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lamb to the slaughter

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  1. unfortunately yes but i think its mostly a delay tactic and hopeing that you wont send it, personally i would not send it anyway, i would go in and produce it and demand they take a copy for their records.
  2. a lot of your posts condone violence towards bailiffs fwog, can i suggest you go and get yourself on an anger management course as this will help nobody and will indeed get people in to more bother than its worth, yes there are certain bailiffs out there whom are shall we say not operating within the realms of the law, however your responses are not within the law neither so imo that makes you just as bad!! please think about it.
  3. unfortunately its not easy to just simply drop the bailiff and liase with council. surely you had plenty of opportunity to liase with council before bailiffs turned up!! however the easiest thing to do in these circs is to go Ltd, all bailiffs hate ltd companies, good luck and hopefully someone else will advise a quicker remedy for you soon
  4. yes the bailiff has a right to go upstairs, NO the bailiff cant levy on the same goods as another bailiff company has levied on, you should have shown them the levy from the other bailiff company and told em to go forth, however i accept you didn't know this at the time, you will from now on though. now we need the answers to the above questions though?
  5. indeed this is a different kettle of fish, i think you will find this only refers to so called non priority debts
  6. NO they are not entitled to fo this 1 visit = 1 x £24.50 on one account, simple really, some of these people will try anything!!!
  7. well if this is definately the case then you owe the bailiffs nout sweet nothing as they have performed no visits, take it all the way
  8. yes they could do however i have been speaking to a couple of bailffs this evening and they assure me that once a removal has taken place the case always goes back to the council, also you can guarantee the only goods that were put down were all the bailiff in the first instance thought worth while putting down, however if op is worried in any way shape or form they can take stuff out for when bailiff turns up to take whats on the list, job done ticketyboo see ya laters bailiffs
  9. they will try and tell you they can take other stuff, ie sufficient to try and cover the debt, however the law protects you here, if it aint down on the list then it aint going out if you get my drift!!!! even if they come in and remove and then start relevying just dont sign anything but to be honest once they have removed the case would go back tot he council anyway!!!!! hope this helps
  10. unfortunately you have signed a walkin pocession so little you can do to be honest, however having said that the only items the bailiff can take will be those listed on the WPO and normally as you have already stated those goods dont cover anywhere near the debt, bailiff will not be interested in taking the goods to be honest, they will want the cash, perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge might be able to help you further shortly and good luck
  11. the bailiff will NOT be returning to take your parents property and if by 0.1% chance they did then you would have every right to sue the arse of them under these circumstances so please rest easy
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