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  1. My mother is away till Friday night on holiday, there's nothing that can be done till then. Can they come before then?
  2. My brother is a colossal idiot who ran off from a taxi without paying fare, has since not bothered to pay the fine, and it has rocketed up to £1000 + over the months he's been ignoring it. He doesn't live at home with myself and my mother any more, and hasn't since last year. However, Collectica don't seem to care despite being told this on more than on occasion. This morning I heard a car engine idling outside at about 6:30/7.00. No knock, but when I went downstairs later there was a 'Notice of Removal' through the door (with no time on it, the time/date space has been left completely blank.) 'Please note that the amount now due is £1043.13 inclusive of charges for today's visit. If this amount is not PAID IN FULL, IMMEDIATELY, a further call with be made, WITHOUT NOTICE, to take control of goods and potentially REMOVE FOR SALE by public auction. Such action will render you liable to further substantial costs. Please see reverse for schedule of fees and costs. To avoid such severe action, please contact me on TODAY to arrange payment.' I'm frightened to be honest, I can't cope with situations like this as I am on ESA for severe anxiety and depression. I don't know where my brother is or how to contact him, as we don't get along, and if I told him about this he wouldn't do a thing. I phoned Citizens Advice this morning and was kept on hold until my phone credit ran out completely. What can the bailiffs do? My mother is the tenant and she's currently away so I'm the only one in the house besides the dog, I don't like the thought of having to face this alone. Can they break in if I leave the house, or take things that belong to myself or my mother if I don't have receipts for them? (The only things left that belong to my brother are a few clothes.) Do I or my mother have any recourse to stop this?
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