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Everything posted by kathb00

  1. Really by all accounts this company has ripped off quite a few small business owners . Am I right in thinking they should have given the customer a copy of the terms and condition with in a certain time ?
  2. My Daughter got a Clover card payment system for her business a year ago . She was told the contract was for a year . After the first year she chose a different card payment system . Only to be told that she had signed with Clover until 2021 . She signed a direct debit mandate and what was told was her contract . Which was one page long . She just asked them to send her a copy of her contract , they just email her a 15 page terms and conditions which state it is indeed 4 years long. As this was her first year she is very cautious and knows she would not have signed a 4 year contract . She has looked on trust pilot and there are loads of bad reviews saying exactly the same thing . The rep who sold her the package is ignoring her calls . Her friend signed with clover too and is trapped in the same 4 year contract and also Was only showed 2 pages to sign .
  3. Mobile phones direct. I have checked the package i got Is no longer available but there are plenty of similar ones.
  4. I needed a new mobile so I checked out a few suppliers I found an online company . They had an offer on an iPhone 7 for £42 and £240 cash back to be deducted From monthly bill taking the package down to £32 per month. After a couple of weeks of using the phone I got a bill from Vodafone Saying my monthly bill is £52 , so I contacted the company After a lot of emails they said that the bill is right stating that after the cash back each month it will be £42 . But I have a confirmation email setting out the final costs at £32 per month.
  5. It's a 50% shared ownership . I think it is Irwell valley , Orwell is a type o .
  6. my niece has a house that was purchased under the joint ownership scheme . Her property is half owned by Orwell valley housing She has had the house for 10 years . But it has been on the market for the last five years . She is trapped in this system .Irwell valley Won't let her sell it to anyone she wants and are making it difficult for her to move . Anyone got any advise as how to get out of this position
  7. I recently heard that the accounts where you are charged, have been declared unlawful. These accounts are the ones where you pay a set amount each month ie, £13 which gives you privileges like free mobile phone insurance, free travel insurance and free breakdown cover . I was told that they have been miss sold. because they are bigged up and are the free products are no use . Does anyone else know any more about this ?????
  8. Hello, I am having trouble with Tesco Mobile . When I got the phone in may 2012 it was ok but as time went on the signal got worse and worse. I complain to customer sevises to be told that Tesco cannot garuntee a good signal in some kinds of buildings. so I persivered with them. I complained again a few weeks later to be told the signal is fine in my area . so again a persivered and again I complained yet another few weeks later only to be told that according to my bills I have managed to make a can for 8 minutes one day and 5 minute another day. Then I wrote to the head of Tesco only to be put intouch one of there customer services advisers . who claims they sent out an engineer out to check their and everything was fine. After trying everything they suggested nothing is any better. the other night they managed to get intouch with me via my mobile . they said I could cancel my contract but they wanted £108 for the phone. I offered to return the phone to them they said no. The up shot is that I said I cant afford a lump sum of £108 and told them that i would be taking my complaint to the ombudsman . Any advise as to handle this I have tried everything and am left with a contract that does not deliver a signal so I cant use the phone
  9. I recieved my new sim . And still no signal . going to write a letter. I am happy to reduce my tarrif so I can at least afford to get another phone . Basically this product is not fit for the purpose it was purchased .
  10. I have a contract with Tesco mobile I am only 3 months into this contract. there network has got increasadly worse I cant get a signal about 80% of the time . I have complained and been told that they can not garentee a good signal in some types of building . My type of building is a bog standard 3 bedroom semi. I also cant get a signal when out in the street . I commplained again they said it must be the sim and they are sending me another sim. I asked it I could reduce my tariff so I could afford to get another phone they said I cant reduce my tarif for another year. so I am stuck with this phone and net work that is no use to me . Has anyone got any idea's , could I challenge this as a breach of contract as they are failing to provide me with the service they said they would in my contract. Really ****ed off
  11. kathb00


