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  1. i was informed yesterday that tax credits disregard first £100 of the smp my partner gets. we had baby in may 2010. we made claim from her birth date. smp was recived from day 1 of babys birth. we made are claim and put all the smp and any other we had coming in on are calculations, as tax credits did are calculations on this years figures. it came to light yesterday i shouldnt have decalred £3900 as this is disregarded off the amount for the amount we told them. people have told me that i should be getting around £188 a week tax credit, child tax credit and baby element. but we only get £128 from may. i called tax credits today and they said yep we needed to remove £3900 as they disregard it, and lady said they will recalculate it and let us no what happens, she said it will prob go up. i said what will happen to the money we havent had from may, she said it will be put onto the remain award and want get it backdated into a lump sum. some one said to me today, this is money you were entitled to and have not received and they should up your payments to around 3188 a week mark and should also back date £60 ish a week back 23 weeks they work for tax credits in the office. so im little unsure what will happen. figures are as follows original yr income £8000 we got £128.25 a week _ £3900 = £4100 this would take are money upto £188.36 a week. meaning an increase of £60 meaning they owe us over £1300 we have over estimated income anyway as it would be about 700 a year less based on are figures so we dont owe them any money. just need to know how they pay this and sort it out as been told few different ways.
  2. i used direct gov calculator but it says i can get money from esa, but the advisor said because my partner is getting statuary maternity pay from work i would not recieve any payments but only stamp and also the extra help with rent etc but the calculator says i will get the money at the assesment rate of £65 does anyone have advise on this
  3. dazzadub


    ive just made an application for the dreaded esa benefit. i was told 2 months ago that i needed to see a spinal consultant, i went and sent me for emergency mri scan, 3 weeks later he called me back for results. results were 2 prolapsed discs with bad nerve damage which is causing sciatica in both my legs. he advised this could take anything upto a year to get sorted, with spinal stimulator and an op to be done in this time. he advised that i need to sign off work and to take very easy until these are doen as not to cause anymore damge to nerves. as i work relief work for my local council im unable to claim sick pay. so only option i had was esa. but after reading all the comments over the net it seems its guna be very difficult to get. even if they say i can claim it first. i live with my partner but she is on maternity pay until feb, she is contracted to 21 hours a week. with have a daughter aged 5 months. i have no earnings. i have looked at eligibility and it says i can claim, i doubt ill get any money but it should help with my rent and council tax. questions. do i qualify what happens after i phone and claim, and send off sick note and partners wage slips and maternity details. how long roughly till medical, and what if i cant get to medical and how do i appeal thanks you in advance
  4. as far as im aware they write to the doctor to inform them that you have passed there medical exam and are fit for work and not to provide anymore sick notes. you sign the right away when you sign up for esa, it say you will take advise and intrsruction of medical profession provided. basically they saying atos will rule over your doc or something simialr. but you docs opion in the appeal is vital
  5. as far as im aware they write to the doctor to inform them that you have passed there medical exam and are fit for work and not to provide anymore sick notes. you sign the right away when you sign up for esa, it say you will take advise and intrsruction of medical profession provided. basically they saying atos will rule over your doc or something simialr. but you docs opion in the appeal is vital
  6. i know how u feel, my sister gets everything, brand new house all adapted the way they want it, new cars, all the benfits going, no rent to pay, tax credits, and war pension etc they take in about 2k a month with no rent or council tax and no car insurance or car payments or any bills for it, when they complain about sumit they get it, and also got 3 years of a benefit they didnt no back dated and got 8k from them. i dont get this world, i understand they get what they can and entitled to but it annoys me when i try and get a little bit of help to get me and my new family started and they turn round and say no, arh well if i dont get nothing from them ill let welfare rights deal with em
  7. yh ive got appiontment with welfare rights they are going to fil in on my behalf and will sign it and stamp it for me, as they say i should be entitled to this grant. regardless of wheather ive signed for a flat or house or not, we have sent of hip grant for 190 quid, and can claim maternity grant of 500 on 29 weeks, so will get midwife to stamp forms next time we have appointment. i will get somewhere with ccg but may take welfare rights ot sort
  8. yh im going to wait till baby is 27 weeks as the benefits office said thats what they deem viable, then im going down to welfare rights to get them to fill in, i have 2 children already, 7 and 2 and they stay with me on weekends and as u can imagine 2 adults and 2 children and baby on way in 1 room isnt the best, and the council have high banded us to get a place asap, which they have and we are waiting on paperwork signing and keys and proprty release by builders, cuz property is brand new build i did speak with some one from welfare rights and they said this is expeptional curcumstances and i sound be entitled to claim this. and can claim with help of moving and claim for help with crapets and also with kitchen appliances, if i get refused again i can get help from safaa but would rather not as there are a lot of soliders out there in worse position than me
  9. i fall in the cataorgy with easy pressure on family, as we live in 2 bed house with her mum n dad, and theres me and my partner and baby on way aswell i have 2 children that stay, council said they need house us asap and put us in high band, they refused because they didnt think we met criterior, which i find harsh, baby is 27 weeks sunday and the bloke from socail fund said they dont entertain a baby until 27 weeks. they say i can appeal but ive been in touch with welfare rights and they are going to do the new forms for me and will speak to socail fund on my behalf, as they think i have a right to claim this with have sent off health in pregnacy already
  10. sounds good advise, becuase if u drive it they may charge u for its use, charge then storgae and give them 14 days to collect, and that the storage fees are to be paid on collection, if car is on your property they can not remove with out your permission or court order,
  11. you have right o cancel deal, but most dealers buy the cars send of log book, but sometimes the car gets sold before its return, they normally call you so u can go in and get new keeper suppliment, i bought a 57 plate car with no log book from a dealer, 5 days later i got call, log book here, can u come in and collect the new keeper suppliment, and also the cars service book hadnt been doen but they sent off and sent it to me all stamped
  12. i think the seller has some sort of responsibilty but there argument will be youve had car and was fine, and was described as that in advert,, i personally dont think u got leg to stand on, its like buy a second hand car from paper if it breaks down its your prob, and this applies to ebay aswell im sure of it, he has a made a responable offer to give a clucth kit, a cluctch can go any car at any time and because u have driven the car for 4 weeks theres no legal come back on the seller,
  13. to start u have the right to return the car as its not fit for purpose but u do by law have to give the dealer the chance to rectafy the problem, best thing to do is go into the garage and speak to sales manager tell him problems and tell them u want them to take the car back and to clear finaice, you wont get any payments back but u will get diposot back or you can vt it but this isnt advisable
  14. if hes a registered trader then u can take the matter to trading standards, and also call the police aswell as its a criminal offence to clock a car, regardless of age, but some mileometors only read upto 999999 miles on clock then will reset to 000000 if this is case then your cars has done loads of miles, what mileage on car, what mileage on hpi check. also hpi check will only show the last registerd recorded mileage
  15. you can claim tax credits with him as partner or him as lodger, but if hes lodger may cause issues with housing benefits etc make an appointment with welfare rights, take u n partner with you, sit work out what income is and they should be able to tell u what u can claim if anything, best and easiest way to do it
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