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Everything posted by lilhopaholic101

  1. Thats the funniest things I have seen in ages! When they called my house this morning (I dont deal with them over the phone) I advised them that Jenna (Me) was here in body but not in spirit so sadly without my other half I really couldnt help them (Its not hilarious but it had me chuckling)
  2. I have had awful problems with Wonga. I took out a loan before christmas for £100, and I defaulted. By January the amount owed was £386! I paid off £186 as I had just recieved my student loan, and made an agreement over the phone that the next £200 would be collected on the 13th Feb. That was to be the end of the matter. A few days before I recieved a letter from Chainey 'fake solicitors' blah blah blah saying I owed £275. I refused to pay anything until Wonga refuted the charges which were contrary to our agreement. I keep recieving letters asking for more money, I believe the amount is now £408. I wrote another letter last week once again stating that, they had broken the terms of our agreement so I am refusing to pay anything until the original agreement is reinstated which is a one off payment of £200. They seem to be ignoring me. Is there anything else I can do?
  3. Hia, Im a 21 year old student who has a £3600 debt with Natwest. I was dealing with depression at the time and agreed a repayment plan of £2 a month over a year and more ago. In January I attempted to make a full and final sttlement with Natwest but the rep on the phone said i would have to default on my £2 a month payments which I did. Then I wrote off making my final offer of £1200 which NatWEST rejected. However I had until the 20th of Feb to respond to their letter which I did, before that though, my account was handed over to WESTCOTT who have harrassd me since. There has been rude phonecalls and no one seems to acknowledge that passing my debt over to debt recovery is illegal as I was still in negotiation with Natwest and the time period had not expired. When Westcott phoned again my mum answerd and the rep was very rude, at this point I had enough and said I would only be communicating via letter. So I hear nothing, then again this week they are ringing my 16 year old step brother and advising they will be sending baliffs around. I AM ABSOLUTELY FUMING! How can I stop them. I have sent letters to Natwest advising them andf even a natwest rep concurred they were wrong. Also I recieved a notice of default of payment from Westcott saying I had agreed to pay £200 a month to themselves, which is absolute nonsense. Can I sue them for harassment? As it has meant my anxiety has flared up again and I have been suffering from panic attacks due to this as I have all my other debts under control. Please help
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