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lilly white

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Everything posted by lilly white

  1. OK how are we doing with the SAR Do we know that the amount that they are claiming is correct................Can they prove it. look I could take you to court and say you owe me this amount of money........................where are the statements. .
  2. this is bog statndard tsb/lloyds...they just go on auto, people end up speaking to some one in India god help us we are their largest shareholders.
  3. I have read the letters and I am confused.......What is the outstanding monies Please don't give the sums..
  4. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?166878 OK have a read of this and try to understand what the defence was.. O and good luck
  5. Yes I see that you had a application form the OC however you do NOT see this as a contract.....So there is no contract.
  6. Re last post have a read and please understand was is being said or not... It is not to you to prove anything but to them .............. Kind regards Lilly White
  7. OK...........Given there is no CCA (agreement) the debt is totally disputed have a read. 1. It is denied that the matters pleaded in the Particulars of Claim actually disclose any cause of action. In particular:- a) It is denied that that the Defendant can have liability to "pay" the Claimant sums of money simply on account of "requests for payment" in relation to a xxxxxxxx- the only matters pleaded. No cause of action known to English Law exists on the basis of such "requests for payment" (whether repeated or not). b) Neither the Claimant being xxxxxxx which it appears (on the face of the Particulars, although due to their vagueness it is hard to know) to be being alleged were due c) In any event, it is denied that the Defendant has or ever has had liability to pay - whomever that may be - any sum whatsoever. 2. It is expressly denied the Defendant is liable to pay any money pursuant to contract or otherwise to the Claimant. 3. Without prejudice to the above contentions, the Defendant asserts that in particular, given that the original of the liability is said to be a xxxxxxxx (which is a person / entity / company not known to the Defendant), it will be the case, taking into account the amount of the liability, that the transaction and the underlying agreement (if any) between xxxxxxxxx and the Claimant would be regulated by the terms of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 4. It is the express contention of the Defendant - again without prejudice to the contention that there is in fact no agreement - that any such agreement as exists does not comply with the Act. It is impossible to plead further in the absence of a pleading by the Claimant as to what the agreement was and what its terms were and the Defendant reserves the right further to plead Particulars of failure to comply in the event that the Claimant amends it Particulars of Claim to allege the agreement
  8. All OK.....well done I have being keeping a watch you where in good hands......... ( back in the shadows) ...Best regards Lilly ...
  9. we need to see your defence what I do not understand is if they produced a blank agreement it will not he have your signature......................game over,,,,, because a document must have one,,,,,,, I would like to see the Agreement
  10. Well to me, it looks game on................ WELL DONE GLC.... LILLY WHITE
  11. I salute you....... well done on the case... and many thanks for your report Best regards Lilly White
  12. Hello AC.......... A......... these people in their Airport shed........ I am sure you know what to do however when you are ready hit them hard.. As they say in the east end put it on them son.......... or cat As always BR lilly
  13. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi-media/223215-court-lets-woman-off.html have a read lilly
  14. http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/581-cca-request-letter OK have read and send this to them we need to see the CCA
  15. OK please confirm that the loan had insurance,,,,,,,,,,
  17. just looking in.... is everything OK. need help shout lilly white
  18. What a poor letter, backside and elbow, who ever did this letter is a child... Just go back to them and ask for clarification of their position and now you see what you are up against not a lot Lilly
  19. Yes go for do not hold back............... keep us posted lilly white
  20. As you have been advice please inform the court that you will going for a set aside and have a date................ The war will start,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, please remember they, not us wanted this...so war it is............... lilly............
  21. Well if who ever put this witness statment together is reading this it is complete rubbish.............. and you know it....... Where is DN... Where is the deed,,,,,,,,,,, where is the CCA.......... who are you.............
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