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Everything posted by peejay1977

  1. Hi TC, yeah I just wanted to get some advice on here too, I didn't want to bother you too much with this, I know you're a busy man etc
  2. Hi all, apologies for the waffling but I felt it best to give all the facts. Tuesday evening after work myself and my wife were travelling home along a 40mph road in the wet, approaching a right hand bend, when a car coming the other way appeared from around the bend clearly exceeding the speed limit and going too fast for the bend, before I knew it he understeered out of control into my lane, hit the kerb and then we had a head on crash. I didn't have much time to react as I was almost on top of the corner. He admitted full liability at the scene to myself and to the Police. In fairness he couldnt really not considering the circumstances. Here are some pics : We were both breathalysed and checked for insurance etc and all came back ok etc. His insurers (Admiral) phoned me the evening of the accident whilst we were both at the hospital and again twice the following day being quite heavy handed in their approach to get me to agree to let them handle the situation in its entirety which annoyed me somewhat as they offered me £1200 on the spot to agree to settle the personal injury element of it which I kindly told them was too early in the process as myself and my wife are both badly bruised from the seat belt and are both genuinely having back and chest problems. The lady from Admiral even told me their client had admitted liability to them and she was very keen to infer that they wanted to do anything for me they could and they didn't want me to involve my insurance company. Due to the way she tried to "threaten" me with legal terms and warnings of how it will be worse if I delay and go through my own insurance and it will take months and months etc I told her I wasn't interested. Her attitudfe offended me to be honest, I understand their position, they want to minimise costs and thats fair enough, I certainly dont't want to milkt the situation as I'm not like that and I'd rather not add to the list of people that cause my premiums to rise every year but their methods left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I informed my insurers who stated under the circumstances they would waive my excess and that they would instruct their claims team to sort out a "non fault" hire car in the mean time but they needed to confirm with Admiral they weren't going to contest blame. I got a call Friday stating that Admiral were now "considering their position" on the matter and until they admit liability my insurers won't provide me with a replacement car. I'm somewhat annoyed by this as I need to get around and if they decide to contest liability then I won't get a hire car AT ALL which could mean months without transport and I physically can't get to work without a car. I'd rather not get an accident management company involved but I am really starting to lose faith in the whole process as noone seems to be fighting my corner adequately. FYI I have the legal cover addition to my policy (I'm with AXA). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Paul.
  3. Just a FYI, I've just cancelled my membership partly due to not needing it anymore but also, and more worryingly that the iPhone app appears to lie. For months it's stated that my credit score is 922 which is fine, but I've had one or two emails from them stating that they have "detected a change" and to log into my account, which I did, on the app only to discover the score was still 922. I just called them and was asked what my membership number was, so I logged into the app to see if it was in there, it wasn't and my score was 922. So I logged into the main website and it said it was 901........logged back into the app and it suddenly updated to 901 and showed the recent activity. The lady on the phone said she couldn't take my feedback and suggested I email customer service (which I have) but if any of you use the app I'd be wary. 3 other friends who I've just spoken to have noticed the same and are fuming, especially as well have all been paying the £15 a month for the service. Thanks Paul.
