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  1. Hi all, finally home from hospital and need to enter my defence I think. Please please give me some help or advice so that I can get this over with xxx
  2. Post just arrived and Link have sent a letter with the following paragraph: "Please find enclosed the documents you have requested from Link Financial Outsourcing. If you have any additional queries relating to this document please do not hesitate to contact us on 08000644499. Where this request was made under Section 77 or 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 2006 this document fulfills our obligatins." They have enclosed a further copy of the application form previously supplied and in a previous post. Next step please?????/
  3. I sent my letter SD and as yet have had no response. I think I need to file a defence and quick as from tomorrow I wont be able to do anything for a week due to son's op. Any suggestions or links would be very gratefully received but please make them in plain english as I need to understand them! thanks DC
  4. Is this ok? I write with regards to the above account with your organisation. I respectfully request that you provide me by return a copy of the credit agreement which bears my signature. I require this as i have reason to believe that there may be discrepancies within the agreement which may leave it improperly executed. If the agreement is improperly executed I would be entitled to ask the court to consider the agreement and make a declaration of the rights of parties to the agreement. I must stress this request is NOT made pursuant to section 78 Consumer Credit Act 1974 but is made pursuant to the Civil Procedure Rules (Pre action protocols and Part 31.16) and therefore unsigned copy will not suffice, only a copy of the original contract in its unaltered form will suffice in these circumstances Please confirm if you still hold a copy of my signed agreement and that you will provide me with this document. I do not view this as an unreasonable request given that by supplying the document which i have asked for it will allow me to assess if my case has merit and will help to resolve matters possibly without the need to involve the court and will undoubtedly save costs on both sides I look forward to your reply and would ask for a response by 4pm on 3rd November 2010. DC
  5. Hi Emma, thank you I will send that off today. I added everything up last night and was surprised to find that I didn't actually have that many charges and they were all applied prior to me getting into problems so were included with any payments I made at the time. They haven't added any charges since I got into difficulties and since I started this process. DC
  6. Hi all, can anyone give me some urgent advice on this one please????? Court claim form received and posted above, have sent the AOS off so now have 27 days left but I will be out of touch ofr 7 of those with my son in hospital so really need advice now. thanx all xx
  7. Below is the claim form that the court have sent me. I've done the AOS online today so now have 28 days I believe? This has all come at a nightmare time as on 29th my son is undergoing major surgery so I will be internetless (not sure that's a word) for at least a week. Any help I can get urgently will be wonderful.
  8. Hi all, it's been a long time since I needed to post anything but have updates and unfortunately have received a claim from the Northampton Bulk processing unit. Can I get this thread moved to Legal now???
  9. We sent an SAR and received a response very quickly from 1st direct. It was quick but not complete! The covering letter they've sent answers all the points of the standard SAR in order: 1. A copy of the agreement It's not an actual copy it's the same one as posted earlier. 2. All records held by 1st credit Ltd relevant to your case enclosed 3. Copy of NOA. If we require a copy of the DN or enforcement notice then contact Citi direct. I assume this means another £10 SAR request 4/5/6/7/8 - No charges added, no additional policies bought, refer to DPA regarding permission to process our data, we haven't disclosed to anyone else 9. We are not obliged to provide you with statements "for the entire duration of the credit agreement" however the relevant request has been submitted to MNBA (er I think that should say Citi not MBNA) and the documentation will be forwarded once received. 10. Should you require a copy of the termination notice a request will need to be made to Citi and 1st credit did not issue this to you So £10 fee plus SD charge and all we've got is exactly what we've already had sent. No enforceable CCA and no statements - should we bother asking Citi as it will obviously cost us again.....mind you I'm wondering if we do then Citi might reply "ask 1st Credit" and then we should be sorted?????
  10. Think we got one after they'd sold it. We did get the letter stating account sold.
  11. Sent CPR.16 to Moorcroft and response received today from Midas with "Litigation Warning" written all over it........
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