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Everything posted by sammyc1974_Derby

  1. Just enlarged it... http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww223/1sammyc1974/Page1of2.jpg
  2. So I have: £7464.00 over 4 years @30.7% Apr 30.7 / 2 = 15.35 x 4 = 61.4 £7464.00 x 61.4% = £4582.90 Total to pay back = £12046.90 / 48 payments = £250.98 Actual Amount on agreement is £12354.40 / 48 payments = £255.30. My apr on the agreement states 30.7% and rate of interest per anum is 15%, they have worked my agreement out on the 15%...... So what now.........
  3. On my agreement the accpetance fee is under the charge for credit, but i have been charged £117 interest on the acceptance fee is that correct.. http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/w...4/Page1of2.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/w...4/Page2of2.jpg
  4. Just recieved a letter from the FOS regarding my Complaint, it just state that they are going to ask the business their side of things then it will be passed to an ajudicator, am i right in thinking that while the complaint is with the FOS then WELCOME Cannot Reposess the car...
  5. Well I think that MR PALMER ought to get his finger out and get his job done properly, Might buy him a new calculator as his seems to be broken............either that or he failed his maths exam..........good job for me i didn't.....
  6. Last week i sent a letter to compliance telling them that my acceptance fee had interest charged on it and got a letter back almost straight away from MR PALMER stating that i should send him the evidence on which i wish to rely on, I have sent him the calculated breakdown of my policy showing the £117 interest charge and haven't heard a single thing yet..............
  7. i'm just worried they might send someone to collect the car............
  8. here's the link Welcome finance Default notice Recieved Today HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks:D
  9. Could i just ask what happens once the 14 days on the default notice are up (today is the day) we have paid over a third, Mr palmer recieved my calcs today (it was signed for any way), he requested the proof of which i rely on.............:?
  10. So does this mean that Welcome are within their rights to be charging me £117 interest on the acceptance fee.....
  11. On the bottom of my agreement it reads : Interest Calculated on the amount of credit and acceptance fee outstanding from time to time throughtout the duration of this agreement, taking into account the payments above, makes up the finance charges for goods and the charge for credit for the insurances, which will be paid by you as part of each payment. Any payment which is less than the payment then due will be apllied towards payment of what is due in respect of the goods and insurances in the same proportionsas the amount payable in respect each bears to the total amount payable.
  12. If it states in the small print that they charge interest on the acceptance fee (every now and then) why are they kicking up such a stink when it is in black and white, Mr Palmer wrote at the end of my response "Should you have any further evidence upon which you seek to rely, please forward it to the address at the head of this letter, marked for the attention of the Compliance dept. Otherwise please accept this letter as our final response" See attatchment for proof that i sent him.... calculation of interests welcome.xls
  13. confused myself there i meant to say that the two calcs i did both came back as APR incorrect, on my agreement it shows as APR 30.7% and interest charged at 15% per Anum, which from the calcs i did is incorrect calcs show 30.49%
  14. hey. Just looked at two apr calculators and my APR on agreement is 30.7% and interest per anum shows as 15%, when i do either of the calcs the interest per anum should be 27.07% they have charged me the 15%, so that must mean that the APR is showing as incorrect on the agreement it calcs as 30.49%, so is that something else i have them on as well as the interest on the acceptance fee....:-|
  15. try googling it....and it come up that the website no longer exists...
  16. Just been to the cattles website and in google it says it no longer exists.............
  17. Don't suppose you have his email address then i can email him the figures and he will get a hard copy through the post... Thanks
  18. We have paid well over that amount, I had put the account into dispute due to interest being charged on the acceptance fee, been through the figures with a fine tooth comb and still come up with a mystery £117, but if you do Acceptance fee £195 * 15% interest = £29.25 * 4 yrs (48 mths) = £117.00 (surprise surprise), we have just sent this to mr palmer as he wrote to us on friday asking for proof....
  19. My fourteen days are up tomorrow on my default notice, not heard anything yet..............will they just come and collect the car or do i wait for the court order.
  20. Hi My fourteen days are up tomorrow, have sent the calculations back to Mr Palmer so waiting his reply, also what will happen once the fourteen days of the default notice are up.....
  21. Hi Does anyone have Mr Palmers Email address as i would like to send him a copy of the letter i will be posting to him with my proof of interest being charged on my Acceptance fee. Thanks
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