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Squirrel Nutkin

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Everything posted by Squirrel Nutkin

  1. Just out of interest, I spoke to the FSA who knew the name! Below is what FSA wrote to me after conversation. "My main area of confusion is asyou explained, our member continues to the go to the courts to have the amountreviewed. As you financial situation has remained the same, the £5 a month hasremained. It may be worthwhile raising a complaint with our member why theapplications to court are continuing to be made when direct contact could bemade to assess income and expenditure. I will send a copy of ourcomplaint documents."
  2. I had to go to court (May last year) and this is when the judge told me I had wasted my time writing the "paper" as I was out of time, too late. He told you know who to pursue me with bailiffs. He said he had already started doing that but then nothing more happened until I then recieved a letter to attend court for questioning about my finances with a court clerk in December last year. "He" tried to be in the room and I refused to discuss anything infront of him and he was told to leave. This is when I offered £5 a month and then heard nothing more until recently to attend again infront of a judge again. Does that make sense?
  3. I delivered the "paper" by hand to the court with an envelope enclosed with cash, I think is was £40.
  4. Um, no. I think I did pay something, not £80. Was cash! But nothing about correct form? Think they did send me a letter confirming the payment. Where is it, is the question!
  5. Hi Brigadier! You helped me with this back in December 2011. We pm'd a lot? I'm sure you deal with so many you may not remember. I'll pm the name of the company and individual, one and the same really. Hope you are well!
  6. Thank you Andy! I went on to some website to find out about the judgement. It's there! He bought the debt in October 2006 and got a judgement on 20 April 2011! At that time the debt was £2,112. With the continous back to court to check my finances, it is now £2,743.34 so he has added £631! The original debt was £750. I do have a horrible feeling there is nothing I can do! I read another post that said what happens in the courts is not always what is supposed to be happening. Wish they had said more what they meant!
  7. Just out of interest, a further £150 has been added for taking me back to court. Taken the debt from 2593 to 2743. What is the point!
  8. Hi andyorch and thank you. I have tried to google being satuate barred but I am getting the impression he is totally in his right to keep dragging me back to court every six months, as he doing, and there is nothing I can do about it. The court wont stop him as they get paid. But I have to wonder if it comes into harressment. He has been chasing me for this for 7/8 years! It is just ridiculous!!!!! My husband and I run our own business but the debt is to me, not the business, infact we didnt have the business then, or the property. I dont draw a salary as such and we certainly dont make a fortune. Infact, with the recession, we have just managed to stay afloat. But he seems to think I am minted! He is very wrong!
  9. This is so interesting! He bought the debt in2005/6 and has been chasing it since then? If you are right..... but why do the court keep accepting him dragging me back to court? Are they muppets too? Sorry to say that! But everytime he takes me back for questioning, he adds money to the debt?
  10. Yes I did challenge the charges but I dont think the judge even looked as I was late doing it. It seems rediculous to just keep pulling me back into court every 6 months! I havent made any payments. I heard nothing after the offer made. There was another occasion, probably at the beginning of last year where another offer was made and heard nothing.
  11. I have found a web page from the Dept of Justice that gives a specific form to use but I'm not sure either! Anyone know? Heres the link https://www.justice.gov.uk/information-access-rights/foi-requests/make-an-foi-request-online Might be of use?
  12. Not sure I have posted this in the right place but I have a question I hope someone can answer!! An old debt originally for around £750. Sold to a small company who have added interest and escallated it to around £2750 with bogus call out charges, find charges. Court said pay, I've said cant as do not have the money. This time last year court appearance infront of judge who told the creditor to set the bailiffs on me. Heard nothing more. late last year had to go for questioning about my finances for this debt. Showed letter that confirmed behind in mortage, electric bills and she (court lady) suggested offering £5 a month which I did on the form. Heard nothing. Now letter to go back to court infront of judge. I'm not really sure quite what the creditor is trying to prove. I am thinking to SAR the court? Just to find out exactly what has been recorded/ This guy has been chasing me for years and it really feels like harressment. I feel that there is nothing I can do!!!! Any suggestions please. Many thanks
  13. So interesting reading this. Here are some charges to blow your minds. We had a pair of young peacocks who both managed to catch the flu like bug from our bantams and it knocked them sideways. The peahen went down with it first and I called our local vet. I was concerned to catch her and take her to the surgery because of the added stress. I was charged £95 for the vet to come to us, a ten minute journey away from the surgery. We had to wait for my husband to come home from work to hold her and I had told them he would be back until around 1.30pm but the vet turned up around 1.10pm and then complained as he had to wait. The peacock then caught the bug. The total of bill from the vets was £333.00. But they had to too high a dosage of antibiotic and the peacock developed jaundice and died. Our peahen is on here own now and coping well. The peacock I had bought as an egg and one of our bantams sat and hatched him. It was amazing watching him change as his grew and when the beautiful colours started coming through. He was just 11 months old when he died. He is sorely missed by us all.
