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Everything posted by diamondgirl

  1. Reading it sideways on as I cant turn anything (mac has about had it) there is nothing to stated when the 14 days begin or should end now Im no wiz on DN but I am pretty sure they have to give you some indication of when the 14 days are up. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong. I also not that the arrears amount is more than the total outstanding before their collection charges etc., that just doesnt seem to add up. Default interest looks very high must be loads of default charges. Me thinks a SAR might produce how this has been made up and perhaps you may be able to claim some of this back. DG
  2. Dont think you can you will need to contact your local magistrate court and ask them as I dont think there is anything written in the paperwork. It may just be worth you having a look on the court website it may say something there or even check out the formal forum about bankruptcy someone else may have asked this question previously. DG
  3. Give the bank the details and amount and tell them that under no circumstances should this be allowed to be taken from your account as you don't know who they are and that you will report this to police as it is theft. Put it in writing take it to your local branch and get a signed receipt for the letter and tell them that any further amounts taken from your account by them without your authority you will want refunding. DG
  4. Sorry I cant enlarge the thumbnails so can actually read it. DG
  5. Any chance of scanning the application/agreement up minus personal info? If you've SARed them you can only wait any threatograms in the meantime you can still keep it in dispute for now. DG
  6. Is this a DN you have received? or is it just another one of their threatograms? Any chance of scanning it to the thread without personal info etc., By the way how much of the amount is charges for late payment etc., DG
  7. Ok looked back at your other threads. Am I right in thinking this is now with calders? Don't worry it will probably go to someone else yet - its called the lowlife merry-go-round. Send the account in dispute letter to them if you haven't already done so. Barclaycard are having problems at the moment in providing signed agreements and all they are sending out are T&C - this is all the better for you. The letters you have been receiving are just the standard rubbish they send out in the hope of getting you to pay something. Remember never speak to them on the phone. Always ensure any letters you send to them state "all communication in writing" Remember to keep a copy of everything you send and attach a copy of any response you get to you have everything in order and get a file and file everything away. DG
  8. Absolutely unbelievable how low these lowlife sink. It is difficult to prove that you are not the person they are looking for. I had a problem many years ago someone had the same name and date of birth as me the only difference being her surname was through marriage so I was more able to prove my identity. I would certainly get your MP involved in this and in particular as its election year they seem to be going out of their way at the moment to help joe public. I would also be going to TS, OFT etc., I unfortunately can't help that much with this you need someone with more expert knowledge than I have. Hang in there someone with the knowledge will be along soon as some caggers dont log on till later. DG
  9. I'd certainly go after a CCA you never know your luck. I get that request off in the post Monday they then have 12 + 2 days to respond. Show them that you know your rights and that you are in charge. Always remember anything said over the phone can be denied at a later date and if they say the call is recorded that recorded call can be lost. Remember never speak to them on the phone and everything you send to them should be at least RD. You should contact dfh and ask them to return all your paperwork including details of who the creditor are and a statement they have a duty to return all paperwork they have to you, they may want to charge you for the postage but you do need the information. DG
  10. My understanding is if its a charging order then you would have to pay the debt when the sale was finalised as a check would be made at the land registry so it would show up. As far as I know you couldnt sell and move it to another property as the order is against the property. DG
  11. Firstly acknowledge service and just put defend all or part. Remember they have added their costs onto this when they did this to me I admitteed I owed the balance but not their costs. I hadnt found this site then or I would have defended all. I had no CCA. I sent off for the CCA during this time and when it arrived it was the original CCA I had signed way back when anyway during the years this card was upgraded (originally a store card) and no agreement was ever signed when they upgraded it. The lowlifes mistake was to put the date the card was upgraded as the original card date on the claim - shows how thick they are. My advice is send the account in dispute letter as they have failed to produce anything in the 14 days allowed. I would also point out that I have seen loads of these letter to clients at where I work. We receive one we put the account in dispute. The chances are GE dont have a signed agreement. Watch for the letter asking you to return the docs to them - dont. Watch for the letter asking you to sign the attached form saying you are happy for them to cancel the claim - just want you to sign it, get a CCJ against you without your knowledge and then go for the charging order. Have a look at my thread Link Financial - GE Money and you can see what happened to me. Sorry I can't post the link to the thread sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt its my old mac thats about had it. You can even just go into the search button and put my name and search for my threads thats another way to find it. There is absolutely loads on Link and GE have a good read it will give you loads of insight into what your dealing with. Get your account in dispute letter off - remember at the very least recorded delivery. By the way can you scan the particulars of claim up for all to have a look at but remember to remove anything that can identify you. If you can't just type up the details. DG