  4. Hi all, After some advice as I'm absolutely seething with the way I've been treated by Natwest.......AGAIN. Basically I had a PPI claim running with Natwest up till the beginning of last month when they settled. Some facts to make the story make sense : Last was paid by direct debit. Monthly payment was £421.77. Loan was due to run till May 2013. Basically on the 4th November Natwest settled the PPI claim and paid £1444 into my loan account (for some reason) and the remainder to my current account. I then phoned up the Actionline desk on the 7th November and paid the remaining balance of the loan, which zero'd the balance and the loan account was closed and disappeared off my online banking the same day. Fast forward to Friday 2nd December and I check my online banking and notice a Standing Order payment for £347.59 which just said "Personal Loan". I immediately rang Natwest Actionline and was told quite bluntly that only I could setup standing orders, therefore I must have set this up. I explained to the lady that I have never in 17 years with Natwest used standing orders and it was not setup by me, she refused to entertain any other possibility and told me I must have done it. The standing order was to pay to my loan account, which was closed and was set to run till May 2013, which is a coincidence. What was more worrying was the status of the standing order was Cancelled, on both my online banking and the system she was looking at. She informed me that I would need to go into my local branch in the morning and they would be able to transfer the money back instantly.....she then cut me off before I could enquire further. I then phoned back to obtain a direct number for my local branch to verify the information she gave me was accurate and after being given the wrong number twice I finally got through to a local branch......but not my one, I'd been given the wrong number AGAIN. Anyway, my luck was in as I spoke to a VERY helpful lady who had clearly been working in the banking sector for some time, she took the details and went off to investigate, and called me back some time later with her assumption of what happened. She thinks that the person who processed my loan in the lending team, saw the one off payment by Natwest of £1444 to the loan account and recalculated the payments, and keyed in a standing order onto the system. I told her I agreed that was the most likely scenario but I put the question to her that I was always under the impression that I was the only one who could initiate a standing order but she hinted that this was not the case, and as good as said it wasnt the first time it had happened. She also enlightened me that the information the Actionline team gave me about going into my local branch to have the money transferred back instantly was rubbish and I would have to wait for the money to "bounce back" to my account, which hopefully will be tomorrow. The most worrying, frustrating and frankly outrageous things are that it is apparent that the banks are able to key in and setup standing orders, without the customers knowledge or authorisation and that I can't seem to be given consistent information whenever I ring up. I would say the accuracy level of the information I have had from them over the years is probably 50% at best. Do any of you think I should take this further, I know I'll get my money back but I wonder if its worth taking this to a higher level, not to get anything from them, but to try and ensure it doesnt happen again. Also wanted to warn others of my experience. Thanks Paul.
  5. Well this is now finally over and done with, ended up with nearly £14,000 but it's been a long road, good job I'm a patient man. What is annoying me is all the PPI companies out there trying to entice people, and making out as though its a difficult process to claim back, when in actual fact it's not difficult, just requires patience.
  6. Hi all, its nearly 3 years since I started this thread and the signage STILL hasn't changed but I noticed this in one of the shop windows the other day and thought it might amuse some : Made me chuckle
  7. Hi all, it seems when I phoned up last year to have the PPI stopped on both my Natwest Credit Card and my Loan they raised 2 PPI complaints for me even though I only asked for the Loan to be disputed. Got an out of the blue letter yesterday offering me £2513 which they have calculated from 2002 till now. Surprised is not the word! That more than pays the balance on that card. The FOS have been keeping me "on hold" regarding my loan complain but I called RBS direct earlier and they say the hold up is with the FOS processing correspondence due to the volume of claims. Upside is they have confirmed they have accepted my dispute as per the FOS's ruling and will be offering me the full amount of PPI I paid, plus associated interest, plus the 8% standard on top. I am over the moon, I dont know what the compound interest is going to amount to as they have never given me details of this "sliding scale" they mentioned of how they took the PPI payments but what i do know is, that at the very least I have paid them £7008 in PPI payments without accounting for interest. Its taken 11 months but its been worth the persistence. I cant thank you guys enough for the help and comments
  8. Hey all, this is dead and buried yet. Its been 31 weeks since I registered my complaint originally with Natwest/RBS. I had a call today from the FOS Adjudicator that has been assigned my case and she advised me that her ruling is to uphold my claim and she has sent a letter to Natwest but needs to give them until the 25th April to reply. The only downside is that she informed me that due to the current court cases going on (she mentioned something about the banks not being happy with the FOS's ruling) that it may be they dispute and refuse to uphold my claim. If this happens it will have to go through to the FOS's Final Decision process in which the Ombudsman will rule on the matter, they may disagree with her ruling and decide not to uphold it but if they do, Natwest will have to pay out. Unfortunately this process is currently taking 12-18 months. Anyway, its a small glimmer of hope, fingers crossed!
  9. Cheers dx, what with the recent 2.8m fine RBS got for how they handled complaints etc my confidence is growing, even if my patience isnt!
  10. Still nothing to report and this claim has now been with RBS/Natwest for 19weeks. The FOS are on the case and Natwest advised me after 12weeks to do so but I had already done this at the 8week mark. I had a letter from the FOS this week stating the case has finally been passed to one of there adjudicators but it might "be a while, maybe 2 months" so I'll hopefully hear in due course. 19 weeks on and I haven't had anything from RBS/Natwest for quite a while so I'm considering ringing them and asking whats going on but I have a feeling I'll get a fairly standard reply. I'll keep people posted. Paul.
