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Everything posted by mooiismum

  1. Can anyone give advice on this post, Urgent advice is needed please. MM
  2. Yes please. Pref 2 docs are the focus. For information I think that the printed dates indicate the print version of the individual forms rather than a date of execution.? The date of signature and agreement (23 Jul 2002) would be the date the card was agreed. I think the important doc is page 1 as this seems to contain any relevent information including signatures (although OH's signature is on the form he did not date it). The only other point is that the facility seems to be an overdraft and none of the docs mentions CCA regulations, does this have any significance.? Just so we are absoleutly clear two cards were issued to OH under seperate accounts. Hence Pref 1 and Pref 2, they are seperate issues(he's just told me this - aarrgh!) MM
  3. Ok here's the story, OH made an application for HP credit, on the application form was a tick box for a CC to be given alongside the loan, he never actually signed a CCA agreement, just for HP. This was called a Preference 1 account, the CC was called a Preference 2 account. On the Pref 1 acc. it clearly shows the amount to be paid every mnth and the duration etc. This HP agreement was paid off ages ago, but OH continued to use the CC(Pref.2 acc.) A letter was sent by RD asking for a copy of the CCA and these were the documents they sent him back Home - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting this should show both accounts (hopefully). I thank you for taking time and patience to give advise on this, you don't know how grateful I am. rgds MM
  4. I'd noticed that and had mentioned it to OH & also the date stamp of 23rd July 2002? Pages 2 and 3 are the conditions of use and I believe that Feb 01 is the print date. The first page is the actual preference account details which carry the purported signatures of OH & rep of Capital Bank. You are correct that it mentions an overdraft limit, I also pointed that out to OH, with no mention of CCA anywhere. I'm not entirely sure of the significance of this? Need enlightening please. rgds MM
  5. http://www.tinypic.com/m/54ygle/4 if this enforceable in your opinion? many thanks MM
  6. Yes I've just tried and the same thing, strange that cos I've not deleted it!Give me a few mins & I'll post it up again and get back to you, if I may. rgds MM
  7. http://tinypic.com/a/z7zq/a OH thinks this is enforceable? As said before printed off all 15 pages of OFT guidlines (for future reference) found the releveant section and they are in breach of OFT guidlines by asking for a lump sum payment within 14 days. MM
  8. I printed all 15 pages of the OFT guidelines, got OH to read it all and found the relevant info. Makes very interesting reading these banks make so many blunders by trying to bully and harrass people. Everyone should fight back so they get their come-uppance. Thank you Boo. MM
  9. Bank of Scotland sent this - http://Preference Account 2 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Video Hosting which we believe is enforceable. Opinions grateful please. OH has received from B of S a notice of legal action which requests full payment within 14 days which Boo said was against OFT guidlines. Can anyone elaborate please, can't find the relevant section. MM'sOH
  10. Thanks Boo I reallly go to pieces when something like this arrives, this is part of my illness, and things like this makes it worse. OH has lost the plot,so I'm dealing with things the best I can at present :?. I've kept everything we've sent out in seperate files for ease of finding. I'll get straight on with sending the letters they'll be in 2morrows post for sure & I'll have a good read of the links, just hope my brain "reads" them in English not gobbldygook. (I think you may understand that). Kind regards MM
  11. PLEASE HELP The Bank of Scotland has sent a letter to OH stating that his account has been passed to the Litigation Department to commence court action The've ignored & haven't replied to the letters asking for legible copies of the account which were sent RD what should he do now please. In the letter they've advised him to pay the balance in full within 14 days or call to discuss the account. All advice will be most welcome I'm frantic with worry. MM
  12. Hi all, I've just noticed that one of the documents http://i31.tinypic.com/10r3y6z4.jpg relates to a hp agreement that was paid off long ago. it is the cc that my OH is struggling with now. They issued the cc alongside the hp agreement.Would this alter things. Anyhow the letter Boo advised us to send is in the post sent by RD, so should be with them shortly and a copy of same sent to the DCA's. kind regards MM Hope you all have a good weekend.
