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Everything posted by VikkiBP

  1. Thank you Have a lovely Christmas x
  2. It's 6 months full pay, six months half pay. I need to give a few months notice so I will be resigning whilst taking the accrued annual leave, (6 weeks) just before I visit the GP again. My husband says to take 6 months off sick but to me that's taking the wot sits and not my style. I just want out as painlessly as possible and finally close the chapter of the horrible tale. Whilst ever its hanging over me it's a festering wound. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and if I'd known before what I know now I'd just have taken SMP. Feels like I've wasted the last 10 years there, it's counted for nothing.
  3. Thank you so much for responding. I've already been to see the GP, the same GP that's been treating me throughout. Hopefully, I'll find something else at a different location beforehand. Many thanks again.
  4. Hi there Its been a while since I posted and I could do with some advice. My previous thread related to bullying/harrassment in and out of the work place by my husbands ex and her friend who both work in the same dept as me and him. They also involved my ex (who doesnt work there) whereby the 3 of them sent a 9 page email to all and sundry telling such lies that I had to call the police, who only dealt with him as he signed it. In my opinion the organisation let me down badly. There are too many events to mention here, but I was off work ill for 5 months and was in fear of my life as my ex is a nutter and had made threats throughout our relationship if I were to find any one else etc. I also received hate mail at home (whilst I was off ill), which looked to have been written on behalf of my husbands ex. As far as I am aware I am unsure as to how far this was investigated, I made a complaint to my head of department in March 2011, I have yet to have any outcome letter in writing. I went on maternity leave in February this year and honestly thought that with the passage of time I would be able to return to work without issue/fear. This is not the case, the thought of returning is making me ill, as bad as when this all started to happen. My husband is just about to change jobs, so I would not feel safe at all at work. These two women are the lowest of the low and as far as I can see, any sanction IF any was given has had no effect. When I returned to work last October, my husbands ex was constantly in my office on some pretext to talk to the men in there. I know exactly what she was doing and it was intimidating as I am a manager and she is not, therefore it would be me accused of bullying if I told her to leave the office and to call my colleagues rather than trotting in every 5 minutes. I did raise this with my manager at the time but was told nothing could be done and she could communicate in which way she pleased. I was frightened every time I had to go to the ladies, walk down a flight of stairs for fear of being pushed, the list goes on. I have come to realise that there is no way on earth I can see myself surviving going back there. Because of the OMP I am contracted to go back for 13 weeks minimum. 6 of these weeks are taken by annual leave, my question is if my GP certifies me ill for the remaining 7 weeks, will this be enough for me not to have to repay OMP as it is a large amount, which I do not have. I seem to be in a no win situation. I am a member of a union but no one will answer the question for me. I am in no way trying to defraud this organisation and have been trying to get another job for the same organisation but elsewhere as this would solve the problem. I am tired of worrying about it, I cannot even face walking on site. I am fit for work, but not there. I'd be grateful for any answers. Many thanks
  5. Yes I checked my credit file, I was associated with someone I shouldn't have been and got that removed a few months ago, my score was 972 so I can't understand it. If it's not the electoral role I'm scuppered as I want to apply for a mortgage next year.
  6. Hi thanks for responding, I've tried co-op in feb, Barclays and first direct. No I havent asked them. I've cancelled some accounts incl credit cards I didn't use as I thought that might make things a bit better. The only different thing I've done is get married and no longer have a mortgage as I sold my house last year
  7. Hi guys I am confused, trying to get another current account as currently with RBS and dont want to be a Santander customer (been with RBS since 1988). Since Feb this year I have tried 3 different banks and they all refused, even for a basic current account. I am well paid, had same employer for nearly 10 years, do not overdraw, have savings, 1 credit card with nothing on it, never been in arrears with anything. Theres nothing on my credit file that I can see. I moved house to live with my now husband last year and asked to be put on the electoral register 2 months ago. Can someone suggest what I can do? Many thanks
  8. Hospitals are legally obliged to keep physical medical records for 8 years, 25 years for children. However test results may still be held electronically.
  9. Lots of GPs are not taking on new patients, if you find this call the local health authority who will allocate you a surgery.
  10. In November 2011 I contacted Repairworld Rotherham (now known as Comart ITM)about a fault on my PC, they quoted for repair, I paid with my bank card and they duelly collected my PC for repair. The next 2 months I kept phoning trying to find out what was happening, only to be told last week that the parts they quoted for have been fitted but has not solved the problem and the machine does not work at all now. I was told that I will not get a refund as they have done what I requested. I stated that they quoted the repair on my discription of the problem. I was told there is no point going round in circles, there is no refund and your item will be returned 1/2/2012. I still have not received my broken PC. How can I get a refund and my PC but back to the stae it was when it went in?
  11. It's all down to money I'm afraid. PCTs are cash strapped these days and are now nit picking at everything to try and avoid paying for hospital treatments. You would not believe some of the excuses! Hospitals can no longer afford to subsidise the PCT by treating patients for free, (which they do every year as they often over perform their targets). PCTs can argue that if a GP did not refer a patient to a particular specialty, they shouldn't have to pay for it. It's the patient that suffers in the end, if you trust a consultant enough to refer to them, shouldn't you trust their judgement enough to refer on, if clinically appropriate?
  12. Unfortunately that's what I'm thinking, do you have an address for them, I can't seem to find one. Many thanks
  13. Pipex haven't been in contact, I got a letter from the bank saying PIPEX had tried to take the DD, not heard anything from Pipex, concerns me that the new owner may be using the landline and Pipex will try and make me pay for the calls even though the property is not mine.
