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Everything posted by gaz245

  1. This is the reply received from Eon, which I think my mam may have got confused with, as I think the bill is actually quite reasonable My mam has expressed her thanks to everyone for their help, thanks nottslad. IMG.pdf
  2. Think there might be a slight misunderstanding here nottslad, my mam was with EOn before she changed to NPower and the readings from the changeover are correct.
  3. I think it is the complaint handler who is going to phone my mam back. Not sure what you mean regarding the EOn account, but I do know that they are going to send my mam an amended statement?
  4. I'm a little confused nottslad (which isn't too hard to do these days, ) It's not a debt because my mam has paid the bill, she has just queried Eon as to why the bills were so high and is trying to get some sort of explanation from them. PS: Does it look like Npower is being genuine then with offering her a £250 refund?
  5. Thanks nottslad, my mam's had another phone call from Eon, who are still saying that the bill is correct and they are going to ring her again soon. On the Npower front, she has had a letter (see attached) back from them to say the bill has been adjusted and would she be happy to accept a £250 refund. Which, I suppose is a bit of a result. Maybe I'm being sceptical, but to me that seems like a quick pay-off (I maybe wrong?) NpowerRfund.pdf
  6. Here's the first reply from eon guys, Hello Mrs Cosgrove and thank you for your email. I have checked your account to ensure that you have not been incorrectly charged, although your meter was showing as a prepayment meter, your tariff was set as a standard tariff which means you have been billed correctly. However I have requested your meter details to be updated, once the correct details are showing your account will be re billed and you will receive an amended statement. If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact me on 0115 843 4013 Ext 2352 and I will be happy to help. Kind regards Maxine Thompson Directors' Office
  7. The reading of the old gas meter as far as I know matt is 209. Do you mind if I quote some of your details when contacting Npower and Eon Matt.
  8. Not a problem matt, my mam is in no hurry to get this sorted, in fact, she wasn't even going to bother until I said I'll contact CAG and see what you guys make of it. There is a sticker on the meter, but it is not very legible, I will try and see if I can get the old meter reading and I know the new meter started at 00000. I won't see my mam now until Monday, so at least you can have a break matt , thanks for your help.
  9. Thanks dx, 3rd attempt to get it right I've left the meter numbers on because Rah25 wants to see them to see if he can maybe see anything wrong, I think? IMG.pdf
  10. Sh*t, I knew I'd miss something, just removed it dx. Is that the number on the bank giro ?
  11. Thanks dx, one step ahead of ya lol, just used PDF Editor. IMG.pdf
  12. Will have to redo the images, they are not readable when uploaded
  13. Here goes guys, my mam has done her best to sort out what bills she thinks are relevant. I can't figure out what to look for, but I'm sure somebody on here will be able to spot any discrepancies.
  14. Cheers matt, don't know how I missed your post. What would be the best course of action for my mam then with regards to proving this?
  15. Can I just confirm then Dave, my mam states... '...Note: My card meter number was LO353291793M. I was with Powergen until Sept 2007 and although my new meter number was G4W00154050501 my gas statements were still showing the old card meter number...' Does this mean Powergen have made a mistake then?
  16. Sorry, haven't been back guys, bloody new graphics card caused havoc with my pc, so have put old one back in. I have posted the serial numbers that my mam has available Dave, will hopefully be able to upload all the bills next week.
  17. Right, here's hoping that someone will understand what my mam has written lol. Please ignore my first post, here is the revised version. '...On the 14th Oct 2005 I moved into this address and was using a card meter with British Gas. In November I changed to Powergen and they changed my card meter to a standard meter so I could start paying by direct debit on the 20th Dec 2005, this is when I noticed the bills were getting high. Note: My card meter number was LO353291793M. I was with Powergen until Sept 2007 and although my new meter number was G4W00154050501 my gas statements were still showing the old card meter number. Therefore, because of the increasing costs of my gas I decided to change over to NPower in Sept 2007, this was another mistake as my bills got even higher. I then decided to change again in Jan 2009 to Scottish Power and initially had the same problems with high bills. I complained to Scottish Power, who apologised and agreed to sort everything out, which thankfully, although I don't have a clue what they did, they have now done and my bills are now considerably lower...' Please bear in mind I am also trying to decipher this information as I am posting this on behalf of my mam. If anyone can make any sense of anything improper, please feel free to let me know... I have asked my mam to sort out the gas bills and will upload them as soon as possible.
  18. Right, you learn something everyday, thanks pelham9, I'll check and see what the usage was for both companies for the year then, if that will help?
  19. Not so sure if this can be sorted now pelham9, just been to my mam's to confirm the date NPower changed the meter, it now looks as though the meter was changed before she went over to NPower. (also, she mentioned that NPower kept sending her Quantum cards when she was paying by direct debit, if that helps in any way!! ) I've asked her to work out how many units she has used over the year with NPower and compare it with Scottish Power's yearly bill, but she has said one is worked out in units and the other is worked out in KWh, so not sure if this can be calculated? She has also mentioned that she did have a discrepancy with her first bill when she changed over to Scottish Power, and they mentioned she was being charged against a Quantum Meter? Well confused now:confused: The thing is Scottish Power apologised and refunded my mam some money. I have asked her to phone Scottish Power to confirm what the problem was, so maybe watch this space for further information. If your not confused, I certainly am. :-|
  20. Thanks for that pelham9, I will print this info and let my mam read it and hopefully she will understand what information is needed. I will get back to you tomorrow night.
  21. I read a post regarding NPower taking the wrong readings with new metric meters and taking the readings in Ft. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/utilities-gas-electricity-water/225759-n-power-overcharging-4-a-2.html#post2814982 I think this may be the same problem my mam has had. She was supplied by NPower from 17 Dec '07 until 13 Jan '09 and NPower installed a new meter. It was after the fitting of the new meter that she noticed she was getting high bills, and complained on numerous occasions to NPower. Eventually, she got that stressed with it and switched suppliers. She has now calculated her yearly bill with her new supplier and it amounts to £198.98, now compare this to her yearly bill from NPower which was £739.03, a big difference. The question is do I now complain to NPower and try to find out if it was due to the Imperial (ft3) rather than metres (m3) problem?? or do I leave this and ask for a Subject access request? Note: She has copies of all her bills for those dates mentioned.
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