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Everything posted by vjohn82

  1. I'm being sued by an author after posting a review on a website about their book. After taking exception to my words, amongst other things, the individual and his company (a vanity press publisher) are suing me for defamation. The case has been listed at the Royal Court's of Justice for the 10th and 11th of November... 2 x 6hr hearings in front of, I believe, Justice Eady. My blog is here: http://vjohn82libelcase.blogspot.com/ It's been really tough, much tougher than I imagined, to defend this case. Approx. 4000 documents have been created by the Claimants. It is believed that the Claimants want damages exceeding £1/2 million. They are claiming costs of over £12k for these two day hearings alone. If everyone can try and promote my cause a little, I would really appreciate it. I know everyone is busy with their own cases so I am trying to rely on some of the goodwill I have hopefully built up in the 3 years I have known some of you. A £1 donation would REALLY help towards my costs of getting to London and back for the two days. If you can get the word out there for me, that would really help too. Thanks, VJ
  2. Funnily enough, that's exactly how I see it too
  3. Cheers DB... page 2 contains the relevant loan contract and PPI stuff. I found this on the FOS website too... http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/ombudsman-news/40/40_setoff.htm
  4. Cheers DB... page 2 contains the relevant loan contract and PPI stuff. I found this on the FOS website too... http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/ombudsman-news/40/40_setoff.htm
  5. Thread here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?272403-vjohn82-vs.-HFC-(PPI-Claim)/page3
  6. HFC have made an offer in full settlement to place me in the position I was in before I took the loan and PPI. However, the FOS has indicated that HFC will be looking to "set off" against the loan balance. The "loan" itself was sold to Aktiv Kapital many years ago and is now statute barred. I suppose I'm just wondering where I stand with this? Any advice appreciated.
  7. Happy days for LIP's... shame it has come too late for some of my cases
  8. Sorry, didn't get the notification for your last question. Bizarre. Glad you have the info you need.
  9. If more than 2/3 of the balance has been paid then no; they need a court order. Ask for a suspension on the payment until she is better.
  10. Either that or I'm on the payroll...
  11. I don't believe it. They're a great company. Shame on anyone saying any different.
  12. Say what you like about HFO... No, really, say what you like.
  13. They've always been the most upfront, honest, honourable and gracious company in the murky world of debt collection. Shame on the naysayers!
  14. Fascinating. Any more info on this rogue company?
  15. Not at all Ims; you make a valid point. I could spend a lot of time assisting with this case but I have 2 libel cases on right now (both against me) and that's difficult enough to handle. I suspect that that Articles are a standard mock up anyway. It seems the OP had nothing to do with their construction so they were probably set up by a corporation that "specialises" in such matters. A specialist lawyer is needed for this without a doubt.
  16. Input or not, only the Articles will tell you how much you really let yourself in for. It's a lot of responsibility.
  17. You were a director; why don't you know what the Articles are? Go to Companies House, find your company, go to the "order information" screen and buy the file that says "Articles of Association & Memorandum". It'll cost you £1. We really need to see what liabilities the directors have before advising. At this point I would also advise finding a company lawyer of some kind if you genuinely dispute responsibility. This is a site generally for consumer issues. Business transactions like this involves lots of complex law and the Companies Act 2006 is an immense document to get through. That's not to say we can't help, but if you don't know what the Articles are you might struggle grasping some of the technical points on here.
  18. You're going to need to send me the Articles of Association so we can see what the liabilities of the Directors is upon resignation. VJ
  19. OP: Was it your own company or were you just a director?
  20. Well, judging by the amount of damning information that we have sent they could be sorting through it for 5 years
  21. Don't panic. In order to send bailiffs they need a court order against you (CCJ) and then need to instruct bailiffs who, in any event, you never need to let into your abode anyway. Have you got any paperwork in relation to the alleged account? I say alleged because we know, in the HFO Fan Club, how many things are not as they appear. There's no need to get overworked over it. You can't go to prison for a consumer debt. They can't take your car. The police cannot be used in this case because it is a civil dispute and not a criminal one.
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