  11. Hi all, Nothing much to report, to add the subject of Natwest stating they calculate the PPI payments contrary to the Credit Agreement this is a letter I received today : Surely this isn't legal? Thats like me deciding to alter how much the loan repayment is off my own back, they wouldnt stand for it and I'm certain they would quote the credit agreement as the binding contract. In effect it appears they are admitting that I signed a document to agree to something, which they openly acknowledge was false? I'm hoping this fans the flames in my favour as I'm even more infuriated now by this. Watch this space. Paul.
  12. Just to add more to this, I made a speculative call to the FOS regarding the PPI cancellation and the guy on the phone stated that he understood the wording of the loan agreement as I did, i.e. 84 payments of 96.19 for the PPI and even went as far as to say "if they have refunded you £1071 then they still owe you just over 7000 pounds". He was a VERY helpful chap. He took some details and has sent me out a questionairre and a letter to send to Natwest, which is probably similar to the template letters here. He also said that there comment that matters are taking up to 12 weeks to resolve is against the regulations and they are obliged to at least send there "Final Position" letter within the 8 weeks, if not the FOS can get involved straight away, or sooner if I get the final word from Natwest. Looking at the loan agreement the repayments are clearly marked as I mentioned above so I dont see how they can wriggle out of that, plus examples on the FOS website suggest my way of interpreting it are accurate as well. I've just been reading through the T's and C's of the loan agreement/PPI and this statement caught my eye under the "Definitions" section : Agreement - Your loan agreement with the Bank. There must be no more than 120 monthly repayments due under the agreement. The total amount insured must not exceed £25,000. The loan amount was for £30,600 with £8k of PPI added on top. Hmmm.....
  13. Thats DX, appreciate it. It sound like hogwash to me, if the PPI payment is indeed calculated and reduced every month over the course of the loan repayment (which is contrary to the loan agreement I have stating equal payments) then its a pretty steep scale they are working on. The loan agreement states the total PPI payable over the course of the 84 months is £8079.69. They have refunded me £1071.74 which is allegedly what I would have paid in PPI and interest if I had paid the PPI till the end date of the loan. Deducting that figure from the total PPI cost leaves just over 7grand for easy reckoning. So they are trying to state that in the first 4 years of the policy I paid £7000 worth of PPI payments, and in the next 3 years I'll be paying the other £1000. That to me, is a pretty uneven and slightly unbelievable "scale" if ever I saw one. Be interesting to see if when the claim reaches the point of a settlement whether it will tally up with this refund, although the cynic in me says it wont and I will still be left short. As far as I'm concerned if I only had £1000 left to pay on the PPI over the next 3 years, they owe me just over 7grand, plus 8% interest. Watch this space......and thanks for your patience!
  14. Thanks DX, sorry for appearing to be a spanner, I've clearly got too much faith in human beings/organisations lol I was about to read the template letters etc but unfortunately a check on my online banking has thrown the spreadsheet completely out the window, I wonder if you could cast your eyes over this and give me some feedback. I feel ill prepared to argue a particular point so would appreciate knowing exactly where I stand. Basically I logged onto my online banking this morning and noticed my loan amount (remaining) was less than it should be. I then noticed that in addition to my payment of £456.34 that they took by direct debit on the 2nd of September as per usual, there were 2 more dated yesterday for : £231.61 £840.13 I rang the Lending Department and asked if this was to do with my letter instructing them to cancel the PPI immediately. The guy stated yes that was correct and that the larger amount was the amount of PPI left to pay on my loan over the next 32 months and the 231 was the interest I would have paid on it. I queried this amount as my loan agreement states the following : 84 monthly payments of £456.34 : of which £360.15 is my loan and £96.19 is PPI and the interest rate is 6.8%. Thats exactly what it states and also states the total amount payable for the PPI is a whopping £8079.96 which is 84 lots of £96.19. When I queried the amount and told him that as far as I'm concerned it should be 32 lots of £96.19 that have been removed from the loan he twice put me on hold and made reference to "the rule of 78" and instructed me to Google it. He then went on to explain that the way PPI works is that its on a sliding scale and that you pay more at the beginning of the loan and it gets reduced each month, as the loan is less of a risk to the bank over time so the amount paid back onto my loan was indeed correct. The logical person in me says this is nonsense, if you sign an agreement as stated above then thats what it should be. He wouldnt/couldnt discuss the matter any further and referred me to a booklet that "would have been sent in the post at the time of the loan starting" and would have explain this sliding scale clearly. Any help would be gratefully appreciated, I'm going to do some digging online on here etc but to make sure I interpret the advice correctly I'd appreciate some comment. Many Thanks Paul.
