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Everything posted by kinkyklee

  1. hi i know its not the right place tp post really but i prefer this whole forum than any of the others,i have had two red threatening letters from this company called equita or sumthing,they ae now apparentley coming to cease goods.....thing is ive never heard of these bailiffs and can they take stuff from my garden etc....its a fact they wont be coming in otherwise my otherhalf will put up a fight with them... previous u have had rosendales as bailiffs and i arranged to pay them weekly etc but they never turned up for payment so me been me didnt bother arranging another date for payment etc...anyway starts gettin nasty phone calls so other half rings them tells them they come on his property he will more than happily shoe them away,they said they would get police etc,my oh replys that not to worry they will be here anyway...anyway so on and so on masive argument and they never did come so do you think its been passed to another company or have they changed names... thanks guysxx:(
  2. erm just saw youyr thread as was guna write a forum on equita as ive had these nasty red leters this week n last to say they r coming to cease goods...not sure who they are never heard of them...for a fact i wont b paying them,not even sure wether to contact them as they guna come anyway apparently....they have issued enough warnings lol ... i dnt even know this company...what area are you from
  3. oh he only tried it twice so it is as new we are nice clean family
  4. we got a brand new one for sale my hubby 23 and i prefer him in wheelchair it is a tga eclipse scooter folds down for car etc...black and silver very trendy was £1650 new it comes with warrenty..and goes 9 mph...ok it has the detachable basket but comes in handy for my shopping bags lol....has an ignition and you just chaqrge the battery indoors...let me know unless u have found your ideal one.. kind regards
  5. hi all my mum just started working 30 hours a week,will she b able to claim wrkin tax credits as the 30 hours are between 2 jobs 1 at 22 hours and the the other at 8,if so how long does it take for a response to the application,with qualified or not is it long or quite quick and simple. thanks
  6. had the same prob well it was allmost same,took ages n ages n ages for them to sort bout a year and i just by chance rang them out of the blue to see why it had not been resolved and she said it had only just i wud get a letter....anyway a bloke rang me day later he had sorted it for me as noone was interested in lokking into it and he back paid me £1000 nearly...cheaques were sent a week later abit slow they are and they make you angry as if it was us that owed they wud bombbarred us with letters
  7. anyone know how much it is for a couple with family
  8. thanks jimmyspangle will see if me dad will lend me his,it has crossed our minds lol...i wouldnt be allowed to shoot him either..
  9. thanks will be on with that monday..will let u know hw we get on
  10. hecky t heck dont pay them a penny, its obviosly not ur debt do not respond to the idiots they havent got a clue wot ther doin, it wud of been someone bored stiff one day typing letters up to evry tom dick n harry, i wish they wud pull there finger out and notice my ex sister in law was a benefit thief and has been for years...
  11. pleased youve got other grants and help sorted we have been in the same situation evryone around u seems to get evrything they want yet it seems a fight wen we apply and then a battle when we get turned down...you will get this grant as u are under extreme pressures and stress.. we have used cab before and they wer quite gud altho quite lapsy at same time.
  12. thanks for that paul,we dont have a disabled child so not sure we would meet criteria,altho hubby is disabled and only 23 has been for 2 years.. thank you for your advice
  13. hi has anyone heard of this assisted holiday fund...i never had until mother in law mentioned it(she works social services)she said we prob meet criteria for one only £200 but it all helps just wondered if anyone else had heard,had or knows anything about it..and if so wot prcedure is needed thank you:-D
  14. well i asked for a review on a ccgrant and i got 1 as they said no first off,your baby is viable from 24weeks as erika says i would ring them and give them what for,he obviously(benefit man) never had baby b4,and telling u ur child is not viable is wrong..i wud of gone mad..anyway im sure u will get the grant just keep trying also dont know whether you wud b able to claim a budgeting loan its worth asking,and maternity grant for £500 cant b far away,also there is a new £190 healthy something grant that you can now apply for..well good luck sounds like u need it
  15. just for your information he is not an accessary he plays a big part in our family and we do have two small children that do go to bed with there doors shut and a dog is nothing like a baby at all,he loves his crate and goes in really happy,im quite upset that you think he is imprisoned,he is very well trained...we are at home with him 24hours aday he is toilet trained and very quiet throughout the day maybe he just misses us....and as for having them in or even near your bedroom that is pretty pathetic as ur just giving into them and treating them like babies...
  16. tha man clearly states he has been on benefit 4 26 weeks so im not sure hes guna hold any debt with them and if ur guna say well maybe previous debt then he wouldnt be writng on here as he would already understand the ins and outs...also the 750 was a guidline as to what ive always been offerd,im not sure he was begging either by suggesting he had his son 3 nights and 2 hours wotever he was telling us his situation,he wasnt suggesting he should get money BECAUSE
  17. sounds good but avnt we all got a computer if we are on this site...will apply tomoz
  18. hi you will automatically get one if u apply as there is an amount there for evry1 that has been on a benefit for 26weeks around £750 u can apply for u do have to pay it back only a little out of your benefit..but u should recieve one no probs good luck
  19. hi we have had our puppy for around 10 weeks now we have been strict with his bedtime routine,and he goes off to bed fine (we dint have many probs)but hubby is finding he is waking up to our puppy barking which i dont tend to notice,but he is getting anxious about this..olly our pup sleeps in our utility room which we shut the door and another and another (3 doors r shut) before we reach our bedroom,so hes quite a distant from us in our bedroom,he sleeps in his crate blanket the lot,and its snug in there..we know hes a pup n they are guna yelp abit,but we are more bothered neighbours may complain also when we leave him in the day 4 short periods we are finding he is barking wen we get to our front gate which he cannot hear,and then wen we let him out of his crate he is very very excited knocks us over nearly as he is wrapped round r feet,jumping and going crazy..making little crys n wimpers,these things arnt really a great big prob but has anyone got any advice for us..??:mad::mad:
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