  13. Thank you Boo, I'll show this to OH later so he can do the letter, which I must thank you for. Your help is invaluable and as soon as I am able will give funds to this marvellous site. (The loose change jar is filling up nicely) rgds MM
  14. Just finished watching "Without a Trace" now off to bed to watch "Criminal Intent" and anything else that gets me through the night. Hope u have a good night and thanks you've cheered me up no end. MM
  15. Thanks for being so understanding, like most on here, we've never been in a position like this before, & OH says thank you. We don't really believe them but find it quite concerning and given my health problems I do have a tendency to blow things out of all proportion sometimes, especially when going through a bad patch, which I am at the mo. MM
  16. Knowing our luck, we'd go straight to the top of the Court list with a judge has shares in BOS. Honest that's the way it goes for us! MM
  17. I have difficulty putting things in order (most days:)) and when I found this site and told OH, I felt as though I could cope with things but I've not been sleeping 'cos I've so many things on my mind (which has been going on for years) and I feel that I'm coming to the end of my tether & I only found out recently what a mess he'd gotten into but there are extentuating circumstances which I can't go into on here.
  18. I'm new to the site and don't know my way around - yet. Plus I've got other things on my mind - OH just come out of hospital having had a biopsy. So really worried about the outcome of that and I have health issues of my own, which isn't helped by stress. So please forgive me I don't know if I coming or going at the mo. rgds MM
  19. Thank you Sunshine for pointing this out to me. I find it a little hard to navigate around the site (I've no sense of direction at the best of times) & that coupled with all the abbreviations :? I'll learn though. Rgds MM
  20. Thank u for replying. Just want to "head 'em off at the pass" so to speak. So should he just sit tight and wait for their next move? rdgs MM
  21. OH has received a letter of intended litigation from Moorcroft DC's and has only been given 5 days (icluding today) to come up with offer of a payment. We asked for full signed copies of the agreemen nd wee supplied with these docs Preference account 1 - Album - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting the two copies he's received, are by large, illegible, as can be seen, do you think that unless a good standard legible coy is available from BOS that Moorcroft's have difficulty in proving that an enforceable agreement exists??? Is OD correct??? Is there any letter/script that OH can use, as I've already said they've only given him 5 days to come up with a payment offer. MM (I'm worried sick). OH is now waiting for the results of his biopsy which will take 3 weeks.
  22. Thank you dx100uk, for pointing this out, most grateful, it's now rectified. Reason for starting new thread, newish to site, couldn't find my way back to the old thread and don't know how to attach a referral to the other thread. I don't wish to risk them taking OH to court without having some information to hand I would like to "head the off at the pass" if the agreement is flawed. MM MM
  23. First may I say thank you to Shadow and Bazooka Boo for all the help and excellent advice already given.....however further help/advice is urgently needed... OH has received a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd which they suggest is a "notice of intended litigation" regarding a B of S Preference account. here is a link to the copies:- http://tinypic.com/a/z7zc/4 We had asked for full signed copies of the agreemeny & were supplied with doc which are displayed on the above link the copieshe's received are, by and large illegible as can be seen. He feels that unless a good signed legible copy is available from B of S that Moorcroft would have difficulty in proving that an enforceable agreement exists??? Is he correct??? Is there a letter/ or script he can send/use as they've only given him 5 days in which to make a payment offer. MM
  24. Hi Boo hope you're having a good weekend & thanks for taking time to answer can't think why the attachments have turned out blurred, they're ok on the computer, anyhow I'll upload them again. Basically Sharkleycard are saying that they have no obligation to provide a true copy of the original agreement signed by all parties and as far as they are concerned they have provided the necessary documents,which are copies of the basic agreement with no signatures or other details. MM's OH
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