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Everything posted by spannermoneky01

  1. wake up , send a freedom of information request to dvla, this will show what you've got, and allow you to correct any errors. and should you need to send your licence off to them you've got them by the balls, since any FOI has to show correct information. CHECKMATE I thank you.
  2. wake up people, hundreds of m/c licences have been removed, not lost, not misplaced, removed. to stop yourself being ripped off, send a freedom of information request about yourself. this will show eveything, if thet have screwed up and don't show what you already have then correct them, and if you need to send your licence to them you are covered. CHECKMATE, I thank you.
  3. easy answer, join No To the Bike Parking Tax - Campaigning to have all parking taxes for motorcycles & scooters abolished. and get motorcycle parking freed. 5000 members and rising.
  4. sorry to give advice that is to late for you, but everyone els should do the following when rquired to give up their licence. never give your licence to a copper. ask at any time from today for the dvla to send you all the information they hold on you via a freedom of information request. that way they can deny all they like but the information they send to you has to be correct. CHECKMATE I thank you.
  5. hi, there guy time to sign up to the campain to get parking charges for motorcycles removed from westminster. check out No To the Bike Parking Tax - Campaigning to have all parking taxes for motorcycles & scooters abolished. leave your email and they'll let you know when the next 4000 plus protesters ride out. we are winning, join the winning team.
  6. well people, time to take the red pill. westminster is getting a serious kicking from upset bikers and scooter riders about stealing their free parking. by charging and in the course making £6m illegaly. so if you want pay back check out. No To the Bike Parking Tax - Campaigning to have all parking taxes for motorcycles & scooters abolished.
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