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Everything posted by snowy101

  1. It is classified as a Tax. That`s why its not covered under the credit laws. Never pay TVL by Direct Debit , payment card really hacks them off, pay what you can afford , when you can afford, take no notice of there threats. Its a yearly tax, so treat it accordingly, they have no bite to their bark.
  2. But where you come from & how you choose to interact with your friends is not of any interest to the site or its members. There are certain codes of conduct & a required standard of how one interacts with fellow members, people come here for advice, some in vunerable & fragile states of mind , some extremley anxious or scared of not knowing their legal rights. To be civil is one way of reassuring them & not upsetting them further. Civility & manners cost nothing & are definitely the barometer of the man. Now, are we done , or do you just want the last word?, if so, be my guest.......
  3. Telling members that they are " gobbing off" is an insult, it is the insult that i was referring too as i suspect you know full well, anyway that has been dealt with , again, as i`m sure your aware. My view of the BBC / TVL is far from skewed, i know the law regarding the need for a licence, i will offer factual lawful advice regarding its necessity, i will however conduct my self with civility & manners to other members whilst doing so. To paraphrase the Bond Villian, Goldfinger Choose your next witticism carefully Mr. Staraker, it may be your last. [ A Joke BTW ]
  4. A message to Staraker. Nothing in my post you have quoted was insulting or personal. Might i suggest you edit your reply & stop being insulting or i will report the post to the moderators. No one minds a discussion with differing opinions but i won`t allow you to be rude & drag the topic down for people who want advice. I can see you are on the topic as i type, i would appreciate you amending the post ASAP . Thank you.
  5. The TVL is solely for the purpose of funding the BBC, not commercial TV. So called popularity does not constitute quality, if you think watching chefs skate on ice or filming a man doing his job of work is decent out put then we must agree to disagree, it is the lowest common denominator, cheap TV. What commercial channels do is their business, no one pays for them, they live or die by advertising. The BBC is funded by a tax , therefore has a duty to provide , or at least attempt to provide a programming schedule that should seek to set standards, inform , educate as well as entertain. It clearly lost its way a long time ago. I am not getting into an argument with you or bothering to reply again, a thoroughly rotten & morally bankrupt organisation that should have its funding re modelled or be put out to grass.
  6. Without wishing to re-open the debate on the TV licence. This is not a loophole, its the law. Sloppy journalism from the DM. The BBC have been trying to get the licence tax expanded to include the internet for a while now. It will try every trick in the book to con the government in believing that people are " getting away " with not paying, its simple, you don`t need a licence to view TV this way. The solution is simple, make the BBC a subscription channel like Sky, those that want to view & pay can do so, the problem then is, no one would pay for their rubbish out put masquerading as programming. IMHO, the BEEB is ultimately doomed in its present funding model.
  7. Have you ever considered not watching live broadcasts?. The way TV is shown today makes it possible to watch through catch up & on demand services ,it is possible to stop watching it " live" & negate the need for a licence fee. If that is not your choice, then ask for a payment card , or make payments every quarter. I would stop paying by DD, its a yearly tax , so pay it in bit size pieces you can afford , when you can afford.
  8. Again , correct. Either there is a blind spot the size of a pub car park or the training down the TVL must be something else [ my last comment was sarcasm, i`m sure most of you got it but i thought i would explain it for one particular pork, scratching his head ]
  9. Correct. The idea that i really want his personal information is ridiculous & i pushed it , to make a point. He keeps saying if you don`t need a licence then thats fine. I don`t need a licence but i am still assumed guilty & still being harrased, that is my point. I am fecked if i am going to let anyone into my property just to prove i don`t need a licence, asking Porky for his details is exactly the same hypothathis. He either gives me all of his personal details or he is a TVL troll.
  10. You don`t need to worry on my behalf, as i have already told you, i don`t suffer from paranoia
  11. I like it, the silence aspect is your [ our] ace card, he is very uncomfortable in this situation & totally controlled by yourself . Just a comment on the Warrant & WIROA stuff, i don`t care for the WIROA approach, i don`t answer my door to uninvited callers & if a warrant was to be presented, i would simply refuse to open my door. the police can not break in, its not their warrant, the TVL goons won`t break in . No one is entering my home & searching my property because i refuse to speak to them. I, like millions of other law abiding people of the country deserve more respect.
  12. You were rumbled very early on, by me:-). Now you have nowhere to go, even lame attempts at humour / sarcasm will not dig you out of this one. People are seeing the BBC for what they really are , a politically & morally bankrupt bloated dinosaur. Harbouring paedophiles & fiddling phone quiz results, paying obscene monies for very little return, expenses being fiddled ........... oh the list goes on. The tide is turning on your organisation & as if any proof were needed, you & your kind , pop up to dis inform & try to muddy the waters. You have every right to be scared, the truth is out on your employers.
