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Everything posted by Mumof21985

  1. Hi all, have recently found a house that we really like. With all bills included. (CT,Water,Gas,Electric) Is it advisable to do it this way? Would be great not to worry about bills but I just want to see is it ok to go ahead with this?
  2. Hiya, I am sorry to hear your problems. I have been advised by the lovely people on here. To pay DIRECT to the council. I wrote a letter, sent it yesterday to Equita/Council Tax. Informing them I will pay the arrears online, to the council, I included incomings and outgoings to show what I could afford. As far as I am aware, as long as you DONT let the baliff into your home you are ok. In the letter also make the point, that in no way are you refusing to pay the debt, you are trying to sort this out, just mention that you are getting no-where with dealing with equita, dont ask, just tell the council thats how you will be paying. Make sure the letters are sent recorded. Just the advice I have been given really. Good Luck, I know what arses equita are!
  3. I used barclays for years, I had an over draft of £600. When I became pregnant and had my daughter I was getting maternity, it wasn't covering what we needed to pay out and one bank charge led to another. Barclays piled on the charges over and over again. Eventually they closed my account and now I am faced with a debt based on sodding bank charges!!! Has given me sleepness nights, problems with my 2nd pregnancy (stress). Now I will be paying back charges for god knows how many years
  4. Thanks for all the advice last week, sent the letters off this morning, recorded delivery. Has anyone ever had any success from writing to them?
  5. I agree. See what they say, say that Virgin have offered you a good deal
  6. I am in Birmingham, so most likely we have different baliffs in charge? The baliff in charge of my case is awful, I don't think he has been tought how to communicate!
  7. shocking!! I can't understand how these baliffs sleep at night, they are nothing but bullys!
  8. Thanks for that I would have not given notice and been in trouble!!
  9. Another thing (which you have more than likely guessed) its a private let, not through an agency.
  10. No receipt for the rent we pay, I suppose thats a bit foolish of me isnt it? I didnt think anything of it, until I wanted out of here, I just hope he doesnt throw any sort of accusations at us.Ahh I see in regards to the contract. 20th was when it was up.
  11. Thanks everyone for your replies. Its nice to know there are people out there willing to help. I will write a letter to council and equita, recorded delivery of course:) If anyone else manages to have any advice not mentioned I would be very greatful
  12. We signed a contract for 6 months in December 2006. When that contract ran out we havn't had one since! Despite many attempts to get one he hasn't given us one. He only has one more property so its not as if he has lots to deal with. We pay the rent monthly, cash in hand to him, once again as he didnt want this via standing order. When we first moved here it all seemed ok, we signed an agreement, handed deposit over agreed terms, he got the gas checked, he seemed like a genuine landlord. If he were to not give us the deposit back, could we possibly suggest reporting him for the lack of repairs? Everytime it rains we get leaks, the ceiling in the back has a huge hole in. I have just given up hope in repairs I just want out! With 2 young children its just unsafe. As I havn't signed a current conract will I need to give 'notice' ?
  13. phone is talk evenings and weekend. broadband is £17 (no idea what MB that is though) I like the idea of the HD box with sky.... Another thing keeping us with virgin is setanta for free and virgin on demand. Do sky do any kind of service where you can watch music videos,films,programmes as and when you want to? Thanks for the replies
  14. I am an ex RBS employee, well or natwest, I worked there when the integration was happening. I worked in the Mortgage department. Had some good experiances and some bad The pay wasn't very good I must say, for what I actually did.
  15. Hi everyone. I have today discovered this forum and its great Anyway, I have lived in a rented property now for just over 2 years. We have many repairs that need doing that our lanlord 'forgets' or will get a quote about. After 2 years enough is enough. Now I have no contract. Once again, no matter how many times we ask he wont give us one. 1. Is he upto something dodgy?? (we pay rent in cash) 2. If I move out will I have to give ANY notice as I do not have a contract. 3. Would I get my deposit back if there is no contract? Thanks in advance.
  16. Firsty sorry if this is in the wrong place, I am just exploring at the moment and keep finding more things on here Currently we are with Virgin Media. *Phone *Net *XL tv (sports, kids, movies) We are paying £86!!! I am 99% sure it keeps going up as we were told £62 when agreeing. Anyway, is Sky much cheaper? We have to have kids and sports. Also the whole package. Thanks in advance
  17. I am also have problem with equita baliffs! His communications skills are so so poor. Equita are a disgrace to speak to via phone, I have been cut off in the middle of conversations. I will also be making a complaint against them Good Luck!!
  18. Thank You so much everyone I have just been online (Birmingham City Council) site and it gives the form to pay online, but how will they know its from a 'previous' year not this one? I am worried the payment will go towards this years council tax which I have a card for. Sorry If I sound dim!
  19. Yea its 2008 £600 is the debt owed as it stated on our new council tax bill for this year. Equita have not once given us the amount owed. If I were to pay the coucil in installments, how would I go about it. And also how would I let Equita/Baliff know? I was under the impression the baliff is the ONLY person who could deal with any payments etc. He cant see that bothered about our case as he fobbed us off enough. Thanks everyone for your advice. Its much appreciated. I bet the baliffs hate the thought of this site, its really calmed me down reading through posts. The baliffs are not as big and bad as they make out.
  20. Thanks so much for your replies. The baliff has never visited. I have spoken to him 3 maybe 4 times on the phone and he ALWAYS fobs me off. I am not a lone parent, I live with my partner who works we recive tax credits. We also don't have a car. Can they charge fees if he comes to my home? As I have tried on several occasions to contact. Also, can anyone advise what I do next if he keeps ignoring me? I have asked the council to make payment last week they said they cant deal with it or take payments now it is with the baliff. Basically everyone is telling me to deal with the baliff, but hes is completly useless and ignores me when I contact. I really appreciate your replies Thank You
  21. Hi all. Would love some advice if possible please. Our Council Tax arrears go passed onto EQUITA. Then onto a Baliff. 1st letter recived: REMOVAL NOTICE ..... our recovery officers have been unable to contact you at home (BULL AS I AM ALWAYS HERE) blah blah blah I would request you contact us on the number below blah blah Alternitavely should you wish to pay your outstanding council tax, please contact my office. Ok so I panic, ring equita to be advised it has been passed onto a baliff and only he can deal with the case, so I ring mr baliff to be told to ring back, so I did, to be told to ring back again, no answer, message left. Same happened the next day and no call back. So I ring equitta to be cut off the phone twice! Ring the council and they cant take payment. I was running round in circles here trying to sort some kind of payment plan out. No-one would listen. So I waited and today I get a letter saying REMOVAL NOTICE baliffs will be round in 48hours to remove my goods. So ONCE AGAIN I ring mr baliff to be told he was driving and to ring back, rang back and suprise suprise no answer. ONCE AGAIN rang equita to be cut off!! So I ring back to make a complaint and that has to be done in writing. Anyway. I was just wondering if anyone can advise what I do next? I am here worried they will come for my 2 young children to see and I have been trying my very best to pay this amount!! Ps.. 2nd letter said £150 charges have been added on! Help me please!!!:-|
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