  14. Please could anyone let me know if they have had problems with a company called AP Credit Services? They buy debts from vet practices. Probably best PM me if you have any info. Many thanks
  15. Dankat, please go to your MP. You will have to have everything logically written/typed up so they understand fully your side of the story and what has happened. It is worth it!
  16. As some of you know, I had real problems with bailiffs and our council. After a suggestion here, I did go to our MP and, after a bit of time, it was sorted and the council apologised, shock, horror & surprise! The councils letters to the MP showed blatant untruths, they had to apologise. Is it worth dankat going to his/her MP? Just a thought.
  17. Thank you again Andy No we are not a Limited company. I did wonder if that makes a difference to be honest
  18. Thank you Andy, sorry I put it in the wrong bit. The case went to court where I attempted to have the case set aside to no avail. This was on May of this year. The last words between the judge and the claimant were "send in the bailiffs" basically. I have heard nothing more until yesterday when the court bailiff appeared with the N39 Order for Questioning. As it happens I know the bailiff and he told me he had spoken to the Claimant some time ago and told him that I simply did not have the money, as was said in court when the "send in the bailiffs" comment was made. The bailiff knows that everything here is basically needed and/or owned by our business. So it just crossed my mind that the bank account is a business account, not me personally. Hence the question/query. The claimant has been chasing me for 10 years! And you think he has finally given up and then 6 months later, a year later, does something else. The bailiff even suggested I apply for a restriction order against him! The whole situation is crazy. He has escalated a £700 debt to £2600.
  19. I have just received (yesterday) a Court Order for Questioning and the date is Monday coming! my question/query is: the debt is against me personally, I have a personal bank account that has about £2 in it! My husband and I run a business and money from clients all goes into the business account and I dont draw a salary. If the debt is personal, do I have to take the business statements etc..... The debt is not against the business, it's me personally. Or am I clutching at straws Thank you in advance x
  20. So if you have payed Ambrose Wilson for the item (£24.99) but they have added £190 in charges because it was paid late, what do you do? I am not paying £190 in charges!
  21. Actually I should add what happened after all seemed to have been resolved with Head of CT. We had the letter confirming all was now in order, nothing owed bla bla bla on the Wednesday. On the Friday we had a letter from BR department saying we owed £109.00 So I tried to call my man on his direct line, no answer. So I thought I'm going to have some fun and called BR department. Stern woman answers phone. I explain about the letter and she said well you have paid nothing towards your BR (remember we had overpaid!) and you moved to the property in June 2010 (no Nov 2008). Oh she said, well the woman who looked after the account had gone home :violin:but could I make a list of all the payments made and email it to her? I said I would and took the email address but didnt. On the Monday I phoned my man on his direct line and told him what had happened and he told me to bin the letter, frame it whatever I wanted but NO we did not owe anything and explained about changing computer systems which had caused the error. Fair enough but it all comes back to human error and we rely to much on damn computers! But if I hadnt got as far as we had with all your help, I would not have had my man to call direct! I would have argued that the money was not owed, they would have said it was and I wouldnt have paid and then, within a few weeks, we would have had the bailiffs at our door again! It's all so wrong! I did say this to my man on his direct line and he couldnt really comment. BUT MY QUESTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN, HOW DO COUNCILS BALANCE THEIR BOOKS WHEN THINGS LIKE THE ABOVE IS HAPPENING.
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