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count orlok

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Everything posted by count orlok

  1. I read somewhere that all the rich from France were coming here as they didn't like the temporary 75% temporary tax rate to help their economy. Where are our rich planning to go, not France that's for certain?
  2. If you bought a BMW or Merc instead of an Insignia or Mondeo it could be seen as exessive.
  3. I really don't know to what to say. People who are due to go into or have just come out of hospital due to serious medical problems should not have to go through all this. Surely there must be a way of making sure this does not happen. I would phone them up (and follow up with a recorded letter) and tell them your mother is unable to attend because she has just suffered a stroke. I'm not sure what would happen in this case but that is what I'd do. When i was due for my last assessment I was waiting to go into hospital so told them I couldn't attend. The day after i came out of hospital they phoned to tell me I had passed.
  4. I would love for someone from my housing association to come round and tell what is happening with our benefits. There are tools on my HA website that help, but the whole lot is becoming so complicated. I've found out some of the stuff i need to know but UC is the real puzzler, but then i don't think even the government know about that.
  5. It would be nice if that was the reason behind it, but when compared to DLA independance is going to be severely restricted.
  6. and that's our fault, how?
  7. I think I gave the wrong impresion or put my answer int he wrong place. I am on DLA, I also need heart opeations every couple of years and quite a lot of drugs to keep me alive. If the NHS do the PIP assessments and pass me as fit, I am worried if they'll then say as there is nothing wrong with me I can't be in need of all these heart ops and drugs, and they'll stop them along with my DLA/PIP.
  8. The main worry with this is if the NHS passes you as fit, will they stop your consultations, ops and medication?
  9. All I provided was my script, I did tell them I was waiting to go into hospital for an angiogram had angina, damaged spine legs etc. I just assumed they had written to my doctor for information as I was put in the support group. Perhaps they believed me?
  10. Isn't the judicial review something to do with this. Something along the lines of its the responsibility of the DWP to contact Doctors to get the evidence. After all it is unfair to expect us to do it as most doctors charge.
  11. ATOS are being paid millions to do a job that should realy be done by the NHS (Doctors etc should be beleived), they cream of a few millions and pay the NHS to do it. So ATOS are getting paid by the taxpayer to do nothing, so that they can then make contributions to the Tory party. In the award from the public sector to the private sector and back to the private sector there will be many back handers and jobs for the boys (MPs) win win (or for the ta payer lose lose).
  12. Who is trying to contact you by phone?
  13. Well on the ESA50 form they ask for your doctor and specialist's names and addresses, if its not for checking on what you have said why do they ask? I presumed that was what they did. I mean anybody could say they had chronic heart disease couldn't they? Surely they would have checked, as they don't usually believe what you write on the forms.
  14. Lots of poor people work (or worked) very hard. Lots of rich people work hard. Some poor people don't work and some rich people don't work. Only the poor seem to be suffering both the hard working and not so. You don't see any Hard working or not rich suffering, sorry. Seems to me those suffering most are the poor whether they be hard working, not or unable. Even the cuts to tax credits hurt those on the lowest wages/hours.
  15. As with everything this evil administration does, the cuts and costs will be borne by those most unable to stand them.
  16. Not sure about whether you can buy say 12, 3 times or not all i can see is up to 36 between 6 November and Christmas eve.
  17. The "laying on of hands" was done by the examiner, I would imagine that was part of the ATOS miracle cure. In the mind's of ATOS yes, but not in the real world where one would be expected to write at a high rate without taking breaks while remaining seated for many hours.
  18. Just got my vouchers in the post. Up to 2 eligable persons per voucher, if I need more there is a phone number or web site. It says you can buy up to 36 stamps in books of 6 or 12 at christmas 2011 prices. We may take up this offer 72 stamps should last us a couple of years The good news is if they are sending the vouchers out by post everyone will get them, even thouse without interenet,
  19. If all these hard working families weren't so greedy working so many hours, perhaps there'd be enough jobs to go around. Perhaps instead of vilifying those out of work they introduced compulsory job sharing so only those unable to work would be out of work. Win win, no unemployed but they'd still have the sick and disabled to blame for all the countries ills Or even better, support those unable to work and share the work out amongst those able to and not blame the world's problems on the vulnerable.
  20. Too true. That figure is also after a few years of cuts, it was higher than that before. Our rate has only just risen above theirs and now they're talking of freezing it.
  21. David Cameron keeps going on about how bad things are in Greece and how if we don't make a few scarifies we'll be like they are in Greece. The unemployed in Greece only get £65 a week and whats more it only lasts for a year, and they get lots of reduced stuff. :???::???: I don't want to appear thick but £71 for 6 months and having to pay full price for everything doesn't seem a lot better. I may be wrong, but I think if we were on mainland Europe there'd be riots here because of what this government is doing.
  22. I noticed there was no mention of the long term sick in any of that. I'm guessing they have decided their present policies would have wiped us all out by the time of the next government.
  23. Got to be a safer bet than the previous party to vote for if you didn't want Labour/Tory. Many voted for them last time and they got the opposite of what they wanted. The Liberals (AKA Wigs) always used to be the natural enemy of the Conservatives (AKA Tories). Things changed in the 20th Century with the rise of the labour party, and in the second part of that century they all but Disappeared. They then joined with the SDP (disaffected Labour MPs who thought Labour was too left wing), and became effectively the Centre Party. They never got enough seats to be little more than a protest party. With New labour the Labour party moved to the right to fill the gap left by the Tories as they moved even further to the right. The Lib Dems now became the left party. At the last election many labour voters felt their party had gone to far to the right and voted Lib Dems hoping they would reign in New Tor... I mean Labour. For a reason that will escape us they decided to leave all their principals behind and join with their natural enemies. Perhaps David was a better lier than Gorden and promised them more (Like changing the election system and the Lords). Just my theory.
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