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  1. Thanks for the replies guys. Much appreciated. I will keep pushing on & keep you all informed of the progress. Best wishes
  2. Hi Guys, Just a quick update on my problem. As Bankfodder correctly said, NPower started off by offering £50, which gradually increased through each stage of this process, until was finally reached £200 at stage 4. They then advised me to go to the regulator, again as Bankfodder said they would. I have told them that I will be going to court. I now have the letter of deadlock & have sent NPower & Richburns (their debt collection agency) £10 each for a S.A.R. The letter from them admitted liability & negligence and also admitted numerous opportunities were missed by NPower to have spotted this error, before I spotted it for them. Just as a bit of a "leveller", I was wondering what the general feeling was about the £200 offered ? Do you think this is fair for the 4 years of difficulties NPower & Richburns have put us through ? Your thoughts would be most welcome. Thanks again for everyone who has helped so far. Bankfodder....I noticed that your original relpy had a link regarding restitutionary damages, which appears to have disappeared. Does this mean that this may not be something I should try to reclaim, should I go to Court ?
  3. Hi Guys. Just an update for you. Npower have finally worked out the amount of my overpayment. Instead of me owing them money.....they owe me £2000 !!! They have also offered £50 good will gesture ...which I declined. They then asked me what figurte I had in mind....which I didnt have, but told them to keep their £50. I will send off for the SAR (which I hadnt done incase the overpayment was only a few pounds). Any thoughts gratefully accepted !
  4. Ok, will do !! Any idea how much do I need to send with the request ?
  5. Actually, its the other way round...I am being charged in Imperial (ft3) rather than metres (m3). To get imperial to Metric, they mulitply the reading by 2.83....which I THINK means I have been overcharged by nearly 3 times !
  6. Thanks guys. Believe me, I am angry, as well as frustrated & relieved. I have already started to gather as much information as I can regarding my account with NPower. As BF says, they cared very little about me or my family when they were sending ever increasing demands, with ever increrasing threats. I wont let this matter rest until I feel I have been properly compensated and if that means a trip to court (as appears more likely than not ), so be it. Thanks again guys.
  7. Hi Guys, Just a quick update on my billing problem. I spoke to Npower today regarding my dispute. They are still working through nearly 4 years worth of bills and hope to get back to me by the end of next week. The guy I spoke to today was really helpful. He mentioned 2 things to me that were of particular interest. A).... If I had bowed to pressure and had the pre payment fitted, it was highly possible that this error in my account would ever have come to light! A very frightening thought, as it would it have made it almost impossible to prove that may statements were wrong and I would have been paying back a debt that never existed. I wonder if anyone else has been in this situation ? B)..... The amount of my over payment MAY be so big, that a special Dept may even have to authorise the repayment !! He also mentioned a goodwill gesture will also be offered to me. As soon as I hear something else, I will let you guys know and will look towards what sort of compensation package may be appropriate. I dont want to be a gold digger, but this issue has caused me and my family all sorts of problems for the last 4 years. Many thanks for all your help so far. it goes without saying that should I recieve any Comp, I will donate something to this great site that helps so many people in difficulties. Just out of interest, I found this today http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/consumer_affairs/article6487652.ece This guy was awarded around £450...... I guess my problem is more serious ? Looks like the judgement was made along the restistutionary damages lines as stated by Bank fodder ??
  8. Hi Guys, Many thanks for your quick reply's. I must admit, that my initial feeling was one of relief...relief that at long last, this nightmare may be coming to an end. These feelings quickly turned to anger. Npower have made our lives very difficult for nearly 4 years. It is highly embarrassing to have debt collectors knocking on my door and threatening to disconnect my gas, in front of my children. I believe that we have had 3 visits in the last 3 years. I have had countless phone calls from Npowers solicitors (Richburns), all very rude and abrupt, even basically calling me a liar when i told them I was making payments as per an agreed payment plan. In making ever increasing payments (as I mentioned, now £150 per month) and numerous lump sum payments, we have often fallen short on other payments. The situation has caused all sorts of "discussions" between me and my wife as money became tight, and the bills kept rising. With the help and support of this forum, I will ensure that I pursue Npower with as much energy as they have pursued me for the past 4 years. I will stay calm, honest & factual. But I will also expect a suitable settlement for making the past 4 years an absolute misery. Npower have already admitted to me that they are charging me in imperial, rather than meters and have been since feb 2006. Hopefully, this nightmare is coming to an end. Thanks again for all your help and support.
  9. Hi Guys. Wonder if anyone can advice me on the following ? I have my gas supplied by Npower. Over the past few years it appeared as though I was falling further and further behind with my payments. Numerous times I was requested to increase my monthly payments and at present I am now paying £150 per month !! I have also been chased for arreas, having had 3 home visits, threats of court action, warrants of enrty, police & locksmiths at my door etc etc. Needless to say, this has been a worrying time for me my wife and 5 children, the youngest of which is 3. To save on costs, we have turned the heating down or even off, shared bath water etc etc. Last week I eventually called Npower to ask what my Sept month useage was....to be told it was over 2500 Kw hrs !! NOW...THE INTERESTING BIT !! It seems that in 2006, I had a new meter fitted. This meter was a METRIC meter....and Npower are still calculating my useage in Ft !!! I am hoping that I should be due some monry back, as to get Ft into metric and the convert into KWH, they multiply the reading by 2.83!! Npower have now said they will have to re calculate all my bills since 2006! A..... Can amyone let me know if I am correct in thinking I should get something back? B......If so, can I reasonably ask Npower for some compenastion towards to distress they have caused me and my family, wife, children, expenses in replying to solicitors letters, house calls etc? Any thoughts would be gratefully recieved. Thanks in advance....no wonder Npower always seem to come bottom of customer satisfaction surveys!!
  10. Are you sure? I thought they were? Taken from an internet site..... The Financial Services Authority has granted waiver to the banks, so that they are no longer obliged to handle complaints about unlawful bank charges. No, this is not because it's ruled that charges are lawful. In fact, it's because the Office of Fair Trading thinks they aren't lawful, and is taking a super-claim to court to get the matter settled once and for all. The banks being taken to court are: Abbey National, Barclays, Clydesdale, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Lloyds, Nationwide, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland.
  11. Hi Guys... Well, after weeks of reading others on this forum, I have finally plucked up the courage to write my first post! Today I sent off my claim to the Nationwide....registered post. Using the template / spreadsheet provided on this site, my claim for nearly £3000 will be on their door mat tomorrow. I have to say, the recent "Berwick" case in Birmingham and the potential "Hull County court" action is a bit worrying...but what have I got to lose?? I believe, I should get a reply within 14 days, so I will keep you posted on how it goes. From other posts on this site, I guess a "sorry" letter, followed by one from Mr Bacon will be on their way.....but this money will make a huge difference to my families life But ....its MY money.... and I AM GONNA GET IT BACK!!
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