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Everything posted by creditman09

  1. At the start of this thread it was mentioned that 1st Credit was based in Redruth but it was later explained that they are actually based in Reigate. Both 1st Credit and the Cabot group use the address of a unit on an industrial estate in Redruth when corresponding with "debtors" in Cornwall. Whether they adopt this practice in other areas or not I do not know but it does seem a bit strange.
  2. I did an internet search once on PrioityOne and CPUTR and it did throw something on Google
  3. A good summary Robbo95, I think also it would be a good idea to post up your letters as it could well be use to many.
  4. On the subject of Debt Collectors, the former MP and now dancer, Anne Widecombe was going to make this a matter to investigate had she been made a member of the House of Lords. This is not to say the matter is dead as she will no doubt have raised this issue with others.
  5. I am following this thread with interest. Here is a link to part of Experto web site which is of general interest to DCA strategies ttp://www.expertocredite.com/pdfs/EuropeanCEO.pdf
  6. I believe that Vince Cable on a number of occasions expressed his disatisfaction with the current charging order set up, although I am not aware of him stating the £25,000 limit, it does ring a bell though.
  7. Hi SFU re posting 2526 I am in a similar position. I have gone down the claims management company route and will PM you the name plus the name of the former American bank that you did not name. You may not wish to do the same as me but you only pay if the cmc succeed and then only £200 plus VAT.
  8. Hi SteveH2508 I have a similar situation as you and came to the conclusion that a Peoples Bank Agreement was not held by Citicard as they sold it very quickly to 1st Credit. I will follow this thread with interest and if I have anything to add will make this known.
  9. Hi Skemdoser Your quote To my mind, the best thing is to make it clear to the first couple of DCAs that you will vigourously contest any action, have your CPR strategy at the ready if they do, then keep your head down and let them make their move. Ocassionally things may crop up that you need to respond to but on the whole, letters just sent by the press of a button....? Well its up to you to decide how worthy they are of your mental energies. I agree with this and I have stated that I will use a solicitor to fight my corner having had solicitors opinion through CMC on my side. The DCA will have to think carefully and be sure of their case as legal fees will be a big factor.
  10. See if this works. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/11427-walton-rbos-128.html#post2832029
  11. I would suggest you contact Paul Walton for help. Here is a thread that may be of interest. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/11427-walton-rbos
  12. The Solicitors should be setting up after the event insurance which will cover you for the other parties fees if you lose. I suggest that you contact them with your question.
  13. Oilyrag I have been extremely interested in your comments and for me they are part of the all round big picture. I believe that you have to take note of what the professionals say and in part this is shown by Emmetts Solicitors on their web site. Also, Baggio seems to have contacts with professional which indicate the way things will go. To a certain extent some of the comments and observations on here appear to be of the disinformation agenda so just be aware of this possibilty. However, the more people looking at this site the more problems caused to the debt collection industry as knowledge increases. Sorry if you do cease posting Oilyrag as this is what some would want.
  14. I do wonder whether or not at some point a higher profile "deep throat" might emerge from the depths of these banking organisations. Spilling the beans and pointing where to go for the evidence.
  15. To gain a solicitors viewpoint have a look at Emmetts Solicitors web site under the heading Consumer Credit.
  16. I think is quite good advice. I am with a CMC and with various solicitors. Some are moving positively and some not. There is one debt that has been purchased by a DCA and this tactic you mentioned is one I will employ in this case to start with.
  17. Where a body (OC) or DCA has been found to have provided reconstructed agreements that bear little relation to the original, I would suggest that they be reported to SOCA ie Serious Organised Crime Agency. Who knows what the response will be but this is a different type of organisation to FSA and information Commission.
  18. I have sent him a copy of posting 355 on the thread Re: Dissecting the Manchester Test Case that appears on this site. This article is very good and it is by Astha Solanki
  19. Well looking at who are looking here now, the pathfinders on this subject except me. It seems that the Mail article will the point towards the truth and that this will be the first time the mainstream print media have done this. The truth of the subject has been suppressed and the fact various banks and DCAS have lying and cheating causing countless people misery. Lets hope that they suffer now.
  20. I suggest people post on various media blogs that this is a serious question and is Parliament being thwarted by what is happening?
  21. Please ignore my last or we will be going around in circles.
  22. Have a look at thishttp://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/231206-hearing-summary-judgement-soon.html
  23. Hello Stapeley, I followed your, now closed, huge thread on Moneysavingexpert with great interest. With regards to the topic on here, is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Far more seems to be at stake than the bank charges issue and it does seem the media is very quiet. It was the BBC Panarama programme a year ago that alerted me to the possibiliies and that came at a very critical time for me.
  24. Thanks to all those posting on here with relevant pieces of information it is appreciated.
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