    They sent the required information the day after i rang them . what is the next step and what can i claim ???
  12. I am lookinf for a house to rent so I can move out of my parents house. but have discovered that my dad has a CCJ at the family home where I currently live. would this affect my chances when a credit check is done on me.
  13. Can anyone answer this question for me ????? I have been having trouble with a certain Bank nothing major but its getting irritating. There is a woman who works for this bank who i have been having trouble with. In the last couple of years i have been getting letters from the bank stating i have an unplanned overdraft when i ring up and ask about it they simply say its a computer error and sometimes when i put cash in it doesnt clear and is marked as a cheque this is happening more frequently and is causing me quite a few problems when it comes to accessing my money. Could this woman be accessing my account and playing about to harrass me . Is this possible ????? or have i just been unlucky ????
  14. kathb00


    Didnt realise that will send a letter this afternoon and get it in writting.
  15. kathb00


    They havent supplied any documents at all. I have just phoned them and they said it takes them 56 days even after I reminded them that they have just 40 days andthey just said that someone will call me back within 48 hours.
  16. kathb00


    :mad2:I sent my Data Access letter of on the 19th December. I rang them yesterday to find out why I hadnt recieves my statements as it had been more than 40 days, only to be told by them that they have 56 days to respond. I argued with this but didnt get any where. Any advise please !!!!!
  17. kathb00


    Hi i asked a firm of solicitors (Belmont Thornton) to help me claim back my unfair charges and my PPI . What a disappointment they, want 25% of any money I got back for this. Well got a letter this morning saying that MBNA said "no" and Belmont Thornton want me to send them all relevent documents which I have to get from MBNA. So what exactly are they doing for their 25%? So I have decided to try and do it for myself. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Can i write to MBNA and ask for statements. I did this years ago and got my charges back from my bank but have forgotten where to start.
  18. Thank you very much for your help, (iworkforlloydstsb) You have restored my faith. Thank you.
  19. Sorry not responded before, have bad days when cant face anything . I recieved a 2nd letter asking for a copy of his death certificate so it can be passed back to the TSB. I sent a copy and also put in a news paper cutting of his murder. Cant understand why it got sent to a dept collecting agency in the first place. Really dont know who to trust anymore!!
  20. My son had an account with Lloyds tsb. about 3 years ago he went over drawn i think was around a £1. He went into the bank and told them he was now out of work. but the charges kept piling on till the dept reached between £600-£700. No matter how many times he went into the bank and told them. How ever my son was Murdered last year. My daughter went into the bank and told them and took a copy of his death certificate. I believe for a while they pestered her telling her they would put the dept on to me as i was his next of kin or it would be attached to my home. My partner told them he would go to the papers and they seemed to have backed off. This morning a letter addressed to my dead son arrived from a dept collection agency /tsb. Does the TSB not think , as a family we have been through enough:mad2: As a bank it is totally **** and run by morons.
  21. I only found out about it the other day because my family kept it from me. As we are dealing with the build up to the trial of his killers. But when it is all over hopefully will be able to focus better to deal with some of these things.
  22. My son was murdered summer 2009. at the time of his death we were about to put in a claim to get back his charges. Which started when he went £1 over drawn when he lost his job. He went in to the bank time and time again and explained that he was out of work but the charges kept coming. by the time he died it had mounted to close to £1,000. When he died we went to the bank and told them, they sent us the relevent paper work which we filled in and returned with a copy of his death certificate. However letters fromt here solicitors/dept collector kept coming. As my partner was trying to deal with the matter they were still trying to get the money for his bank charges from me by theatening to attach the dept to my house. In the end My partner had to threaten to go to the papers to get them to back off. Can you believe that this bank had no compassion that they were even prepared to hound a greiving mother.
  23. sorry for the delay. sinking into a deep depression. the fine was £45 and the bailiff want £270
  24. Thanks basically this means that any of there reps wishing to make more sales can just put you down for ppi and they approve it.
  25. :confused:MY daughter noticed that she had been paying payment protection on my credit card account for a year. she cancelled it and sent them a letter asking for a refund and also when she sent for copies of her statements and all paper work she noticed she hadnt signed for it . So we wrote and asked for a refund stating that she had not requested it. we got a reply today stating that she requested the insurance over the phone. and that as it was a verbal request it is still legal and binding and as she did not cancel it straight away she basically hasnt got a leg to stand on. CAN THIS BE LEGAL? They also say that they havent got a recording of the conversation as they dont record all phone conversations. Surley this cant be right:confused:
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