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Everything posted by Mr_Homer_J_Simpson

  1. Because they DO NOT INTEND TO RESOLVE IT !!!! So, if it starts to cost them money each month, what do you think they will do ? Seriously, I don't think you guys are getting the point.
  2. Because they have no desire to resolve dispute. So until then, I'll ensure that they lose money each and every month with my account.
  3. Why only if a CCJ ? Surely the point is the same, pi$$ them off into submission.
  4. Let's not worry about the postman. I'm glad he gives people something to post back in the freepost envelopes. It get's rid of junk mail, earns the post office some money for processing more freepost letters and best of all costs the DCA money and wastes their time.
  5. So if I use this to get them to either write off the debt or accept a full & final settlement of say £50 and remove all traces of this from my credit file would this would be a waste of time ? I don't see what the big problem is ? It is doing exactly what I want it to do, costing them more money than they receive. THE REVERSE OF HOW THEY WANT TO OPERATE !
  6. Here is my own version of payback time. So far it's working...............
  7. But I give a sh*t about beating these muppets. And it wastes more of their time & money than mine............
  8. Not a chance.......... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8474&d=1241367028
  9. Do I think they'll bank the cheques ? No I don't think they will I know they will as they already have. You see if they argue (as they are) that they are entitles to chase the debt and that they can report it on my credit file it would be wrong of them to refuse the payment and continue to report the higher amount as the outstanding balance. As for sending recorded without postage paid. You simply ask your post office for recorded delivery stickers and put these on the envelopes before you pop the post into as post box. You do not had it in at the post office. Then it's gets processed as an item without enough postage and they are asked to pay what the postage would be + £1 royal mail charge. It is costing them more money to deal with me than write if off. It's just a case of how long it will take them to buckle and I assure you they will give in. I will be sure to post the letter confirming so as/when I manage to beat these scumbags.
  10. Let's say you owe £1k which a DCA bought for say £50 to £100. If you were to pay them just £10 by 1,000 1p cheques it should end up costing them around £450 to process. 45x the value of your payments and 4.5x to 9x the price they paid for the debt. What do you think folks ?
  11. I'm quite happy to continue to print 1p cheques until the day they stop cheque payments all together. BBC NEWS | Business | Paying bills by cheque can be expensive "At the time it came to the conclusion that the cost to a bank of processing a cheque was 44p" Teach greedy banks a 1p lesson - Business News, Business - The Independent "As it costs 45p to process a cheque"
  12. So then, let's make the most of cheques before they discontinue them ! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/257758-lets-start-fighting-back.html
  13. Because it cost them 5 to 10 times as much as anything they ever receive off me and it doesn't make any difference to the fact that they don't have a credit agreement and can't do a damn thing about it.
  14. Been on there, but ICO tends to side with CDA/banks anyway. Might try sending via special with no postage so it cost them closer to a fiver to get 25p of cheques. Trying to think of what else to send as my 'offer' of full and final settlement. Buttons, bricks, the cardboard roll inside a roll of toilet paper. I'm going to start having a lot of fun with this............. Edit: I might even start drawing like this guy did......... http://www.urlesque.com/2008/11/07/broke-man-tries-paying-bill-with-a-picture-of-a-spider/
  15. But didn't the ICO agree that no original agreement was needed to process data with CRA ?
  16. Still doesn't work but the link sent in the email does. Thanks will pop over there now.
  17. Okay, so Hillesden refuse to remove the default even though they have no agreement. However, I've been popping batches of 1 penny cheques in the post to them. Seeing as it must cost them about 10p-20p in bank charges they are losing money every time they cash them. I've just got a template in word and I print of a cheque book at a time (25 cheques). To make it even better, I send them by recorded delivery but with NO postage on the envelope and therefore they need to pay the postage AND a £1 fine imposed by royal mail. I'll be starting to send them $0.01 coins soon and a few 1 (Euro) cents soon too. Each time I will ensure that the letter with it states that it is a full and final settlement and try to get a response from them for each payment. Taking up more of their time and wasting more of their money. Once I've beaten them, and I WILL beat them. I'll move onto the next creditor. Let's beat these b@$!"£& at their own game ! Come on, who's with me ? EDIT: Some clarification on the matter that I posted a little later Sorry, maybe I should have made it clear from the start but they don't have a credit agreement agreement and have admited it, they are not going to chase the debt BUT they will continue to report this on my credit file. So as they are adamant that they will continue to report the balance on my credit file, they must of course accept the payments else the balance would be incorrect and I would have a case against them via the Information Commissioner`s Office. As for 're-setting the clock' I am sure that I will have sorted this rather than waiting SIX YEARS. Surely being pro-active and getting rid of them is better than waiting for over half a decade for it to 'drop off' your credit file. I have used this process in the past with another company and they buckled after the 3rd batch of cheques. Closed the account and never heard form them again (It was not a credit account so didn't have any issues with the credit file), but they still closed the account and confirmed that there was nothing to be paid (they'd had enough of the penny cheques).
  18. I'm in Cardiff and would travel about 20 odd miles to a meet. Any update on it ?
  19. Can someone please re-upload the pictures (letters from ICO/FSO) as the photobucket account is now closed. Possibly using something like imageshack.use who I've used in the past seem to be good wiht no need to sign up either. Many thanks in advance.
  20. Hi, can I just ask. Did you sue them beccause they sent you someone else's agreement or over something else ? I ask as they did the same to me recently, they sent me mine & another person. Already complained to the ICO who aknowledged and logged the complaint against Barclaycard.
  21. How about:- 1. I sued my last MUG & won all my charges back. 2. My other MUG is a Bank Manager. 3. Two wrongs don't make a right, but 70,000+ CAG'ers you cannot fight. 4. Cost of teabag 20p, cost of water 10p, cost of mug £2.50, seeing the £1k solicitor lose in court, priceless. For everything else there's CAGgers. 5. This isn'y just any mug, this is a CAGGER mug. 6. Why pay more (with the more crossed out) ? (CAG Logo) 7. CAG, donate and emancipate 8. Can't stop, won't stop - CAG 9. Paying charges is a MUG'S game 10. Paying charges is a MUG's game, claiming them back is a CAG'ers 11. To CAG or not to CAG ? 12. CCA 1974, CAG 200X (not sure what year CAG is started) 13. CAG - fight for your right 14. CAG - Come And Get us ! 15. CAG - Creditors All Gone 16. CAG - CCJ's All Gone 17. CAG - CRA's Are Gits 18. CAG - Coallition Against Greed 19. CAG - Coallition Against Greedy banks 20. CAG - Came & Conqured 21. CAG - 70,000+ v Banks - Nil That's all I can think of...........
  22. I've just printed this WHOLE thread to go and read offline. Will be back soon(ish)........... Oh yeah, Subbed. PT2537, I have a bottle of Moet for you !
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