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Everything posted by Scrapper

  1. Morning All, Need some advice. I have MPI with Northern Rock who's underwriter is Cardif Pinnacle. I made a successfull claim back in 2009 for 10 months then I found another job. I was in that job for 5 months and got made redundant again (how's my luck) and this is were is all becomes interesting. I contacted CP and requested the forms for making a new claim only to be advised that I could only make a continious claim as I hadn't returned to work for more than 6 months. I questioned what CP were telling me and they sent me the terms and conditions which I had never seen before for the policy under the heading Secured Personal Loan which states future claims you have to return to work for 6 months. CP terms and conditions on their website for MPI state that you only have to return to work for 3 months to make a fresh claim as long as you haven't claimed the full benefit on a previous claim which I hadn't. Just for reference I spoke to an advisor at CP as the Secured Loan T&Cs are not on their website and they advised the Secured loan and MPI full under the same unbrella as they are both 2nd mortgages. Not happy with this I wrote to FOS and after 1 year they wrote back stating that they agreed with CP and are not upholding my complaint. They did suggest I wrote to NR as they sold me the policy. NR wrote back advising that they did sell me a MPI policy and they missold it to me. So I contacted FOS again and low and behold they still ruled in CP favor as I am not out of pocket. Well in answer to that statement yes I am as a policy that should have been protecting me has fallen well short with each side blaming each other. In fact I'm to the tune of £5k out of pocket. So in short I'm having to play pass the blame tennis and getting nowhere fast. I am still paying the premiums every month while this gets passed to the ombudsman. I have even had a solicitor look at it and he agrees that as Northen Rock admit liability and confirmed in writing that they sold me MPI not Secured Loan Protection they should be made to compensate me. Any ideas on what I should do next? Thanks as always Scrapper Coco
  2. I don't have him as my MP but I am currently in talks with my Conservative MP about an issue I'm having. He is currently in talks with the chairman of the bank in question. I'd be happy to send him all the details to pass on if you wish to provide mw with them Thanks Scrapper Coco
  3. Morning, Well that's another DCA gone the same way as the others. Thanks Robinson Way for all your hard work but I see you didn't quite have the man bits to take me to court like I asked. I await yet another DCA to show their face and I'll hit them with the same information and watch them fade away into the shadows as well. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  4. My mate had exactly the same letter from them at the weekend. Ben has been a busy boy with all this letter writing He hasn't heard anything for nearly a year either. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  5. PPI = No Charges = Not sure Will get him to do a SAR and find out Thanks again Scrapper Coco
  6. Cheers dx100uk, That's exactly what I thought and told him. Accept it or accept that he will only be paying them £1 for the rest of his life. They really don't have a clue some of these companies. Greed greed bloody greed. They seem to have forgotten that they are the main cause of people being in this position in the first place, yet still want their pound of flesh. Sainsburys (Lloyds group and before that HBOS) Thanks Scrapper Coco
  7. Hi all, Back again with another issue for another friend of mine. He has one credit card with Sainsbury’s with an outstanding balance of £8500 and that's it nothing else. He lost his job about 3 years ago and went onto a payment plan with them which saw the interest frozen and him paying £100pm towards clearing the debt. He was under the impression that the interest would be frozen permanently. It turns out that it was only frozen for 6 months and for the past 30 months they have been taking £88 in interest. This means that a balance he thought should have been about £5k is actually still sitting at £8500 and he has paid around £400 off the debt. I have roughly calculated that given his circumstances and their unwillingness to help him at all he would have paid in the region of £36,000 back to Sainsbury’s by the time he clears the debt to them. This is outrageous given what he owes. (Loan sharks with a credit licence) He is not in a position to start making normal payments as his new job is only part time and paying a lot less than he used to earn. He has spoken to them and they agreed to stop all interest for a further 12 months and he also has this in writing but they deny that's what the letter states as they never allow anyone to freeze interest for more than 6 months. Then it’s reduced to 1% He has even offered £3000 for a short settlement (bearing in mind they have already had £3000 in interest and the debt hasn’t reduced) which he can borrow from family and they have refused. They advised that they never accept short settlements as a matter of principle. I have plenty of threads on here but even I’m at a loss of what to advise him. I did say that if it was me I’d let them default me and reduce the payments to £1pm as he is struggling to pay £100 as it is and let them work for the money. Even if it went to court a judge wouldn’t award more than he can afford and in 6 years it all disappears. Not the best advice, hence why I’m asking the CAG for help again. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  8. Don;t get drawn into a discussion with these knobheads people. Your just adding fuel to the fire and that's exactly what they want. If anything the site team should just delete the comments and this will stop these ar*ewipes in their tracks. Thanks Scrapper Coco 8)
