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Everything posted by Mungypup

  1. I have to say that I'm seriously considering doing this. After a lengthy 15 year battle to get tests to try to determine a diagnosis (even though they were quite happy to prescribe prescription strength painkillers and relaxants without even an attampt at diagnosis) I finally got referred. I was sent to an ENT department and after nothing but a scope down my nose they sent me to a speech therapist, even though the problem is not with my talking or swallowing although it is a problem with the cervical spine area. They promised should the speach therapist not be able to help me that I would go back to them and not be discharged. The speach therapist was at a loss as to why I had been sent to her, said that it was laziness on their part and after undertaking her own research on the problem she arranged an appointment with ENT to ensure that they were going to look into the matter further and not simply discharge me as it wasn't her field. During this meeting the ENT surgeon said that I would go for a CT scan, and that his wife was in rheumatology, so he would also be seeking advice from that side of things and promised me that I would be seeing him again and not simply discharged. This was all in front of the speach therapist as she kindly came with me to the appointment, who unfortunatley for me has since retired. When I went for the CT scan they had great difficulty in injecting the dye. Although I hate needles I spent just short of an hour as a human pin cushion as they couldn't get the needle into the vein. This was not their fault, obviously, but after them getting a specialist who still couldn't do it they were going to give up. I begged and begged that they didn't as I had waited so long and wanted to give the doctors the best chance of finding the problem. After several 'last attempts' they managed to get it in. They said wait 3 weeks and if you haven't had a follow up appointment ring the department who referred you. So I waited 4 weeks, called today to be told that the test came back clear and that the surgeon was not going to see me again. To say that I'm angry is an understatement. I told the receptionist that I was supposed to be having a follow up appointment, mentioned that he said his wife was in rheumatology and he was supposed to be seeking answers from there to which the receptionist very coldly and understandably on her part in an unbelieving tone informed me that none of the specialists wives are in medicine. So he has fibbed about that too. I have asked her to request an appointment with him. This is a problem which is very debilitating to the point of ending up in A&E several times. After telling him the implications on my life, him promising that he wouldn't just give up to then not even tell me the results in person is disgusting. I am furious!! It seems that because I'm a complicated case or at least not one that can be solved as a common problem that they just want to get rid as quickly as they can. Maybe if they discharge you it shows up on their records as the case is closed I don't know. I tell you something, i'm going to be getting my appointment and it's going to be recorded without his knowledge. I just need now to figure out the best way to do that as my phone doesn't record very well unless held under your nose and that might give the game away, lol. *rant over*
  2. I couldn't watch the video either, and was trying to flick past the pics so they were off screen and just read the text (I would be in floods otherwise). Disgusting and I hope they get banned from working with animals. She could crush them with one foot or a shove with the trunk but she doesn't. They are very intelligent emotional creatures and should not be treated in this way. No animal should.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1384426/Water-Elephants-star-electrocuted-beaten-hooks-Shocking-new-video-shows-mistreatment.html
  4. I do value the sanctity of human life and hope that many do not get the very wrong impression that I don't, I also think it's quite wrong to think that American's don't value it too. As someone whose parents have lived in America for over a decade, who visits the country frequently, and has many friends over there, I know that people there do not live their lives in paranoia about being shot any more so than people here live their lives in paranoia of being shot or stabbed. I think you'll find that they don't just shoot everything that moves, in case it's a burglar. Obviously there are the odd numpties and nutters (that there are in every coutry) who cause harm, accidental or otherwise, but they don't represent the system or country as a whole. I'm not suggesting we copy them, at all, there are many things about their justice system that I don't agree with, and many things from other countries that I disagree with, but for me personally (the thread asks what would 'you' change) I do agree with their view on defending their home and it is something 'I' would change here, obviously as we have different gun laws (which I've never suggested be changed) I'm not suggesting we start shooting 'everything that moves,' simply redress the balance that IMO has been lost between burglar and homeowner. I am very surprised that you haven't seen any cases where the innocent have been convicted, very surprised indeed, and am sure that should you choose to look into the subject you will find such cases. Obviously I have seen cases where people have not had charges brought against them, but from my own personal research they seem to be in the minority. When talking about people being charged I was not reffering to the case that you mentioned, but many others that I've seen. This thread is about many things, not just that one partucular example or subject. This is clearly something that you, I and many others will disagree on. It's nice to have a mature discussion about a difference of opinion and I do take your views on board. The thread asks what's wrong with this country in your opinion, and IMO one of the things is the silly human rights laws that have had a damaging effect IMO on the way criminals are treated. I was merely giving one example of this unjust unbalance between criminal and victim, although there are many to choose from I went for the first example that came to mind at the time, and it was ony one of many different subjects that was listed on my original post (although the rest were quoted, I agree and would change what was stated). Although I appreciate the discussion and have enjoyed it, I don't want it to become about one particular subject and 'hijack' the thread. I have to say SG1, totally agree with you!
