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Everything posted by brassed-off-2

  1. Hi Pw You have rec eived the same as me!! No welcome address on the 1st page, and i have noticed the address change on the 2nd page from mere way to the lenton address..same as!
  2. glad to see tings are moving for you pw...even if its still at a snails pace at the moment....
  3. Account in dispute! with FOS! only just been added onto cra file ..and settled!! (end of jan) extra middle initial added to name! Added to cra file again..(end of jan) the extra middle initial still there!! Default notice issued within last 2 weeks from welcome(dodgy)! recorded as mortgage! recorded with the extra month added over original term!! status = settled!! defaulted for more than the original loan amount!! oh happy days grining fro ear to ear.....watchout welcome....im moving closer to court!!!!
  5. LD, I AGREE WITH YOU 100%. Eagleforms, please dont take it to heart, but hear what LD is saying. So much has gone into this thread over the last 18 months, it would be a shame to have the mods pull the plug, and loose it all.
  6. good to see your ok Post, welcome back:p
  7. Sorry guys to have left you in limbo lately!! been having another stand off with my isp .. wouldnt mind, but oh works for them...honestly they treat their staff worse than their customers... I am skimming over the forum, when i get chance, just really snowed under with work/ home commitments, fallen really behind with course work, had my wrist slapped off assessor on last visit..ouch!!! would you believe it 40 years old, doing an advanced apprenticeship, with a very active 4 year old...must be mad! pw - good call sending your letter with what you have to fos, im sure Post will come up trumps with another letter for you to forwward on at a later date... im just sending them a copy of another dodgy DN they sent to me last week:mad: Keep at it wescum fighters..your all doing a grand job!
  8. @ sced & ryde.... sorry just seen your posts try this link.. Southn Pac Secs 04-1: Notice to Noteholders | Company Announcements | Investegate
  9. h tp://www.istockanalyst.com/article/viewnewspaged/articleid/3852725/pageid/1 page 2 seems interesting on this one...refers to the mortgage deeds!!
  10. Southn Pac Secs 04-1: Notice to Noteholders | Company Announcements | Investegate Just came across this... some announcements made today!!!
  11. no cock ups on the apr that i can see!!
  12. Diva Dog, last 2 paragraphs of the first page, is the response i received to my complaint, nothing in detail like the one you have!! needless to say my complaint is now in the hands of the fos...and the court most likely...but only time will tell....seems to me the old welcome flutter valve is deffinately fluttering....will go through the above mentioned case law again to see what they are beating their gums at!!... in our case: 75% ltv on an £8k loan...with a property valuation at the time of £110k:confused: mmmm lets see them explain that to the fos!! Keep me posted with your findings!!
  13. just stumbled upon this...if it is of use to anyone!!Eurosail-UK 2007-5NP Plc - Notice of Results and Seperate Adjourned Meetings | RNS News Item | Hemscott.com
  14. CARDIFF You need to contact the ICO, they can deal with the data protection issues...i would give them a ring in the morning and follow it up with a letter, provide copies of the evidence also...
  15. lOVIN IT!!! WONT KNOW WHATS HIT THEM!!!:lol::lol: Thanks for the heads up on this em!!! Keep us posted!! The other is in the PM!!;)
  16. Can any welcome employee past or present..answer this??
  17. nottingham are busy tonight....18 guests....must be a record!!!
  18. We have always had to deal with Glenisters, from Ruislip, Surrey. although we are based NW area. Not sure how the geographics work on it though!!! Have noticed alot of prospectuses have Lightfoots mentioned in them too of late!!
  19. @ Welcome Job Hunter and welcome staff Thanks for comming on this thread and sharing your knowledge. What is the word on the Welcome corridors, in relation to the MIF and acceptance fees that have been unlawfully applied to secured loan agreements.
  20. COULDN'T AGREE MORE!! But i would also like to add, that most of you dont realise how your own contributions have become valuable to others,by posting up your own experiences for the benefit of others to see and the knowledge that you have all gained is priceless in the fight against the scummers!!!! Keep up the good work everyone!! Every little helps!! Thankyou Post and fellow caggers.
  21. nice one sister dotty:) i must agree, it has all become rather tedious and boring...lets get back to business...
  22. Ryde Roald Dhal: The BFG. the big fat gob. tbfg in a different context for itbg/itgg!
  23. FSA sets out tough new rules to ensure that borrowers in arrears are treated fairly and to reduce levels of mortgage fraud this was released today, courtesy of little dotty on spml thread
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