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Everything posted by Mr_Homer_J_Simpson

  1. Fred, for the love of God, please read this thread before you keep asking me questions I've answered................
  2. If they do stop paying for postage, I'll just use DLC's freepost address as they are the same firm or one owns the other I think.
  3. Try using ImageShack® - Online Media Hosting to upload the picture. Then we should be able to see the full size image. EDIT: You don't have to sign up with these, just use as and when you need them.
  4. No, if they give the recipient the option to pay what the postage would have been + £1 fee on top. So far, they've paid up twice and the proof of sigs have been uploaded. I was sending a lot of recorded delivery letters and just asked the post office if they had any stickers to speed things up so I could do it before I got there, they gave me half a roll so got loads left for fun and games. Lady in the post office is quite nice, I'm sure she'll give me another rool. Just don't go back to the post office with them, chuck them in the letter box.
  5. Even if they don't charge themselves a fee for cashing it, it is still taking up their time and even on minimum wage, the cost of processing them is more than the payment.
  6. It's perfectly legal to write cheques for a penny. Have been wondering about half penny cheques though, might have to give that a try. First batch they were all dated the same date which is why they were all cashed together (see screen capture of online banking). Second batch they were all dated to be cashed one each day. Am taking my time thinking about what to do with the next batch. I'm thinking a combination of penny cheques, half penny cheques, 1p stamps and lots of folding and staples. Oh, and each one it it's own recorded delivery letter (with no postage paid by me of course). I look forward to this account being closed before the summer is over and it having cost them plenty of money to deal with me.
  7. Too small to read, you've attached the thumbnail, you need to attach the main image.
  8. I would make a point od demanding to know why there is a photo of your house sent through. If they are stupid enough to admit they use this tactic to scare people they will be shooting themselves in the foot. Make sure you complain to the OFT about the photo regardless of what reason they give (or more likley don't give).
  9. Yes as fuzzybobble says, don't deal with them in ANY form other than writting. A good tip when they call and ask to go through security is to refuse to go through security. If they ask why just tell them as it is "becuase if I don't confirm my details and you continue to discuss this account you will be in breach of the Data Protection Act for which you will be personally liable as well as the company you work for, bye" They have a lot less power than you think, in fact they tend to only have as much power as we allow them (or a court if it get's that far). Have you asked them for a copy of the agreement ?
  10. Thanks, but it's a toner printer so cost is minimal for printing these and it prints perfectly now (had to scrap a few cheques while I was getting it right). I just bung a pile of cheques in the envelope feeder and off it goes. Plus once I've beaten Hillesden I can move on to the next creditor by just changing the word document. Simples
  11. Thanks, if only I could get hold of a cheque book with 150 cheques in it, I'm sure it would only take 1 or 2 batches this size to get them to start listening. Might try one cheque per envelope next time so it's 1p cheque in a non-stamped envelope with a recorded delivery sticker on it. Should cost them over £1 per 1p they receive and another 20p+ to process if I staple them enough.
  12. No probs, as long as we're all doing something to these scumbags.
  13. Thanks for the clarification. As I have already stated, I am aware of the 6 year rule but I'll get this sorted quicker by doing this I can assure you.
  14. Lol, WE WILL BRING THEM TO THEIR KNEES ! I'm turning the tables by making them lose money each time I pay them. Click HERE to see
  15. Having a read around it looks like stamps are not going to be accepted. That said I'm going to post them a 1p stamp as payment in a non-stamped envelope with a recorded delivery sticker on it. This way it's going to cost them over £1 to receive (for which I will have proof of signature) and if they don't want to accept it, they'll have to post it back. LOL, I'm gonna have great fun with this. Other than writting cheques on all sorts of strange/large items, does anyone have any other good ways to 'pay' them in a way that costs them more than the payment ?
  16. I will do. I'm just checking out the posability of paying in euros and/or stamps 1cent/pence each of course. I have no intention to wait 6 years nor pay the full balance. I might at a push pay 5% for full & final as well as removal of any records from my credit file, not just to mark as 'settled' or 'partially settled'. I am interested in the cheque book with 150 cheques in it, where did you get it from, is that a business cheque book ? I could do with getting my hands on one of those as I'm sure I could make them buckle quicker with bigger batches. One thing I did last time I used this method was to fold the cheques in half a few times until and then staple it about 5 or 6 times. Takes up even more of there time to process them. Plus they won't be able to see which one is signed or dated until they've opened it up so they have to open them all up before they can process them in the correct order. This was the straw that broke the camel's back the last time. I think I'll be doing this with the next cheque book that comes through.
  17. Seems like stamps could work too. I might have to buy a few sheets of 1p stamps. I wonder how they actually get the money back from a stamp ? http://www.thetenoclockshow.co.uk/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=367
  18. Yes, apprently you can print your own cheques, but I'm not going down that route as it's not my bank account that the cheques are written from and I don't want that person getting into trouble with their bank. As it is at the moment, nobody is doing anything wrong, well except Hillesden............
  19. OMG, did you even read this thread ? I'll get this sorted quicker this way than 6 years of waiting...........
  20. I made the template in word (just a matter of spacing it correctly) to print the payee and amount in the correct places on a normal cheque from a cheque book, I just run it through the printer. As for signing them, they only get done in batches of each cheque book so not sitting down and signing 1,000 in one go, it will probably be 25 a month by the time they get & cash them and then a new cheque book is issued.
  21. As I sad, I use proper cheques I just print the payee and amount in. All are manually signed.
  22. No they are signed, but it's not from my account i.e. I'm not giving them my signature to copy.........
  23. I'm paying them pennies to make them lose money, so that they give in and either accept a very low full & final or write it all off and clear my credit file. I use a template in word that prints the payee and amount to make it take up less of my time, but I use proper cheques.
  24. Sorry, maybe I should have made it clear from the start but they don't have a credit agreement agreement and have admited it, they are not going to chase the debt BUT they will continue to report this on my credit file. So as they are adamant that they will continue to report the balance on my credit file, they must of course accept the payments else the balance would be incorrect and I would have a case against them via the ICO. As for 're-setting the clock' I am sure that I will have sorted this rather than waiting SIX YEARS. Surely being pro-active and getting rid of them is better than waiting for over half a decade for it to 'drop off' your credit file. I have used this process in the past with another company and they buckled after the 3rd batch of cheques. Closed the account and never heard form them again (It was not a credit account so didn't have any issues with the credit file), but they still closed the account and confirmed that there was nothing to be paid (they'd had enough of the penny cheques).
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