  5. afternoon peeps. There's nothing wrong with mungy days
  6. We don't have a real right to protect our property IMO. Yes, you have the right to use 'reasonable force' but who should get the right to determine reasonable force? How many times do you see in the news someone has been convicted for injuring a burglar, where people after the fact that were never there during the ordeal, have probably never experienced it have said that it was beyond reasonable force? And the burglar walks away scott free sometimes even with compensation. You enter my propety at night, I don't know what your intentions are, are they to rob or hurt, possibly kill my family? The police these days take half an hour to turn up, what are you going to do? Personally I'd take all steps I felt necessary to protect my family and my hard earned belongings. I would treat as worst case scenario and defend myself and family as such. I would probably end up with a conviction for doing so. I was using this as just one example where the **** non law abiding get away, cause terror, and the innocent victims are prosecuted instead. The laws need to change. But so do so many things, as someone earlier said we could be here all day!
  7. 100% agree! Oh and I'd add a change to the justice system. Life should mean life, if you commited a crime you should be punished (otherwise what's the incentive for them not to do it), stop punishing the victims of crime and get back to the criminals, and allow us the right to protect our property, our family and ourselves against those that would do harm etc.
  8. I get bits of it sometimes. I used to get it on my face as a teen and quite recently had a shock when it came back on my face, possibly due to an allergic reaction to a relativley new moisturiser. I tried loads, then got the E45 anti itch cream (standard E45 wasn't doing anything) and it helped sooo much and it has gone away (phew). It was gone within a week. Hope you get it sorted, it's not a nice thing to have! *hugs*
  9. My fingers *Oww* :Cry:I fell whilst trying to get out of a taxi after much wine about a year ago. Ok I'm not proud of it but me and my accomplice (one of my best pals) were both feeling rather down at the time, and after cheering ourselves up on a night out apparently both tried to exit the taxi at the same time :faint:my fingers on right paw has never recovered. Two are bent and look like they are bending in towards each other slightly. They are really causing me aggro. I didn't go the docs as I didn't notice them being bent at first, as it was my whole hand that was sore, plus I figured it would sort itself after a few weeks would stop hurting as it takes time to heal (it does usually hurt when you fall), and tbh I don't remember falling so couldn't tell them about the 'impact' anyway . But *owww*. They hurt. Won't be shampooing tonight.
  10. You can get olive oil from the chemist, I wouldn't use your ordinary cooking olive oil. My sis has had lots of problems her entire life with her ears, she's had countless surgery but still has problems. Warm olive oil has been a godsend to her over the years, but she was always advised to get it from a chemist. Going dizzy etc can be a sign of other things so best to get checked out just in case, could be blood pressure, blood sugar, even lack of iron. Orf to the vet with you, hope you get better soon x
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1383674/Two-little-friends--united-courage-Amputee-victims-forge-firm-friendship-contracting-meningitis.html
  12. I wouldn't knick your head NO . Morning peeps. it's a bit blowy out there, fur's all over the place!
  13. And NO, remember what some nasty queens can do.... not that I would ever be so mean...
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