  15. Cheers DX, I havent as yet, I thought I'd wait to see what they came back with. I'm also not sure I've worked out the figures right or not. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see what happened....I'm too passive sometimes lol The plot thickens, after telling me today that they are 4-5 days behind on even entering these details on the system I just came home to this : Some notes I'd like to add : a.) There was no letter sent to them, this was happened via the telephone on the 02 September 2010. b.) What enclosed correspondence? I haven't sent any....to be able to resend it. What has annoyed me is they have wasted nearly a week on this yet they have both my home and mobile phone numbers and could have just called to find out, clearly this is a "can't be bothered" or stalling tactic. And at the time I raised the complaint via the phone(as this was the only means I was given to raise it) the guy asked if I had the loan account number, I didnt as I was at work but my online back shows the loan account number as being the same as my bank account number. I told him this and offered to dig the original paperwork out once I got home and called back. He insisted this was not necessary as I only have 1 loan and would be able to find this out using my bank details. Clearly he lied, or has been misinformed in his role. I'm already getting sick of this, and they close at 5pm so this is going to have to wait till the morning. Will keep you lot updated. Paul.
  16. No real progress on this yet, I've still not heard in regards to my complain even though I was told I would be sent an acknowledgement letter out. I've just rung them, a deppartment for the RBS Group called "PPI Concerns" they are receiving 3000+ calls a week so are anything up to a week behind in even entering complaints on the system. Basically my complaint isnt yet registered on the system and I should ring back on Friday. He also mentioned they are very far behind on the actual claims themselves so I shouldnt expect to have this resolved quickly and they are taking up to 12 weeks to get most cases resolved. Watch this space.
  17. I guess its just the cynic in me Dx, the banks and other organisations always seem to have the law on their side so I guess I'm used to hearing about people being unsuccessful in getting what they deserve but I'm going to be positive and stick with it see what happens. I may owe you a beer at the end of this lol
  18. Cheers DX, that works out about 6 grand! I have a feeling I'm gonna get a letter telling me to go jump off a pier, but hey ho we'll see.
  19. Cheers DX but that calculator is double dutch to me and the explanation at the bottom has confuzzled me lol
  20. No word as yet from the department looking into my claim. I sent off a recorded letter yesterday instructing them to cancel the PPI as of immediately. Hopefully I will get acknowledgement of that within 7-10 days as they suggest. Looked up the loan agreement last night and the PPI is £96 a month so hopefully once this is cancelled the extra cash will come in handy.
  21. this is proving painful. Purely for comedy value I've got to list the events so far. Excuse the waffle but its allowing me to calm down typing it out! Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #1 Me : "Hi, I'd like to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan please" Them : "Ok we can't do that for you but I'll pass you through to the lending department" Me : "Thanks" * I was then cut off..... Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #2 Me : "Hi, I'd like to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan please" Them : "Ok we can't do that for you but I'll pass you through to the lending department" Me : "Thanks" * Put through to the lending team. Me : "Hi, I'd like to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan please" Them : "Ok can I ask why sir?" Me : "Yes, basically when I took out the loan I was told I HAD to have the PPI due to the size of the loan" * Sudden apologetic and VERY dismissive tone. Them : "I'm very sorry you were missold this Mr Jones, I'd advise you to ring this number to make a claim" Me : "Erm, ok I didnt ring up to make a claim but ok, thanks" Phone call to 3rd Party claims department who handle PPI claims for Natwest and RBS Me : "Hi, I was given this number as I was missold the PPI on my Natwest loan" Them : "Ok Mr Jones I'll take some details" * Details taken Me : "Ok cool, thanks I'll wait to hear, while we are talking can you please cancel the PPI so that I'm not paying for this any further" Them : "Unfortunately Mr Jones we only deal with PPI claims, you need to call the lending department for this" Me : "Ok thanks" Phone call to Natwest Lending Department Me : "I'd like to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan please" Them : "Unfortunately we can't do that, you need to speak to your local branch as they are the only ones who can" Me : "Ok whats their number?" Them : "We don't have direct lines to the branches but I'll send a message through on the system and they will call you back within 2 hours" Me : "Ok thanks" * That was 2pm yesterday Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #3 (9:45am today) Me : "I've been waiting for a call back from my branch but as yet nothing" Them : "Unfortunatrly we don't have direct lines to the branches but I'll send a message through on the system and they will call you back within 2 hours" Me : "Ok