  12. These people have been going around for years under one name or another. Son got a call from one next thing there is art work - yes actually got art work - 2 year old could have done better. Next thing a 4 page magazine - yes magazine they called it arrived. Someone who had actually paid these lowlife rang and asked us how much had we paid and had we had any calls from the ad. Told them we hadnt paid them anything and wouldnt be he couldnt believe he had been conned. Then the demands and threats started, contacted local TS then contacted the TS in Liverpool. Went through a right fight with the particular company I now cant remember there names. Anyway to cut a long story short they ended up in the Financial Mail and were being taken to court in the end they got their legs chopped off. Within weeks more calls from another company - guess what - same people running it. They never got a penny from us. Anyone gets any calls from an unsolicited company like that tell them go shove themselves. DG
  13. Proves a point that Government establishments dont do much of a check. Obviously they're not like some of the credit card companies who now wont take a debit/credit card details to pay the bill unless you live at the address the card is registered to (unless they had your addressand name as well.) I agree with you about not using your card on the internet etc., but the same applies to the cash machines, cloning your card. I for one dont have the time during the day to go into the bank to draw money, imagine if we all did it quese round the building. DG
  14. Totally agree with you makes mine boil as well. It must be very hard for your friends for this to happen along with everything else they are fighting. I never told the other half what was happening while he was ill thought he had enough to contend with but I must admit my health wasnt great during it all. Its hard enough to cope with serious health issues without the crap these people hand out. At least your friends came to you for help thats when you really find out who your friend are. DG
  15. Didn't waste much time did they. This bunch are nearly as bad as Link/Asset for moving onto court. Im guessing you've done the SAR. When I acknowledged service with my Link case I actually admitted some of the debt but not all as I definately wasnt going to pay any costs if it came to it, however, at the time I hadnt found this forum otherwise I would have defended all as they never even had an agreement for the dates they said. Anyway to cut a long story short I also stated on my acknowledgement that other half had just undergone major facial operation due to cancer and was undergoing surgery to rebuild I was adamant that the judge would know of this. I also asked how they had my new exdirectory number as they were constantly phoning when I wasnt in (dont know if this is happening to your friend.) And that no time did they offer to negotiate any form of reduced payment. Do the lowlife know you have full authority to deal with everything? Have you checked the CRAs to see if they actually have registered the default and that the date is the same as they claim if they've given you a date? Hope your friend is on the way to a good recovery, my cousin had the same cancer and he is in remission now. DG
  16. Any friends got a garage you can use if you haven't one of your own? If not anyone got a drive you can use? Get it off the road and away from where you live, if you park it on a public road they may just spot it. Get a letter off to MCC make a complaint about how you were spoken to and the response you got and make a reasonable offer of payment over however many weeks/months you think it will take. Typical of MCC they do the most rediculous things and quite often to the most vulnerable. Hang in there Im sure more informed caggers will be along later but if you can move your car. DG
  17. There are points on th e T&C that state about refunds/no delivery. Did you read the T&C or did you just tick to say you had read them like most people me in included? I know you say that you tried to stop the sale but as you say nothing was working I doubt you have any proof on stopping it. Did you attempted to get a postal address to send it in writing? Im dont know how you actually stand on this as Im certainly not up on such matters. Hang in there a lot of caggers dont actually log on until later. DG
  18. Did you sign an agreement out with O2 originally. Get Wescot to produce one. Only way to pay with another company is if Wescot get fed up and pass it back to O2 then someother lowlife will call instead. Sadly they have the same attitude as the rest of the DCAs which is rotten through and through but at least some of them will let you pay what you can afford. DG
  19. Go to it girl - remember its for yourself and the kids. Your kids are your kids and can never be anyone elses. Hey you want to come to mine and you can clean my kitchen for me. Diabetic is me - diet controlled - still eat things I shouldn't. Don't eat too many bananas as they are full of sugar or too many pears, you may end up with to much potasium - I love bananas and pears and was told to eat very seldom as they are full of potasium - I ate loads of them and was ill because I had too much potasium. As above make yourself a fruit salad with all the fruits you like, have some low fat yoghurt (flavoured if you like) to pour over instead of cream or ice cream. Yeh I know boring but think of the calories. Those small pots of low fat ambrosia rice and the banana flavour are nice, just the right size and tasty too. Have something filling for breakfast, a piece of fruit for mid morning, a low fat sandwich at lunch and a nice evening meal with lean meat or chicken without the skin and lovely green veg. Yeh like we do - Im back on the diet this week promised myself I'd lose at least a stone or two before I look for some nice summer gear. DG
  20. If it got as far as court a judge would decided what you could afford to pay even if its only £1. Dont worry tho as you will get the help you need from the forum and if BC lowlife does go to court they would need to send it to the address they have been sending stuff to (anything from them to your present address keep safe just incase you need it at a later date )- any other address they send it to would be in the the hope they could get a CCJ without you knowing. DG
  21. Sounds okay to me but last para remove the first "will" out. Also add at the end all communication must be in writing. Remember not to sign anything these are devious fiends who will stoop to the lowest and below. I just used to put my name using the itallics button. Dont forget to send everything to them by at least RD otherwise they deny all knowledge of anything you send to them. Remember do not hold any conversation with them on the phone they lie, cheat and will twist anything you have to say or their response to you. Dont rely on them recording all conversations as they say because they do not do that, I know I asked for transcripts of my numerous conversations with them and they produced three brief type written notes as they couldnt find the recordings - liars I rang them loads of times - see what I mean. And dont forget to get that CCA request off the day after. DG
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