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  1. The catch 22 of those summons is you are liable to pay council tax, you need fill in a form showing all your incoming and outgoing expences [showing what your disposable income is] then make an offer to pay stating the £4.00 per week is to much. Also have you claimed "income support" you can also contact or used to be able an omnibudsman with regard to councils taking to long to come to a descision, and do a little research on "unjust enrichment" see if that applies to your circumstances as it might be argued that in delaying coming to a descisin they are profiting on the court fees (which to me often no monies changed hands its all on paper balencing out the books at the end of the year) wish you luck any way its a long old slog been through it for seven years my self still did not get a resoloution ( remember being told that a technical overpayment was made on one years payments)
  2. Just book marking this thread asfound interesting. I too had to claim LGP, following dismissal from my workplace dude to the amount of time I had taken off work for ill health was one of the reasons cited by my employers at a employment tribunal. (which I lost no suprise realy as was defending my self against barrister and mayor of town). following on from that I claimed IIDB which I was awarded at 25% (now 30%) Followed up by early retirement pension from ESCC (LGP) that took two years to progress forms delayed lost ect, Inteference by my former employers(did see a copy of a letter where they closed with a comment along the lines that they would not agree to award of a pension as I had cost the firm a lot of money) never the less I eventualy was awarded it, but were complications after I was dismissed I obtained part time work again I was entered into the LGP scheme yet when My pension was awarded the part time job was not taken into the calculations yet it was the same scheme and that pension was seperated from the calculations. As the examining Dr would not agree to awarding it for the part time Job as he thought I could still do the job. All this was over 12 years ago and have not worked since, in 2013 I will be 60 so I should be entitled to claim that pension....My question will be should I claim backdated payments for the entire life of the pension I have been recieving along with the enhancements I should have been entitled to under the then 1997/8 LGP scheme regulations. Which should have meant on re-entering the scheme part time earning/time should have been added to previous service, as well as added years to be used in calculations..this was not done at the time
  3. I'd agree with your bit about ombudsman even after they found the bank (woolwich/Barclays) guilty they ignored the ruling then had the afrontary to say they had not been aware of it
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