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Everything posted by Pixlmixer

  1. Statements recieved in full at last. Question... Can I calim back 'Purchase Interest' - whatever that is? I know I can't calim back the cash interest - can I? But dont know what purchase interest relates to on the statements. Also are the cheque handeling fees of £2 - £5 claimable also. Many thanks, Pixl.
  2. Oh Lynne I'm so pleased for you, it makes me so pleased to see this money going back to deserving people. Enjoy, both of you ;-)))))
  3. Blimey...! It's got like the Waltons here Kate lol ;-) Glad to see you got yr claim off at last and the cottage sounds awsome. Was on a boat called 'Serenity' last weekend - how cool is that!
  4. Hi, Well I'm back after a small victory against SnatchWest. I called the CS number for Crap1 last Friday and requested that they send me my last years statements. The nice lady said she would send the last 6 months and request that the rest be sent on. I explained I had lost the full set in a move and required them as one statement as could tell that she was heading up to charge me £3 per statement and she agreed - no charge So looking forward to working out exactly how much they sloosed me for. Since I hit my limit early this year trying to cover a mortgage they racked up over £400 charges in around three months while practically begging them to freeze my acc as my house/mortgage was at risque and I was desperately trying to arrange funds to cover that while my mortgage was sorted out... Plus all the really annoying phone calls and threats so I will be very pleased to get this one sorted as they do seem to be particularly vicious. Pixl.
  5. 1st off I recieved this on the 23rd July From the House of Commons no less... Dear Mr Pixl, Thank you for your letter regarding bank penalty charges. As you are no doubt aware in April this year the Office of Fair Trading, when examining credit cards found that charges in excess of £1 2 were unreasonable. They recommended that all charges were thus lowered to comply with this £1 2 level, although only a court ruling could enforce this. Even though the OFT research only looked at credit cards, the recommendation was that, in principle, this should apply to other banking facilities: overdrafts, store cards, mortgages, etc. Again, this is something that can only be enforced through a court ruling, but the supporting evidence is there should that be the case. In answer to your question, I believe in the Rule of Law and its application to banks as others. I suspect that bank penalty charges will face a court challenge in the future and have no doubt that the OFT’s research will be cited in support of outlawing excessive charges. Yours sincerely Kevin Brennan Cardiff West MP 2nd, I recieved an offer from my manager on the same day offering a 50% refund. Over the weekend I have been trying to rase the funds to pay the court fee due today but have failed and am also a month behind on my rent. On top of this my divorce is causing me great stress with another court apearence probably due very soon. There is more but this is distressing enough and the prospect of another couple of months pennyless and another court appearence has led me to the descision to accept their offer. It will enable me to at least take my 9 yr old son on a half descent break away from the stress of the current situation and allow me a little breathing space. I do feel as tho am letting the side down here and, were my circumstances different, would have no hesitation with proceeding with my full claim but what if's don't apply here in the real world and my sanity does. This is not a victory for the bank - it is still a victory for us common folk as the offer would not have been made unless they knew they were in the wrong and likley to loose. Good luck to all of you with your claims. When my circumstances improve and I can afford I will proceed with my claim against Cap One. Pixl.
  6. Hi Know how you feel... This is madness and a waste of our time. Call CS department on 0845 6052605 and just asked for last 6 yrs statments and they will send them in the post within a week for a fee of £5.00. See my thread... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/9463-well-here-goes-2.html It worked. Now I have 3 full copies! My account was debited £5 the day after making the call. As for recorded delivery Snatchwest are not signing for them, amazing but true, but proof of posting is the start of your 40 day count down - if you have it. Good luck
  7. Thanx Scissorheart and yes this seems to be the case as have just recieved another rubish letter from afore mentioned Mgr of my branch - she seems to be in a complete dither over this, not knowing what to do and saying she'll get back to me in another couple of weeks unless I'd like to call her (again) after sending her the letter saying no phone contact pls. Well sweetie, I advised her, your time is up Monday of next week at which point I'll be taking you to court... So Monday I'll be taking my printed N1 to Cardiff County Court (not enough room on MCOL particlars of claim form I found) and using Natwest @ Bishopsgate address for the defendant regardless of what Mrs. Mad at local branch says. Please stop me before then if this is not correct protocol Mods!
  8. Thanx for your help Lynne... Fingerz crossed for you - this is an exiting read!! Good luck ;-)
  9. Quick question regarding MCOL ... Can anyone give me a rough idea how much a claim for £1660 will cost? Also, although I'm working, as I'm currently on legal aid for my divorce and working with CCCS would I qualify for any help with these fees? Thanx in adv. for any help here Pixl.
