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workaholic duck

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Everything posted by workaholic duck

  1. I read this with interest, as I, too, have a very old B'card that I am disputing. It came with my current a/c with Barclays in 1973, as a cheque guarantee card plus optional credit. When asked for a CCA, they replied saying as the a/c was pre 1983, 19th May they needn't supply one! Not sure that can be right. Sent another letter, compiled from a template on this site, challenging this, using clause 9, with but still waiting to hear from them. Have you got any further forward? Seems we are very rare to have such old a/c's! Although I started a new thread for mine, only 2 replies so far.
  2. I had heard about Egg doing this, I think. It was just that when I challenged them they said it was purely random - I was sure it was because I had got behind with payments - but they insisted it wasn't. Then I got to wondering recently if they were covering up for something like not having a properly executed contract....my next job is to ask for a signed agreement etc. using the civil route!! Just makes me angry when I find myself paying huge interest/repayments for something I don't have a use of anymore. Thanks for your help.
  3. Last year, I had financial problems and got behind with payments to Barclaycard. I explained my problems and they offered me a 'hardship' plan. When I looked deeper I realised it would affect my credit rating (I am self-employed), so refused to agree. Struggled on for a few months, then had the account passed to the famous Mercers! We came up with a repayment plan where I paid more than the min. payments, to get my account back on track within 3 months. I was assured it would not affect my credit score and when I had completed the term I would be handed back to Barclaycard. 3 months later, my account back to normal, passed back to B'card - then when I tried to use the card again, found it had been cancelled. When I challenged them they said it had been purely random and that many people had had their accounts closed. Of course, they still wanted their monthly payments and interest! This time I claimed poverty and had my payments halved and a tiny interest charged. (By this time I was past caring about my credit rating - I want to be debt-free!). My question is 'can they legally cancel my card without notice or reason'? Haven't they broken the contract? I haven't CCA'd this one yet but will do after I've tackled the other 2. Anyone else with a similar experience??
  4. Thank you! Actually, I have sent them an (abbreviated) form of your suggested letter. Posted recorded delivery on 8th May. They obviously chose to ignore it as I then got the threat to sell my debt to Viking (which I paid-what they asked for, anyway). Even though my a/c is so old (1973!) are they still obliged to produce a copy of the agreement? If I can feel confident that they must, then I will challenge them with the next step of not acknowledging debt. As I said before, Barclaycard claim they don't have to...??
  5. I wrote to GE money asking for a CCA. They replied saying they were unable to retrieve one. In the meantime they threatened me with passing my a/c to Viking unless I paid the £68 outstanding payments for the last 3 months of my non-payment. I understand they can't do that now, but I did pay them to play for time to do research. My concern is that I've had this a/c since 1973, when it was a Debenhams store card. As it's pre-1974, do I have more clout or less?? Barclaycard told me that because my B'card a/c was pre-1983, 19th May, they do not need to produce a copy - again, this was opened in 1973 as a cheque guarantee card with optional credit facilities. ( I am researching this one separately). Because the accounts are both so old are they within their rights to not have to produce agreements?? Or should I send the 'Do not acknowledge the debt' letters to both? Each has an oustanding balance of around £500. Would appreciate any other's experience and how to best tackle these issues.
  6. I wrote to GE money asking for a CCA. They replied saying they were unable to retrieve one. In the meantime they threatened me with passing my a/c to Viking unless I paid the £68 outstanding payments for the last 3 months of my non-payment. I understand they can't do that now, but I did pay them to play for time to do research. My concern is that I've had this a/c since 1973, when it was a Debenhams store card. As it's pre-1974, do I have more clout or less?? Barclaycard told me that because my B'card a/c was pre-1983, 19th May, they do not need to produce a copy - again, this was opened in 1973 as a cheque guarantee card with optional credit facilities. ( I am researching this one separately). Because the accounts are both so old are they within their rights to not have to produce agreements?? Or should I send the 'Do not acknowledge the debt' letters to both? Each has an oustanding balance of around £500. Would appreciate any other's experience and how to best tackle these issues.
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