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  1. Need advice back in June 2017 apparently parking charge notice was sent to my old address and received via re-direction around late July 2017. I called Parking Eye and advised this tickets wasn't for us as we were both at work plus don't know where this hotel is and if I did we wouldn't go there for any reason plus we don't go to the area in question. Correspondence went back and forth to Parking Eye as we aren't going to pay for something that we didn't do. Its on Private Land apparently as I called the Hotel and the Manager stated he has trouble with Parking Eye with his own clients staying there and he provided the landlord whom reside in the USA and another country which I forget. I did email the landlord but not reply asked if Parking Eye were their designated collector of monies and issuing tickets. Also quoted to Parking Eye and POPLA a piece found on internet that although husband registered keeper at the time we owned the car he or myself was not the driver so we cannot be liable and we don't know who apparently was the driver as we are the only two insured on the car. They sent photo evidence and you couldn't see who was in the parked vehicle but defo wasn't either of us. I have appealed to POPLA who clearly didn't read the appeal properly. I did state we sold car in July as we believe again our number plates been cloned again. Who can we appeal to higher than POPLA as we are not going to pay these cowboys and advised them we can prove both at work at the time.
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