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Everything posted by mooiismum

  1. Since we last posted OH has received these letters from B/card and Calders:- Pictures by walkingman_2009 - Photobucket could you please take a look and convey your thoughts. Thanking you all in anticipation any help is most gratefully received. MM's OH
  2. Thank you Boo, having someone to turn to is a great comfort, I understand your illness too, I have similar. A stress free life would be absolute bliss! I will post again on Friday night once we'ved looked at things in depth and had a magnifying glass on the agreements! Upto yet no one has turned up at our property, but then again I try not to stay in! Good night and sleep well. MM
  3. Just read the replies from S and BB and we wish to convey our thanks. This is alot for us to take in so will need time to digest as we have been at the hospital and need to be away for a couple of days. Will be back -hopefully - by Friday and give answers then. We are grateful for this help bearing in mind you all have your own problems to deal with. MM
  4. Thank you Shadow, A preference account referred to a preferred customer and is merely a description of a type of credit card. The first set of docs related to a loan arrangement with repayments over a three year term which ended in 2000 however the preference card was given alongside the loan and OH has continued to use it! Your opinion is greatly appreciated and thanks for your help....... and also to Boo I've printed out a copy of the letter you so kindly pointed me to, just in case they do turn up! We had already sent them one, which seems to have been totally ignored. I'm having a hard time coping with my OH's I didn't know any of this until it had gotten out of control,
  5. I posted the documents hoping to get some advice but the only one who came back to us was Bazooka Boo and no one else. Plus we've had health issues to deal with - OH needs biopsy for suspected cancer so that's weighing heavily on our minds! It's all this stress - don't know if we are coming or going, I'm sure I'll meet myself coming back soon! No-one has answered any letters we've sent, we just receive threats with doorstep visits from DCA's and court action! I can't cope any longer if things are'nt sorted soon I'm afraid I will leave.
  6. B/card have sent me a letter saying they don't have to provided anything and they quite within their rights! They are now threatenting court action! MM
  7. I would be most grateful if someone could take a peek at these two URL's and advice my OH if these two documents constitute an agreement under CCA 1974 please or is it just a copy of the application form if you need any info please look at my last post. Preference account 1 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting & Preference account 2 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Thanking you all in advance MM
  8. Thanks Boo, you've helped tremendously I think with my OH seeing the answers for himself have helped, but how do I bump this thread to get more help (someone to view the documents) please. MM
  9. No. I have tried to maintain payments and have paid monies to Blair Oliver and Scott within the last 6 months. MM's OH.
  10. MM's OH here. Thanks for your help. I have now loaded copies of all documents onto tinypic for you to peruse and look forward to your opinions. For information there are 2 accounts which i have been paying up until around 3 months ago when circumstances changed. The first card was issued as part of an interest free arrangement involving goods purchased in 1996, the finance being provided by BofS. The second was a straightforward credit card. Here are the links:- Preference account 1 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting & Preference account 2 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting MM'sOH
  11. Thanks B still trying to get a fairly legible scan. It looks worse scanned. MM Hope you have a good weekend.
  12. They have overlaid the terms with a copy of the account details which aren't in my OH's writing, plus the date after his signature isn't how he writes numbers too and apparently, the dates from him signing it, posting it and them counter signing it is only 1 day! It says in the Schedule before completing this application please refer to the Data Protection Act Statement overleaf.in the Customer Declaration it says I confirm that the information contained in the application is true and accurate and authorise you to make all enquiries necessary to verify the information to enable you to consider this application. When trying to scan onto one of your recommended site, the document becomes completely illegable. Will Keep trying to enhance it though. MM
  13. Thanks S I'm trying to get it looking slightly legible. The CC is so old (14 years) it probably is in sanscrip
  14. It's not scanning very well it's not very good quality copy they've sent, Looks more like sanscrip now!!! MM
  15. Thank u for your fast responses. How do I post it please, I'm a bit thick on post & paste. The debt is roughly about 14 years old. He took the CC out about 1995. MM
  16. Thanks BB for all your info and support, my OH has posted a question through my site name. It's about RBS and their DCA's would you please have a read and your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated. He's at his wits end (me too)
  17. I'm the OH of MM. Fist I want to say how much I've appreciated all the help already given don't know how I'd have coped without it. However I am in desperate need of further information. I've received a Notice of Intended Court Action from B.O & S DAC's for RBS. I previously requested a signed copy of the original agreement and was sent a document which appears to be a copy of the original application form & would appreciate any guidance as to whether this constitutes an actual enforecable agreement and any key phrases to look for as to which document it is. I'm really worried about this. Thanking you in anticipation MM's really worried OH.
  18. Oh they did ask again for the RD number & to see the signature, my OH held it up to the phone and said it's here, the date an' everything - can you see it? They said "of course I can't, OH said "Well I can it's very clear, date n everything!"
  19. You wonderful Caggers! You really give a person "a light at the end of the tunnel" scenario. My OH has already sent the second letter. By the way they phoned last night with a "did my collegue offer you a final payment reduction, if not I'll get onto them right away". OH ignored her and said I want a copy of the signed agreement, a second letter is on its way! You'vemissed the 12+2 deadline! Are they thick or what, he's still waiting to hear if he's still got his job!
  20. With the help I've had from other Cagger already it's take a load of weight of my mind. If all creditors came up with a suitable solutions, ie consolidation with a reasonable APR lowering outgoings then they'd get their money back, but instead they char your credit rating leaving no options, set the DCA rottweillers on you, damage your health. Forcing people to take this route. MM
  21. Thanks Boo, I thought that and have told him not to. I'm going to get him to register on here himself, it will be better for him to see the posts and excellent relevant information given. Passing it on 2nd hand doesn't really work he's a bit of a "doubing Thomas" always has been if his backside was on fire he'd have to see it in a mirror before he'd believe you were telling him the truth!
  22. Thanks Rooster, don't know my way around the site yet, I find it a little bit confusing being a newbie. MM
  23. My oh's creditor MBNA have denied receiving his letter asking for a signed copy of the CCA. They have now asked him to give them the tracking number of the letter sent by RD. Is he obliged to give it to them? They have already missed the deadline for this request and he's now sending the second letter. Thank you in advance for any replies. MM
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