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Everything posted by diamondgirl

  1. Sorry guys but I photocopied all the papers from the court but I just cant find the first page. Do you think if I applied to Northampton CC they would send me a copy? suppose thats a stupid question. The debt is £6000 but that includes interest. I may have an odd statement from GE but they hadn't sent anything to me for months before link took over. I did not agree with the amount they were saying which was nearer £7000 including the costs. I didn't know what to do and at the time didn't know about you guys. I don't ever remember getting a default notice from GE Money and I definately did not get an assigned notice from them either. Link is the listed Claimant Never having received a CCJ before I asked CCCS what to do and they advised me to complete it and say I didn't agree with the total they were asking. Useless aren't I!
  2. Now I'm getting - must very thick - worst of all I work in accounts now thats a laugh in itself. I don't hound anyone by the way I take the nice easy approach - I don't think debt collectors would want me working for them.
  3. You'll have difficulty in getting any of the live footy if you have a mac
  4. Dont know if I'm doing something wrong on the site but I don't appearr to be having a great deal of input on my original posting in Debt Collection Industry. Any ideas in search it comes up under link financial - ge money. Any input would be great
  5. Hi Beachcomber60 These morons Link are my biggest problem what a pain in the a... Never had to deal with anyone like it. I imagine someone in the forum will come across my various postings on various sites and come to my rescue. Keep your chin up thats what I'm trying to do. DG
  6. Hi everyone Wish I'd seen Foolishgirls letter much earlier then perhaps I would not have received county court papers from Link so quickly. I have learnt a lot from the links I have read in this forum. I only found out about the forum by chance when looking on the n et. I really wish I'd found it soon.
  7. Hi H Can't recall but I will check all my papers and get back to you. I'm waiting for the CCA from them it was sent last week - hope I'm not too late in doing it. I found this forum site after I'd returned the papers! Also reading about CL on some of the links what is the likelyhood of problems if you have something with them. I have but its only small but I know of some friends who have larger ones? Anyway I'll go have a look and come back to you soon Thanks diamondgirl:) Hi Huys Unable to scan anything on at the moment basically details as: 1st letter received late Nov 08 "Sale of your Debt" giving notice or intimation that GE Capital Bank Ltd has assigned to us the benefit of the debt. Due to your default (not got anything about the default) Payment of full balance immediately to Link Beginning Dec 08 sent expenditure etc., to Link Early Jan 09 Link sent letter "Sorry your are not in a position to clear the balance however we are still keen to come to an amicable and mutally beficial solution in line with your curretn circumstances. Contact us without delay" Late Jan 09 Link says " We write to inform you that we have decided to commence legal proceedings against you to recover the following debt without further reference to you. We will issue a claim against you in the County Court within 10 days. As you are a home owner once we have obtained a judgement we will commence action to secure our claim by applying for a Charging Order. A Charing Order will give us a legal interest in your property which will require you to settle our clain before any sale or disposal can take place." Next - Statement arrives showing two debit balances. Couple days later hey presto Court Papers arrive. Sent these back to the Court and a copy to them saying I did not agree the balance and my debt was with GE Money - never received any notification from GE Money - infact never received anything from GE Money for months. I cannot find any default notice from either GE Money or from Link. Late Feb received letter from Lin acknowledging receipt of my Part Admission aying whilst they appreciate I have previously made an offer of repayment this was rejected on the basis that the amout offered was insufficient to adequately service the account balance. They do not accept that I have a valid defence to the claim and it is their intention to proceed to judgement in this matter. There was another page asking me to sign " It has been brought to my attention by the claimant that I am indeed indebted to the claiment for the monies claimed. I would therefore ish to admit the claim in full and consent to the claimant being granted leave to request judgement against me for those monies claimed and the fixed costs incurred to date. Any papers filed in defence of the claim I would request be withdrawn. Sorry its so long and drawn out - scanner would have been great but its broke - not got a workable digital camera. Naturally I have not signed this letter. During all these letters that have been received I have been bombarded with phone calls at home (my number is ex-directory) theyve bought the number from abroad thats the only way they can obtain it. They have never tried to contact me on my mobile which they have the number of (its on the court papers) During this time I tried several times to talk to them, they keep you hanging on and then a message leave your name and number we'll get back to you (no chance of me leaving my name and number with them) They would not give any account reference to enable CCCS to make payments to them so they just carried on sending to the GE Money as proof payments were continuing to be met as we had no other details. Not a peep from them since the last letter. Is there anything else I can do now or is it just a case of wait and see. If they transfer this to my local court are the courts going to ask me for any more information or will they just pass judgement. Help please:) Sorry Guys Forgot to mention one phone call when they actually said why don't you consolidate - said what and get into more difficulties. She didn't want to know then.
