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  1. I also have a mortgage with Kensington and applied for mortgage rescue. In the mean time had to go to court to stop an eviction. Now they are refusing the mortgage rescue with Charter Housing until the arrears are paid saying this is their policy. If we were in a position to pay our arrears we wouldn't need the mortgage rescue package. Which was going to pay our arrears and a lump sum off our mortgage.
  2. Hi I have been a customer with Kensington for almost three years. Got into difficulty 18 months ago and they tried repossession, got this suspended and had to pay £50 on top of my original payments. In October last year went in for Mortgage rescue with the council and charter housing and they have agreed to pay off my arrears and a lump sum off my mortgage. This has been going through until recently when Kensington applied to the courts for full repossession after one missed payment, the judge again refused as the mortgage rescue was going through. Now we have hit a problem if we want the money released from the council to help we need permission from Kensington and they are refusing permission until the arrears are paid off in full. We are stuck because the arrears cannot be paid until Kensington give their permission to accept the mortgage rescue deal. I don't know what else to do, any thoughts.
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