi Guys. I've just had my monthly statement through from our friends at MBNA and after paying a minimum fee of £211.00 I have been informed that next months will be £304.45 a current monthly rate of 2.5292% is this more or less the same rates that others re paying per month? Nothing has been purchased on the card for a long time. card taken out around 6 years ago and is an MBNA platinum type card. Anyway after realising the amount of money I have given them after never missing 1 payment in the last 6 years and the balance still remains I have decided to request my credit agreement from them to have a look at its legitamacy. I have been lucky enough to never incurr charges as I have been an exceptionally good cash cow but have paid more in interest than the sum owing. Is it wise for me to continue to pay the monthly minimum amount whilst I request all information, I think so but am not 100% sure. I am now on benefits and my cash reserves are running low so the monthly payments are nearly as much as my mortgage! What are the first steps that I should take in approaching MBNA for my information and are there any template letters for this? All your help is greatly appreciated.
  8. Don't quote me but I think there is a statute of limitations that says after six years they can not chase you for the monies allegedly owed, so that's probably why they are making such a fuss about it right now before the time ticks away. They are trying to extort £480.00 from me for a £45.00 parking fine and I am trying to get it sorted out with the invaluable help from the guys on this website especially tommytubby who is an absolute morally crusading star bless her, so don't worry somebody will help you with this soon.
  9. I'm just reading the my nice green seizure notice and it says if I don't pay the original £45.00 fee and their £435.00 fee they will return to seize my goods. It also says that they are to collect the £45.00 for the parking fine and that is what they have levied on so in theory I can just pay them the £45.00 which I have no problem with then pay them nothing for their fees, as long as I pay this then they can whistle for their fees as the court fine has been paid. Suggestions anyone??
  10. Don't worry diskmandave the gang at bletchley park'll find him, unless he's got the model with the fourth wheel!!
  11. Hi Pleasantlyconfused. I am having dealings with swift at the mo and have dealt with the vale of glamorgan council myself in the past regarding council tax issues. I can't give you any information on what to do as it might be wrong but don't worry someone will be along shortly with far greater knowledge than me and will help you out, do not worry about swift or their merthyr bully boys just do not let them over the door if they turn up you do not have to. do not answer the door if it knocks at 06.15am as they tried with me, they will lie to try and gain a peaceful entrance to your property and they are good at it. have swift charged you their statuatory £50.00 for their letter?
  12. Thanks hallowitch. I am also writing a complaint letter about the bailiff himself. Illegal levie and clamping of my van for over three hours when he was told it is a tool of my trade as I am self employed and I lost a days work and incurred costs as a result. Rude and aggressive behaviour, laughing and smirking whilst clamping my van and puffing his chest out!! Illegal excessive levieing on a £5000.00 van for a £45.00 parking fine. Pushing the levie form unsigned by me through my letterbox. I am also attatching photo's with time stamps for parking on double yellows for a good while (whole van shots with him clearly seen at the wheel) (also smoking in the company van) (£2500.00 fine for his employers and £50.00 for him) Hopefully the photo's will show his total disregard of legislation enforcing my complaints about his conduct as a certificared bailiff. The pen is definately mightier than the sword!!
  13. Is this sufficient to send to the bailiffs office? By post recorded delivery and e-mail 24/07/09 Dear Sir/Madam Re: Parking fine South Wales Magistrates £45.00 2 letters from yourselves @ £50.00 pounds each total £100.00 First attendance fee £50.00 (pushing a letter through my letterbox) Seizure costs £210.00 Vehicle immobilisation fee £75.00 I write following a visit by your bailiff Mr , however there appears to an irregularity with your fees and I am writing to ask you to provide me the following within seven (7) days: 1) The name of the court that issued the certificate for the bailiff in charge 2) Written confirmation of a) your fees, and b) the original debt 3) The name and address of the organisation that instructed you 4) Truthfully confirm in writing explaining that your fraudulent fees regarding my case are lawful and comply with legislation. I suggest that whilst your charges are in dispute that the account is put on hold until this matter is sorted out. A bailiff or any other person who dishonestly charges for work that has not been done will be committing an offence under the Fraud Act 2006. Section 2 of the Act specifically describes a person dishonestly makes a false representation and intends, by making the representation, to make a gain for himself or another, or cause a loss to another, or expose another to a risk of loss therefore, if no satisfactory reply is made to me by 12.00 midday seven (7) days from the date of this letter I will automatically file a complaint to police under the 2006 Fraud Act and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. If you have charged VAT on unlawful fees then you may be reported for VAT fraud and your documents will be given in evidence. If your bailiff is certificated, a Form 4 will be filed. This letter is delivered by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery and deem it good service upon you by the ordinary course of post under Section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978. It now is your responsibility and in your best interests this letter is handed to the relevant person within your organisation. Yours Sincerely
  14. Hi I'm a newbie (today as well). Someone will be along to help you out soon enough. Take a look at the thread levvy through the letterbox found near the top after clicking the new threads button and hopefully that should put you at ease somewhat. Adam.
  15. The original ticket was issued by cardiff city traffic wardens and is now in the hands of south wales magistrates court. I will write one of the letters to the council then and one to the bailiffs, I'll draw them up and post them on here if that's ok. (A Form 4 Complaint is a serious matter and if the court agrees that the complaint is serious enough he can ultimately take away the bailiffs certificate which will lead to him being unemployed and this is possibly why some courts consider that the compliant should first be taken up with the bailiff company.)[/b a serious matter is stopping a man from making his livelihood by clamping his van there is nothing more serious for somebody to do than that, especially when that man has mouths to feed, do these people gain some sort of sick satisfaction from there limited powers, this bailiff certainly seemed extremely pleased with himself when he clamped my van. If everybody who has dealt with these fraudulent criminals made formal complaints then maybe they would think twice about their illegal activities. I'm going to make the complaint to his licence issuer along with the photo's I took of him smoking in the van and parked on double yellows and maybe the powers that be will see this villain for what he is and take his licence from him, I'd even give him the bus fare to the job centre. Thanks for your help once again and i hope I can do something similar for you one day.
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