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Everything posted by lizilou

  1. Can companies collect debt on Sundays i.e home visits or phone calls need advice
  2. Called alec adamson today as they took money from wages for a debt paid in full june 2012 spoke to a rather unhelpful lady called Maureen whe terminated my call as she says I was being abrupt I called back got through to a chap called Colin and says I was trying to get help to sort this out what about customer service his reply was """" You are a debtor and customer service does not apply to you "" who do I complain to
  3. express finance actually went to my bank and got 259 with a cancelled card bank says its legal
  4. At the moment I have 20 e-mail messages all in 4 weeks I have kept them all what a bunch of muppets
  5. Direct number that I have 01592 648252 spoke to a women called Elaine ....She was very helpful against My hubbys Ex Good luck These morons should be shut down
  6. Thanks I need to go to CAB my employers havent a clue x Would be better if you started your own thread. The CSa deduction takes priority. They can take a max of 40% for ongoing and arrears through a deductions order. You could try asking them to take less, but this usually falls on deaf ears. The other arrestment should be calculated after the csa deduction. So - your monthly income, less the csa deduction = £xxx. Deduct £415 then work out 19% of what's left. This is the amount that can be arrested. Whatever the results you need to speak to an adviser at CAB to work out your options as you clearly cannot continue like this. B
  7. csa taking 586.00 on earning attatchment i have another arrestment for 289.00 both have come of my wages leaving me 800 to live on per month when I pay my rent £500pm ct £134.00pm and water £100 I have not enough for food or fuel for work I also have awife and son what can i do my wages dept say they can take 2 wages arrestments at once Help
  8. I got fined £50 forvputting ciggy end down drain there was no bins or notices do I have to pay
  9. if you have a wage arrestment and you are made redundant will your redundancy money have money taken of it for the arrestment
  10. Not the manager I wouldnt work there for all the tea in china And Ive never been on the dole I work for my money
  11. I did watch all of the show and I dont assume anything No BH shouldnt be adding on anything without telling there customers but there has been enough hype on these issues that customers should always check what they are signing for ...... I am not the manager of the store Im better looking but apart from that I did once use BH and vowed never again "" Once bitten and all that"" and I now use my experience when buying other items I am a sales person and the price you see is the top whack with all extras added its used as a bargaining tool if you dont ASK you dont GET always ask for the top price to be lowered (most places have a 15% bargaining tool) and if they want your custom they will reduce the price
  12. Sorry to disapoint but not Scottish ... Shop talk within ... But I do think that they knew they were being filmed ( I may be the only one that thinks that they knew) And I do agree that the underhand tactics should be highlighted but lets be honest no one makes them go
  13. and you dont think she knew it was there * Thats showbiz luv "
  14. 3wks actually she wasne that good her hidden camera wiz on show
  15. Get a life these people cannot get credit ANYWHERE so have to use BH if it wasnt there they would all have to do it the old fashioned way like SAVE UP ........Nobody is holding a gun to there heads and making them use BH ........As for an undercover sales assistant she has stopped a REAL unemployed person getting the job !!!!!!!!!!! and getting paid
  16. As previous posts I made I had the same problem I was without a phone for the whole of april E-mailed the said Jeremy darroch 3 times to date still waiting on a reply My line finally went live 1st may having checked my bill I was charged for calls when my line was of which I assumed were free to sky ?????????? Beware
  17. Hi I know about the above Just trying to give a quick resolution as I myself would be lost without my laptop and I know how long Brighthouse could spin this out only trying to help !!
  18. If its still in warrenty less than a year old send it to acer and they will either replace or fix www.acer.co.uk
  19. Well folks its now 4 wks 4 e-mails to mr darroch NO REPLY 3 emails to customer services NO REPLY I still do not have an outgoing line to make calls I have been told they dont know what the problem is and dont know how long it will take any one any ideas
  20. if you need any info regarding anything please pm and I,ll get it answered What I defo know is you do not need cover (only if you have house insurance) and your a/c can be rewritten more than one
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