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Everything posted by pridewat

  1. I hope you are right. But what i have discover (in slyck forum) is someone have received 2nd letter from ACS (template off course) 6 weeks after 1st LOD. Pressure is buliding on them from every corner.
  2. Despite the best attempts by Thatcher, Blair and Brown and a host of foeriegn ladies and gentlement who have far to many syllables in their names. We still live and work in the UK, under UK the law states that one is innocent until proven guilty. ie Prove that I did this on the day you said I did and provide evidence of same but i heard crossley is domicile monoco or canary island for tax purpose?
  3. have been in touch with SRA yesterday about my complaint and they have told me that there are a lot of complaints about ACS law and they are dealing with them and i will hear from them within next two weeks.
  4. i am sure they have .say 6000 letters they send 10% give in and that earn them £300,000 (not bad) and numbers may be more than 10%
  5. i dont think they will send letter to a company cos it wont be very cost effective for them in any way cos there wont be any the weak victim as individuals.
  6. i send my 1st LOD 14 days ago have not heard any thing yet but i am not bothered cos i wont give in to bullies or blackmailers and will advise the same to everyone who is the innocent victim.
  7. Well my matey, i appreciate that it was a year ago, but either you have done it or you have not. if i have not then i wont pay a penny to these greedy bullies simply because it may not go away and possibly they may come back with another infringement letter for something else. I rather spend that money to pay my own solicitor for my defense and if i have not done it then sue them for my suffering with all my cost. If you have a solicitor experienced in IP law then i dont think they will take you to court(although its possible) because it will not be cost effective for them.
  8. any chance you can pm me about the firms name pls? although that stage have not come yet but one should be prepared for that cheers
  9. I have just received reply from my MP that he has written to the relevant minister of state (With a copy of letter of claim i have received) and will get in touch with me when he receive a reply.
  10. . i agree not to call them, but near end of 21 days send a letter of denial, but if you must call them use 141 up front.you dont want to give them their phone number? at this stage minimum you say the better
  11. sorry but i did not start this thread i just joined last week . But i think we should get together and fight this collectively. i have received today reply from information commissioners office that they will contact me when my correspondance have been considerd by a member of their customer service team and will respond to all matter raised. once again dont pay a penny without court order and hopefully it wont come to that
  12. sorry but my alleged infringement date in the letter was 19 may 2008.received letter on 11 june 2009.my 21 days have not passed yet. first of all .i have made myself calm. i have written letter of complaint to solicitors regulation authority,information commissiner office,my IP more informations and data, my MP. I read through relevant forums. lawdit solicitors website and . www.beingthreatened.yolasite.com i have not written letter of denial yet but will do near 21 days. I know i have not done anything like many others have not. i am not going to give up and suggest everyone else the same. I know it could be expensive but i am going to fight if it goes futher than that. so dont worry too much we are not the only one. good luck
  13. i am with sky but i have just discovered after receiving that letter that its easy net which is owned by sky. phoning the customer service is like hitting head to a brick wall. most of the customer service staff have no idea what you talking about. i dont know where ACS law got informations from but as sky have informed me ,they were given to Devonport Lyons in December 2008 and the alleged download happend in may 2008. i am trying to get further details
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