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  1. thanks hun but im a bit gutted that its ok to go knock my neighbours door and talk about my situation and thats ok seems they win whatever they get upto but thanks for the post
  2. but my neighbour was kickin off sayin they knocked his door surely they cant do that when they can reach me by phone ?
  3. what a cheek a complete pack of lies lol my car is parked right outside my house mainly as im to lazy to park any further away lol
  4. great advice thanks dib and as for asking my neighbour lol we sooo dont get on but so every1 on this forum can see the crap an lies tha welscum an my neighbour discussed im gunna upload the notes from the sar showin there convo and when u read this bear in mind my neighbour assaulted me prior to there convo over a parking dispute bcos i couldnt park outside my own house il pop the link up in a few mos when ive uploaded xxx
  5. yeh i deffo agree ive written a letter to compliance and the fos im gunna look for every loop hool an stich them up 4 this i said in the fos letter i wanted a full refund for the 6k i paid plus compensation for the hassle lol a girl can dream ... bring it on welscum id love my day in court with u xx
  6. thanks all for the comments i thought they couldnt get away with doing this and the fact that i cant stand the guy next door hes the last person in the world i would want my business discussed with they really do take the pee they rang again earlier and the woman was dpeakin to me like i was a child so i basically told her to kiss where the sun dont shine grrrrrr lol i wrote a letter to welcome sayin i wasnt payin another penny an i want a full refund and the same to the fos so im guessin thats all i can do for the mo thanks all for the comments much appreciated xxxxx
  7. what i really wanted to no is by sending the letter i have written to the fos will that put my acc into dispute bcos they cant take any action if an account is in dispute i think i read that on another post ?
  8. all my agreements i already have posted up i did it on a diff thread on here but i couldnt find it lol x
  9. thanks for reply i had a car on finance with them in 2007 and its been a nightmare cos of there crappy behaviour and money grabbing tactics ive paid over 6000k and still another 5000k to go i wrote a letter to the fos las night bcos i want to make my move before welcome get in with theres first xx
  10. i had another thread on here which helped me enormously to get the **** of my back for a while by sending the sar request etc and ombusman for mis selling ppi now i have recieved the sar and to be honest i am disguted and totally outraged a few things that have really annoyed me is firstly the ridiculous charges for telephoning me to my residential landline which was cut off over a year ago but despite this they have still charged me £10 a call sometimes 3 times a week to a number that isnt in use lol secondly in the notes on sar it states they went to my next door neighbours house who i dont get on with and shared my details and situation with and the notes on the information shared is a complete breech of data protection . surely they cant go and knock my neighbours door because im in work and not there to answer the door ? thirdly there all all these entries on the statement for declined card payments from my partners card in his name but i dont no where they got that from as he has never had a debit card or even a bank account in his name we dont even have a joint account so now i have the sar im really unhappy with what ive read its total lies and wrong information so what i need to no is what do i do now as im sure b4 long they are going to get a court order for my car i read about contacting the fos putting my acc into dispute is this an option for me thanks in advance for any1 who can help
  11. bumpin again seriosly goin mental here after reading comments in the sar its a total pile of crap full of lies i dont get on with my next door neighbours and the sar says tha welcome called at my neighbours house discussing me and my situation my personal details were discussed between my next door neighbours and the welcome caller how are they allowed to do that grrrrr hate em and payments still dont match up how whats my next move really peed off at the amount of lies saying that my partners debit card was declined on numerous occassions hes never had a debit card or doesnt even have a bank account really peed of bou this any advice plz xx
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