  14. Hi everyone I moved out of my home this Feb, continued to pay bills etc via DD. Had the pipex broadband switched off in April, no problem. Sold my property a week ago, called pipex to cancel the account, got put through to 4 different people all who said they could not help me. I gave up, went on the website, clicked contact us and emailed them to explain. Not had any response other than they have tried to take money from my bank account. I did tell the operators I had cancelled the DD and that the landline had not been used since Feb this year which they confirmed. I don't owe any money but I can't seem to get them to acknowledge I no longer own this property, what do I do? Many thanks
  15. Thanks for the pep talk, husband is completing a SAR as we speak, I have a copy of his grievance submitted to use as a template.
  16. Thank you for your support, it really is appreciated. Just working on the grievances now and have mailed union rep that we need to be ready to rock and roll on Friday. I just hope I can go back to work as planned, I really do not want to drop to half pay as I'm afraid it will affect my maternity pay. 4 years is some going!
  17. Husband and I work in the same department, the unions wanted to do a joint greivance, (2 different unions) I didn't. I wanted him to go first to see what they would do, they've done nothing. Oh and it's an NHS organisation. Everything logged in one document. Thanks again
  18. Thanks for your advice, I feel so low again, your kindness is making me weepy. I planned to submit 3 grievances on my return to work, I can honestly say I have not been mentally up as I know once started I need to see it through to the end. I can't believe I could be seen as the problem, with a 9 year unblemished work record and good references. My husband submitted a grievance in June this year, he has yet to receive even an acknowledgement.
  19. I can't say specifically what's in it but the police have said I need to force the employer to deal with it, like I haven't been trying!! they haven't dealt with any of it and the first concerns I raised to one of the women's managers was 7th January.
  20. He sent a strongly worded letter stating a documented support be put in place signed up to by me and HR. I have received a card in the mail this morning from a colleague warning me not to go back to work, 2 pages of no one wants you in their office, you are not seen as the victim but as the victimiser and I will stop at nothing to get my own back???? wtf?? I haven't spoken to anyone at work since April???? I know who wrote it, it's her that started all this trouble in the first place. I am mad at myself for being so upset. I have copied and emailed the card to my union rep and manager, requesting someone call me asap as to how they are going to deal with this. The hatefuless is never-ending!
  21. Hi Mariefab, I had indicated to them nearly 4 weeks ago that I would like to return to work. Sick note runs out next Monday but I am seeing the GP this Friday, I am sure she will sign me off as long as it takes, she was unaware that I wished to return to work as I haven't seen her for 4 weeks. All sick notes have stated work related stress and work related stress/depression. There has been much medical involvement since June particularly where I became suicidal. The pregnancy has made me focus on what's important and has given me strength in one way but makes me feel very vulnerable (at work). As I know this will be further fodder for the 2 idiots to start playing silly devils again. Manager is aware of the pregnancy and I have asked that the news not be shared with anyone. I do not want people knowing due dates or anything, other than those that need to know ie payroll etc. Received a call this afternoon, and yes I had a pen and pad to hand to document. A meeting has been arranged for next week so I have notified my union rep. I do have a copy of the risk assessment questionnaire and have made notes as to the answers, what work issues and parts of my role I anticipate problems and ways to overcome them. Most of all I want the 2 people who instigated this dealt with appropriately and preferably severely. I know this is unlikely to happen but I want a documented support plan, like you say, everything in writing. I know I will keep my end of the deal, I also know they won't sadly. Roll on maternity leave.
  22. I've emailed manager and said I am not going back until the Occ Health recommendations are undertaken as the issues and people that made me ill have not been dealt with. I was then informed she is meeting with HR later today........ I give up!
  23. Hi mariefab, I was that shocked, I emailed the consultant to ask whether he could check the manager did receive the report and quoted the email I received to him. I know nothing will be in place for Monday as my manager does not work Mondays. I don't even know if I have a desk any more as a contractor has been sitting there (not doing my job I hasten to add) and one of my immediate colleagues informs me he is not for moving. I don't even know what hours I am to work as I have been off for so long, a phased return would be appreciated, especially as I am now pregnant. I dare not respond to this mail today as I am so angry. This is the latest thing in months of management incompetency and I say this as a manager myself, I am utterly disgusted. The bullying started because of my marriage in March this year, or rather as to whom I was marrying. The ex of my husband works in the same department and has been very creative and manipulative into 100 ways to persecute me. I can only imagine what is next on the agenda now that I am pregnant and feeling more vulnerable than ever. I need a support plan in place, recognised by the consultant in Occ Health, for my own well being and successful return to work.
  24. Hi everyone I'll keep this very brief. I've been off work with work related stress (bullying/harrassment) since May this year but now feel I could possibly to go back to work. Sent to Occ Health to see a consultant, who was very sympathetic and sent me a copy of his report which advised Manager involve HR to undertake Risk Assessment to proactively manage stressors and document a robust plan agreed and signed up to by all parties ideally BEFORE I return to work even if this means taking a few more weeks sick otherwise it is foreseeable that I relapse and be ill again. This whole incident of harrassment and bullying has not been dealt with correctly from the start and the 2 people in question have not been dealt with to my knowledge nor likely to be but a list of grievances are on my to do list once back at work. I received an email this morning from my manager asking me if i still intend to return to work next Monday. No mention of meetings with HR and union reps, no mention of risk assessments, no mention of anything. Where do I stand if medical advice which was requested by them, is ignored..... I do not want to go back to work without any reassurance of support and/or an action plan that will give me any confidence that further harrassment will be dealt with. Thanks in advance
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