thanks" * Nothing Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #4 (12:30pm today) Me : "I've been waiting for a call back from my branch but as yet nothing, and apparently you dont have direct lines to the branches which I find ridiculous" Them : "Erm, we do have direct lines Mr Jones we just arent allowed to give them out, I'll ring them now and then put you through" * 5 minute wait on hold Them : "Unfortunately they arent answering their phones, heres there direct number....." * 4 hours of constant ringing and no answer Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #5 (15:00pm today) Me : "Sorry for sounding annoyed but I've been waiting for a call from my branch since yesterday and still nothing, please can you try and put me through" Them : "Ok sir I will try, thats all i can do for you" * Cut off...... Phone call to Natwest Branch Support #6 (15:10pm today) Me : "Right, I'm sorry to have a go at you but I'm really getting annoyed with this now, why cant someone put me in touch with my branch?" Them : "Can I ask what its regarding sir?" Me : "Yes, I just want to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan but apparently only my branch can do it" Them : "Oh no, thats not right sir you need to ring this 0800 number, and by the way there is no such thing as a 2hour call back, its a 24hour call back" Me : "Ok fine, thanks" Phone call to Natwest PPI Insurance number Me : "I'd like to cancel the PPI on my Natwest loan please" * Explains my saga Them : "Ok I'm very sorry for this sir, you should have been told this yesterday, because you are on an old style loan thats been phased out, you need to send us a letter instructing us to cancel the PPI, this usually takes 7-10 working days from receipt of your letter" Me : "Well if I'd been told that yesterday I could have already had the letter in the post" Them : "I know sir I'm very sorry about that" Jesus wept. I need a drink.... Thanks dx, I'm gonna get this letter sent off to cancel the PPI as per the long winded post I just put and im expecting to hear about the PPI claim very shortly, will keep you updated as I'd like to think all this hard work will be worth it in the end.
  22. lol @ dx100uk Well I cant get any other answer out of them other than "only your local branch can cancel the PPI". Apparently the lending department cant do it either. And I STILL cant get through on the phone. I cant stop paying it as its taken in one lump sum each month as part of the loan repayment....
  23. Thanks folks, appreciate the advice. Apparently my local branch are the only ones who can cancel the PPI and remove it from the agreement but the 2 hour call back is now over 24 hours.... According to Natwests "branch support" yesterday they don't have direct lines to the branches and can only send a message on "the system" to get them to call me, that was at about 2pm yesterday. Called again this morning at 9:45am and was told the same thing and they would send an urgent message on the system for someone to ring me. Still havent heard anything so I phoned again, was told they DO have direct lines to the branches but they arent allowed to give them out. He then rang the branch while I was on hold and didnt get an answer........so gave me there direct number!!!! I'm also unable to get through and by the time I finish work they will be closed.
  24. Hi all, I have tried going through the raft of information on here and Google about PPI so apologies if I shouldn't have posted this. Just looking for some friendly advice (hopefully I won't need it). Basically the story goes, I took out a pretty substantial loan with Natwest 4 years ago over a 7year period. At the time of taking it out the advisor in the branch asked if I'd like PPI and started to give me the sales pitch about "being out of work and how it would pay for the loan etc". I told her I wasn't interested as I have a very secure job. She then went down the "well if you're taken ill" route but I still insisted I wasn't interested. After looking at her computer screen for a while she then told me : "Due to the sizeable loan amount, we would need you to have the PPI with it". Which to be honest at the time, I was in a hurry sounded plausible as it is alot of money so I agreed to the PPI as I needed the loan. Fast forward to now, I've heard all the stuff about missold PPI but I refuse to use these companies, that, to me are no better than ambulance chasers, so I wrote it off as a mistake on my part but the more I thought about it, now informed of the rules, I got more angry at being blatently lied to, so I rang my bank today to ask them to cancel the PPI, they were very quick once they realised I was unhappy about being missold it to ask me to ring another department on a Manchester number to register a complaint. I didnt even mention wanting to make a complaint but they wanted to distance themselves from it completely. Anyway, I rang this 0161 number who apparently deal with these issues for Natwest and RBS and registered my complaint and apparently I should hear something within the next 8 weeks. I am also waiting for a call from my branch to get the PPI cancelled for the short term. Question is, have I done enough? Is there anything else I should be doing? I feel slightly guilty about persuing this as I'm not a money grabber, but at the same time I know the banks are pretty ruthless and I can honestly say hand on heart what I claim was said by the advisor, is the truth. Cheers Paul.
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