  10. Crumbs Mr. Bandit - you're doing great and I'm just behind you so thanks for posting your claim stuff as it's a real help to those of us following close behind and helps the mods too I guess, good man! Krack on Matey, best of luck... Pixl.
  11. Well thats good news staffmem. Glad to see you are hitting the right spot anways Kate and making progress. My 'manager' is still sending me scribled notes and asking me to please call her...
  12. Hi All, Friday 14th recieved a letter from my manager (I use the term loosley). It was a copy of her letter mentioned above with a scribbled note attatched saying ... "Copy of letter sent 28th June 06. Please call me on (personal number)". :? Will send a response today stating time period from LBA and asking any further contact to be via mail as it may be used in court as evidence. Really don't want to get involved in a verbal dialogue with her at this point as I expect it will be detrimental to my cause and she will only most likley try and fob me off with some bull**** or other. Pixl.
  13. That's great Kewrry -AT Last!!! Patients will pay off....................... eventually lol
  14. Quick question..... LBA due Monday. Should I send it to my local branch since that's where I sent Prelim ltr. or straight to Mr. Higly himself? Don't want to incur time delays through local branches fafing about but as thats where my original letter went am wandering what's best corse of action? Thanks
  15. AWSOME. One more for the small people. Congratulations that man ;-))))))
  16. Yes, what next - I'm running out of nails........ Not far behind you and getting same treatment. I take it you didn't accept pultry offer? Am in same position and am hoping they will pay me something very soon as an offer of good will to get me out of a fix - ie pay my car tax! Good luck Mr Author
  17. Thanks for your comments everyone. Will be prepairing my LBA today. Realise it would have been better to send prelim letter direct to Mr Higldy Pigly but it's done now and as Barracad says - the clock is ticking... Just as a foot not I recieved yesterday yet another set of statements. Sorry to those who are still waiting for their first - I now have three full copies!!! (Perhaps I should send one to my branch as they may have to wait quite a while for theirs too lol). Snatchwest - Sort it out! Pixl
  18. Hi All, Got non-std. response from manager of my branch from prelim ltr. Thort I'd post as was interesting. May be another delay tactic? - will have to see. Dissapointed really as wanted to proceed with LBA but clock is ticking so will just have to be patient - Doh! ______ Dated 28/06/06 Dear Pixl, Thank you for your letter of 22nd June with regard to charges on your account. I am already looking into your account, and have telephoned our customers concerns (WTF?) department who advise me that I must order 6 yrs statements for your account and I must persue them to identify the charges you have raised. This will then be sent to them for their attention. I will contact you again in two weeks (won't that be too late anyone - should I wait for this before issuing LBA?) from today, either with a full response, or to let you know what progress I have made. I shall do my utmost to resolve your complaint quickly and to your complete satisfaction, but so that you are aware of all the options available to you, I have enclosed a leaflet.......... The manager. ________ Thats it! Coments welcomed as to should I wait or no... Kate - never was any good at races lol
  19. Lucky minx! Glad to see at least you got a reply anyway ;-) Running just behind... Pixl
  20. Ring them here - 0800 0154212 You'll get through to Bishopsgate, eventually! Start your 40 day DPA request clock 2 days after posting (if recorded that is), Royal Mail are delivering them as per their contract it's just that Snatchwest have been inundated with requests and are not signing for them - They have been recieved! If they not Royal Mail would be sending them back unsigned for. Mine is still showing up as unsigned for and probably will do for ever more but I have my statements in, duplicate by persistant phone calling after 16 days. Good luck...
  21. Oh dear Kerry.... have you rang the number at bishopsgate, its on my thread. I did and they were in post that day. GGood luck
  22. Hi Peeps, Fistly, thanx to Staffmember for clearing that up ;-) Full set of statements, in duplicate, now in my posetion! Hoooooooooray!!!!! BTW, Kate - only difference in content from DPA package and phone requested statements was brief letter from Mr S. Higley stating acnowledgement of my request - no other paperwork... Going to finish spreadsheet and send prelim letter today... Back on track and chomping at the bit :grin: The Mixer
  23. Flippin ek!! Just off the phone to NW customer svs - 0845 6052605 who told me that rest of my statements are held in Bristol and will be on their way today (their system changed over on the 03/10/02 and storage was moved to Bristol)Hmmmm? The nice man also gave me the number for the DPA ctr... NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC,135 BISHOPSGATE - 0800 0154212 Called them, after no security check the not so nice lady said my SAR would be in the post tommorow - only 11 days late! Well I supose that's progress - we'll see...
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