  13. Bob, you have been busy:-D.Bang on as usual though. I bet a particular poster would love your video,he might even know the fella:lol:
  14. Brilliant:lol:, just had Porky threaten me via PM. He is going to report me for having suspicions that he is a TVL troll & in his words "going off topic". It just gets better on a cold Saturday,when one is not watching live broadcasts.
  15. Of course you don`t , then i`m sure you won`t mind me going through your personal effects & searching your house to prove your innocence , will you!. Paranoid ! , another well worn tactic if someone smells a rat. I can just spot a troll who doesn`t have the sense to even use a different user name from another well known site he was posting on. Lets leave it to the moderators shall we.
  16. In one of my posts i have raised concerns the this Porkyp1g is a troll from either the BBC or one of its outsourced company`s. Having read his defence of Curry`s [ strong Capita connections ] & his continued defence of the TVL methods & his misleading & dangerous advice, i suggest the Moderators look at this more closely, i am more than willing to let them see the PM sent to me from this person. This person has an agenda & is IMHO an internet troll on behalf of the BBC or its other company`s. No one condones licence avoidance if one is required, if one is not legally required then the methods I & others have outlined are legal & will put a stop to the mentality that you must be guilty if you don`t wish to communicate with TVL / Capita / BBC.
  17. What argument?, no one is arguing or debating, the law is very clear on this matter. You need a licence to watch live feeds, you legally don`t have to communicate with TVL / Capita / BBC about your TV status. At the risk of boring people to death. You gave bad advice, you were corrected , you have yet to acknowledge you are wrong. You think because no one will confirm their own personal status that we must be guilty of something. No one in the UK is under any legal obligation to communicate with, or furnish any information to any of the above company`s. You gave out wrong & misleading information & advice, you have yet to amend or apologise for that, you continue to insinuate that people must be guilty because they prefer to remain private, as is their legal right. What are you struggling to understand?. It is crystal clear.
  18. Now why would you keep asking that question?, why are you so concerned about the status of peoples TV sets?. You are the one advising people to let these liars into our homes, you don`t seem to concerned that your " advice " is / was wrong. My stance would be one of , oh dear, ive got this horribly wrong, but you keep banging that drum. This is why i have my suspicions about your real agenda. Why don`t they get the TV detector vans to plot up outside & get the definitive answer?, or the hand held detectors they wave around your door frame:lol:
  19. Also, up until very recently the " investigators" who have no more legal power than a paper boy, were not CRB checked . Not sure if that is still the case. Be interesting to find out.
  20. Interesting you should show this clip. Mr Shakey [ home owner] invited the TVL in to check his equipment & they found nothing was receiving live broadcasts , months later they took him to court, with what turned out to be fabricated evidence , now , that is what happens when you invite them in because " you have nothing to hide" . This person was dragged before a court & the court was lied too, given false information, & it was only Mr Shakeys foresight in videoing the visit that proved he was not receiving live broadcasts. They lied, they will lie, they will fill in forms & get people to sign them telling them its just for the visit record & then add their own " evidence" afterwards. As i said , you are not under any legal obligation to prove your innocence, its up to TVL/Capita/ BBC to prove you are guilty. They have a long history of lies & propaganda, deceit & fabrication. Never trust them or communicate with them. I am not a fan of the WIROA , it seems to annoy the goons & i am very happy ignoring them & getting on with my life. My point is, it is not safe to trust TVL / Capita / BBC & anyone giving out advice to the contrary is either extremely naive or has an agenda.
  21. An opinion that is wrong, seriously wrong, so wrong it is dangerous. The burden of proof is with TVL/Capita/ BBC, you are not required by law to inform them of any details concerning your TV status , & yet he is suggesting to people that allowing a TVL goon into your home, to search your property like a common criminal is a good thing, " no more problem" i think was the phrase. The " if you have nothing to hide " line , raises concerns to me. There are opinions & there are facts, i deal in facts , not opinions formed on propaganda.
  22. I have stated i think that a certain poster has an agenda, that is not a personal attack. Giving out wrong & potentially dangerous information should be challenged & if someone [ me] has a suspicion of an agenda then should that not be highlighted?. The BBC have internet trolls who crop up on sites with disinformation & scare tactics. I agree that there is no room for petty arguments but this is far from a petty argument, no one has the right to enter your property without a warrant,suggesting that you should allow TVL in to check your TV is bad advice & raises concerns when i see it suggested, its what the BBC trolls are always advocating, the propaganda that surrounds the BBC needs to be challenged.
  23. Off you go again, " The only reason people would object (as far as I can see) is if they are watching live TV but don't want to pay up" . Wrong, the reason anyone would object is that it is not a legal requirment to notify TVL/ Capita/ BBC of any details regarding your TV status. You automatically assume that if you don`t let the goons in then your guilty. Judging by your low post count & your insistance that anyone who doesn`t hold a TV licence should just open their doors to be searched like a POW, i can only assume that you are in fact a BBC troll.
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