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Everything posted by barry_2008

  1. I have been told that on the 24th of June I will be charged £25 for 4 Overdraft Charges at once. Is there annything I can do since I only have £220.00 a fortnight.
  2. OK there silverfox I am trying to get access to data from relatives that are no longer with us. So I can match medical information in there files to my own. Barry
  3. Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in. Dose any one know how far back data protection covers an individuals History? And how far in the future it covers? Barry
  4. Sorry to dig up the cobwebs but The Foundations Basic Account is designed for those that have no trading history or bad credit. So my understanding is if you have good or a decent credit rating and trading history there would be no need for the account. Unless you do not want to open the account yourself that is then there may be alteria motives.
  5. I am pleased to say the banks should in fact be helping you and consider yourself as A Hardship case. Read this link. http://www.lendingstandardsboard.org.uk/docs/lendingcode.pdf
  6. Were you informed in any shape or form about the change in interest?
  7. If you have entered into an agreement there are rules that govern that agreement. Both parties are bound by the agreement if it is signed. Are you being charged for not paying back the loan?
  8. I don't understand. Your saying the overdraft is smaller than the charges right? But the charges if your overdrawn are actually classed as a loan if there's no money in your account then the bank could be in error. 700 pound is a lot of money you dont need me telling you that are you in large amounts of debt?
  9. Heres a few night time reading websites for you. As well as the Lending standards Code, lenders must at all times follow the Consumer Credit Act, the Equality Act, and other legislation such as the Payment Services Regulations and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations.
  10. You say you aproached your bank on hardship grounds. What standards are you expecting the bank to meet? i.e. What hardship grounds are you claiming to have?
  11. Thanks for the reply kitten. Dose anyone know what the best court descriptions are for the N1 form? At Least a Template so I no where I am talking from.
  12. This is the Letter I sent for demand. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img007.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img008.jpg This is the the Letter I received in response to the previous. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img009.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img010.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img011.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img012.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img013.jpg http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/second/img014.jpg
  13. They have sent a response here http://s177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/?action=view&current=img005.jpg
  14. I am trying to reclaim Charges That Have been placed onto my account with my HSBC Bank account. I Have enclosed My first letter Below. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w234/jamesrap/img004.jpg
  15. This is the letter I got from them. I think I will send a list of all my previous address's to them Not sure it might make a difference. After reading the letter. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B94aMZSSkV3_MTAzZjkyZDEtMTgwZC00NjFmLThlOGItNjM3MjU2OWMyNzI0&hl=en&authkey=CL2V-awB
  16. HI Folks Iam not up to speed with credit card claims. Capital one are asking me for £5 for a set of statements and £10 for the DPA access request. I have know problems paying this but they are saying they can n ot locate my account. Any thoughts on how to proceed? Barry
  17. Youre post could be classed as winding someone up. Not pressing any buttons really just stating an observation. Some more info could be handy though
  18. I kind of no what your going through joe Ive self harmed before and ended up in a mental health hospital. I strongly belive there is a way of fighting through the TOC's the bank hold I.e. the leaflets we get. Banking these days are lealfets and guidelines through other correspondence. Please take a back seat and write to the banks and ask to be considered under hardship regulations. This should hold some gearing sticks for you to sort the matter out.
  19. The Protection from Harrasment Act 1997 Creates criminal offences of 'stalking', i.e. A statutory Tort of Harrasment Where D Knows or ought to know that his conduct wil cause Harrasment Alarm or distress. Must be a 'course of conduct' not a single event.. I belive this to be useful due to the statements that are sent every Month under TOC's as the banks know this to be occuring. Constructive critisism, thoughts welcome and encouraged
  20. if you wish I can show you what you get back if you send in a letter just asking for the list of charges. Plus just having the charges makes it easier to calculate the interest as you do not have to filter out other transactions. It could also add in your favour when it comes to court also when you make youre bundle as the judged dosent have to locate them on statements. Bare in mind the SAR costs £10. Do you really wanna give them a beer note?
  21. No need to overreact I was assuming there was an unaranged overdraft in place (hence the det)
  22. Write them a letter and ask for a copy of all charges on youre account. There is no need to include legislation at this point as you may be asked to pay a £10 statute charge.
  23. I would suggest that you ask for a copy (list) of the charges. If youn ask for a copy of the charges you may be charged £10 a time. Once we have the charges if you do not have them already that is. We can show you what to do with either the FInancial Ombudsman or the court. There is some verry nice people on this site use them dont be afraid to speak up.
  24. It would apear in the view the banks are taking/adopting is that the banks are not bound by the contract or the Terms of conditions they impose on there customers. Third parties carrying out banking duties are in also liable for any damages or remmedies due to the aplicant of the account. Quantum meruil action should be taken.
  25. So is this thread offering to get my old job back?
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