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Magma man

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Everything posted by Magma man

  1. Could any one help I have recently asked for discoverable documents from my old bank they have presented a number of documents which proport to have been executeted may 2005 may 2006. I beleave these documents have been created from an earlier loan guarantee which was signed. The reason I ask for help is simply this in the two documentsthe both of the loan applicants are stated as being four and five years younger than they are the ages given would have been correct in the origional loan agreement the one which I believe the two in question have been taken from. Does any one know if the loan agreement applkuication forms are based on a spread sheet were age calculations are calculated from the date of birth being entered in the main account details? If this were the case I would then know for certan wethweror not the two documents which I have received are frodulent or not. I would appreciate any help. Regards
  2. If I read this correctly the real issue is the Credit card dept if it has missed payments?? If not you might still have options that are less painful although it would be more of a private conversation. Regards
  3. This might well be a silly question but can you not apply to another lender and ask for a buy to let mortgage? Given that you can show that you have already had a mortgage for seven years and your wadge is sufficient for this type of product would this not resolve the issue?
  4. I really need help with an issue I have with a Bank. They are attempting to hold me liable for the debt of a company which I was a Director. It now transpires that the letter of offer was never signed or stamped on behalf of the company or the bank. the company resolution was never signed or agreed. Is there any one out there that might be able to help? I am defending this case on my own in the Hign Court help would be appreciated. Regards
  5. Thank you for this reply and your offer to try and help as best you can it is appreciated. Now I will try and answer as best I can. The personal Guarantee is one I signed when I was a Director of a Ltd Company. Its value is 160K. They also have a charge on a property but they have not introduced this as yet. This has not went through Court yet we as still exchanging documents the bank seem to be messing around with the discovery. The case will next be reviewed mid March. Having read the information sent to me on Thursday I have noticed I have noticed that the signed acceptance of the bank borrowing and terms and conditions was never signed on behalf of the Company. I have also noticed that there was a signed acceptance a few years previous to me becoming the sole Director this was signed on behalf of the Company but the bank made written changes to this original document with it being signed or witnessed. This is the only technical issues I have noticed I suppose my question is. Could the validity of the Banks ability to enforce the debt against the company be challenged? And if so could it be claimed that the difficulty with the documentation allow me to claim that I have only guaranteed the Company's legitamate dept? This is not the Crux of my case it is simply some new information. The crux of my case is that a senior bank employee messed the company around and pressurized a Director other than myself to act against the Company. This piece of information I can prove unfortunately two years after the destruction of my Company and I suppose I was also seriously damaged health wise. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
  6. Could any one help me I have a problem with a Personal Guarantee which is held by a bank and they wish to enforce. This was a guarantee signed to cover the liabilities a Ltd company which I was the sole Director of. I have spent the last few years tussling with this Bank and they have now issued proceedings in the High Court to enforce there Guarantee. I a have no choice but represent my own case in this matter. They also have first charge over a property however the address written on there documentation does not match the property which should be the subject of the guarantee rather it is the address to a yard in front of the property which I own 50% of. They seem to be ignoring this charge in the court case and are simply pushing the personal guarantee. I have spent the last six months trying to get discoverable documents from this bank, they gave them to me a couple of days ago. I now know that the director of the company ( myself ) never signed on behalf of the company acceptance of the banks terms and conditions and there fore the borrowing. The earlier signed documents agreeing the banks terms and conditions on behalf of the company have been changed by the bank with hand written note and a date several years after the signing of the agreement there are no signatures or dates to indicate when the changes were made. Any advice would be most helpful.
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