  8. Hi 42man Sorry had a really bad week, having to take a pay cut then someones hit the car and driven off talk about Friday 13th. Anyway briefly Link bought the debt from GE Money 1st letter said sale of your debt is possibly imminent Sent upto date expenditure/statement as told to do by CCCS bearing in mind that I never received a letter to say they had actually bought the debt from GE Money nor anything from GE Money (for at least 6 months even though they kept accepting the payments) 2nd letter arrives sorry to hear you are having problems ring us Try to talk to someone what a waste of time. Asked them for bank details to make payments to them. 3rd Statement arrives from Link showing 2 debit balances 4th letter arrives we are not accepting the CCCS plan you we are proceeding to court action within the next 10 days with no further correspondance with you. 5th Court papers arrive 6th letter arrives after receiving my copy of the defence this letter states "Whilst we appreciate that you have previously made an offer of repayment this was rejected on the basis that the amount offered was inssuficient to adequately service the account balance. We do not accept that you have a valid defence to the claim and it is our intention to proceed to judgement in this matter. In an effort to save court time and to prevent the claim being listed for a hearing we attach a letter for your consideration. By signing and returning this to us you will be admitting the debt in full and consenting to judgement being entered against you. Once judgement has been obtained we will make an application to secure the debt by way of a charging order on your property this will enable us to monitor the account for monthly payments at a rate which is affordable to you. In the event you wish to continue to defend this matter we have requested it be transferred to your local court." Attached letter states "It has been brought to my attention by the claimant that I am indeed indebted to the claimant for the monies claimed. I would therefore wish to admit the claim in full and consent to the claimant being granted leave to request judgement against me for those monies claimed and the fixed costs incurred to date. Any papers filed in defence of the claim I would request be withdrawn" Sorry for that load of reading. I have requested a copy of the CCA from link. I know the case has not been looked at yet at Northampton as I was told it was waiting for Link. What should I do next - any ideas. I do intend to defend this as they say the debt is with them when it was with GE Money and I did not enter into any agreement with Link.
  9. Just seen the link (pardon the pun its not intensional) I have the same problem as you with Link. GE Money sold it to Link it has only taken Link 3 letters to end up sending me court papers. Yes had phone calls (my phones ex-directory) guess how they got my number by buying it from abroad. Sent all the details income/expenditure and copy of CCCS statement, replied back no acceptable no further correspondance court papers will be issued within 7 days and once they obtain judgement will will apply for a charging order. These plonkers dont give a damn about anything except getting your money. Im waiting for a court date at the moment. One other thing during one phone call I tried to obtain my reference number so the CCCS could send the payment to them direct guess what they wouldnt give it to me but they did want me to consolidate my debts with one monthly payment via guess who - them. We carried on paying the monthly payment to GE money - whose got the payments that have been made - guess what - nobody wants to tell me.
  10. Ive been on a DMP with the CCCS since May last year, the only one who has not accepted the payment (although they took the monthly payments from CCCS) was GE Money. They have now sold the debt to Link Financial who are real plonkers. Anyway I would still send the letters off. I did not get replies to all my letters but all the other Creditors has not made any threats. Some have stopped the interest. Link Financial have send me courts papers and I have sent the court papers back I have no intention of letting them get away with anything least of all the money I dont have. Send your letters off and request CCAs as Livis said what you havent got they cant have. Beware of Link Financial (if GE sell the debt to them) they will try every trick in the book.
  11. Sorry that I cant help you, but perhaps you can help me. Im havings dealings with these idiots at the moment. Did you get your case moved to a local court or was this all done through Northampton or which ever court they used.
  12. Hi All I received and completed the court forms which Link Financial decided to do. I have since returned the forms back to the court (I intend to defend this). I received a letter from the plonkers saying basically I had no defence in the matter and they intended to continue with this and get a charging order on my property. I rang the court to find out where I was on the list and they said Link had 33 days in which to respond. Does this 33 days start from the date of the court papers or the date they received the papers completed. Anyone know! I also want to know is it too late to send a CCA Letter to them? Any ideas would be great. I have also written to the OFT over there letter and phone calls that they had been making. Thanks:(
  13. Hi All I'm relative new to this as well. Does anyone know if I can still write for a CCA to Link Financial even though they have sent court papers and I have returned them back to the court as I am disputing this debt because it was originally with GE money and not once did I received a letter actually stating they had bought this debt only that it was possibly imminent. Thanks
  14. Thanks, I intend to get it moved closed to home, hoping I can get through to them today.
  15. Thanks I was considering this. Did you know that if a Company is outside of the UK they can buy your phone number even though its ex directory. As Link is part of a larger company thats how they must of obtained it. Also if you are listed with the phone preference service any UK Company must not phone you.
  16. Link are a bunch of nuts. If you try ringing them they put you on hold. Never give them your phone number otherwise as everyone knows they harrass you no end. Be warned even if you have an ex directory phone number they can get hold of it, just as they have done in my case. It took then 2 months to proceed to court. They send me three letters the first saying they were about to purchase the debt, the second saying sorry you are having financial troubles, the third to say they were taking me to court. I sent Link a copy of the completed court papers and now I have a fourth letter saying I dont have a case and for me to sign a note attached to this letter so we dont have to sit and wait around for the case to come up and then they can decide what I can afford to pay. They will then just go for the charging order on the property. This branch of Link is not the London one its the Caerphilly one and they seem to be just as bad. At least the Northampton Court is not quite as bad. CCC say just ignore the letter and let it go to court after all I am defending this. Lets see what the outcome of the court ruling is. Anyone else having dealing with with bunch of nuts from Caerphilly and anyone go any further advise they can offer me.
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