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  1. Thank you. Yes I have a reference no so will keep that to hand. Will ring the bank now to get a new card.
  2. Hello I was officially issued a DRO yesterday against my creditors, so I cannot pay the debt back. I was informed the creditors would be written to and told this, but who writes to them, the insolvency agency or Payplan? And no doubt one or more of them will keep trying their luck and bombard me with calls still so what is the official line I tell them? My bank account is not with anyone I owe money to. Oh and two of the creditors listed under my DRO were payday loans so what do I do if they try to debit their regular payments from my debit card? Thank you in advance.
  3. Simply Be are a small nightmare, I had to argue back and forth by email and letter a fair few times in my own personal dealings with them. I literally had to get the OFT/FOS (I can't remember which one now) involved before they would refund me a load of charges incorrectly applied to my account, now closed and zero balance.
  4. The FOS told me they can get involved with the dispute over the balance but not how the employee behaved which is actually the part I am most angry over, as the balance I can just pay what it says in my book end of and only get the FOS involved if Provident don't back down about that. I want something done about the employee's behaviour mainly. I just got an email reply from Trading Standards who want further details on that which I have just emailed back.
  5. I'm really sorry to hear that those idiots have made you feel upset. They cannot take your dog away or make anyone else order you to. As others have already said keep to writing only, do not answer the phone to them or call them and if anyone visits do not answer the door. Don't feel bad as we are all in the same boat, only pay what you can afford.
  6. It sounds like the same pratt I had harassing me at Provident. Just call the police if the moron turns up outside your door again and don't even bother opening the door to talk to him, I learned the hard way as you saw from my thread. See if you can find an address or tel no to send payments to rather than having that ****** come round to collect. Ignore the utter nonsense about him calling the police and saying you have committed fraud etc it's just bullying tactics to try and scare you.
  7. I'd prefer not to print the full letter on here. I had another letter this morning to acknowledge the £5.00 cheque I sent to shut them up, no further mention of my complaint even though I wrote back to advise I am not the least bit satisfied with the outcome and will take it further etc. I did email the OFT who advised they don't get involved in personal disputes but they said this: "We have therefore noted the details of your complaint, and we will consider this alongside any other complaints we have received with a view to any consumer credit licensing or other action we may decide to take. If we do take any action against this trader, it is likely that we would need to disclose your identity to this trader along with details of your complaint. I should therefore be grateful if you could sign the attached consent form and return it to me. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose any details about any action we may take, due to legal restrictions on the OFT relating to disclosure of information." I had to sign and email something back. I am just waiting on a reply from another official body I emailed.
  8. Actually I have. I printed off a letter from Money Saving Expert, amended it where necessary and I requested about £250 of fees back, they did reply and agreed to about £150 which I accepted. Sorry I can't remember the exact amount as it was over a year ago but no they wouldn't give me the full amount I was asking and as it was a much smaller amount than yours I decided to accept.
  9. Thanks, I might do that too. Have sent my emails off to lodge a complaint against Provident this morning. Will update as the saga goes on.
  10. That's the same address I had already been writing to and I doubt this Peter Crook actually bothers reading anything, he probably gets the types of people I have already been dealing with to do the work. I will sent the short and sweet letter to the person who wrote to me finally, also the same address to advise I am taking things further today and then contact the Financial Ombudsman and the Office of Fair trading. P.s If folks really think it's worth me sending a copy of my letter to this Peter Crook guy then I will.
  11. Well I finally got a letter in response to my complaint, what a waste of time it is. The letter is unprofessional, offensive and suggests the person I complained about hasn't done anything wrong, they seem to have completely overlooked his behaviour and instead suggested that I was the rude one and also in the wrong. They also overlooked the fact that they claim I owe more than I actually do. I have composed a short and sweet letter to advise I am taking both matters further and I am not happy with their response. I will start taking further action against them tomorrow. Neither party, the agent or so called manager will turn up at my address again which is what the letter also confirms but Provident also added in their letter that if I do not start paying again they will pass it on to head office for "remote collection".
  12. I sent off the forms, one for each address and my entries were fully removed within 2 weeks. I am nagging my partner to do the same.
  13. The number I was given by this waste of space company was 08009166440.
  14. Sounds like you have the same area manager and collection agent as me or perhaps they went to the same bad school of people skills at least. As I mentioned much further up neither of them are welcome at my property and have kept away which is the only thing Provident have got right at their end. When Provident pull their finger our and write their so called reply to my complaint I will post the details on here. It's pretty disgusting that they have waited literally to the very last minute, really dragged it out. Discod if that area manager turns up again unannounced just call the police, he'd be pretty stupid to keep doing that afterwards. The first time I called Provident I did get a nice woman who said the area manager is not allowed to do that and should be agreeing a time with you for visiting. Report the fool, although you will have to wait 8 weeks for Provident to bother doing anything.
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