  9. Good Morning, So not being happy with FOS I decided to send them a reply via email telling them (her) she was a complete incompedent and couldn't be trusted to rule on anything unless it was in the banks favour as she had totally ignored the fact I requested help, Tesco's admitted that they failed in their duty of care and basically I'd been treated like crap. I then when on to point out that she was showing bias and effectively telling me that it is ok for the banks to request help but not consumers and we are tied to T&C's. So I reminded her once again that Tesco's had broken the rules with the dodgy DN and the fact they registered the DN with the CRA 12 months after it was issued which is not playing ball according to the ICO so why am I being treated differently etc. If I am to be tied into T&C's the same rule must apply to Tesco and why is she being biased. Somewhat strong but hey I don't give a sh*t. Did the trick as her manager called me on Friday and offered to have the complaint looked at by another team member as the points I had raised were technically correct etc etc. I went on to tell him that if I am not happy with the next ruling given by someone who doesn't understand rules and regulations etc would result in an official comaplaint against him and both staff members. Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  10. Well what a f****** surprise FOS have ruled in Tesco's favour as even though I requested help and they ignored me 3 times they are perfectly within their rights to default and terminated my account. I'm starting to get the impression that anything slightly relating to RBS is doomed from the start as I know a number of people who have also been ruled against by FOS and they also had complaints about companies associated with RBS. Well I'm going to request a review and f*** Tesco they are never going to get a penny out of me. Even if a judges rules I must pay them it aint going to happen ever. Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  11. Evening Just a quick question: Barclaycard never defaulted or terminated my account or even updated my credit file in 2 years so how come Cabot can just default me without sending me any DN? Got a letter from Cabot today advising what I already knew, Barclaycard are looking for the paperwork and the matter concerning the PPI I should take up with Barclaycard. Why? They own the accoutnso surely it's their responsibility? Barclaycard do default after 3 missed payments so what Cabot have done is not on really. Is there a template to send the ICO with regards to the default period? Feel like I'm swimming in mud. Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  12. Hello Richard, Thank you for contacting me and I would appreciate any help you can provide me with. I will PM you shortly with the issues I have experienced and the fact the account has now been sold etc etc Regards Scrapper Coco 8-)
  13. I complained to FOS and the ICO at the time and what did they do? Sweet FA that's what. Opened another complaint with FOS about BC and the ICO basically told me that BC are allowed to sell it and Cabot can do as they please now they own it. Think I need to shout really loud at them Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  14. Hi Shadow, Point taken but I lost my job and tried to claim on the PPI to be advised theat it had been cancelled in 2004 but nobody was willing to tell by who. Why would I cancel it when I had PPI on most of my cards, mortgage, income protection etc BC even told me on the phone that they had no idea why it was cancelled and who cancelled it. That's why I thought all entries from BC had disappeared due to the shear fact that I had a legitmate complaint and how could I be expected to pay when I was unemployed, hence PPI claim. Heard nothing for 2 years and then this lot pop out of the woodwork. BC have even written to me that other day advising they are now looking into my serious complaint and will get back to me. If they had done nothing wrong then why even respond? Why not tell me nothing to do with us guv speak to Cabot? You know why as well as I do, they realise they have seriously messed up and were hoping I'd go away. Now I've got to deal with these people and will no doubt end up in court with them telling the judge it is all made up and some old no nothing duffer will rule in their favour and completely ruin me Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  15. Hi Donkey, So what you are saying is that even thought BC admitted in writing they don't have the CCA and failed to respond to all my requests regarding the PPI issue they can sell the account to a bunch of sharks and then they can just go ahead and feck up my credit report because they can? Is there no law against that? Cause if that's the case what is the point in even arguing with this people? We might as well all give up and go home. BC messed with my account and they dam well no they did so how is it right they can just walk away without any recourse for ME? I have done nothing wrong except ask legimate questions which haven't been even looked at let alone answered. Sorry about the rant Thanks Scrapper Coco 8-)
  16. Defaulted date. No Default notice no termination, nothing at all http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/djackson29/Cabot.png Thanks Scrapper Coco 8)
  17. And now they have added a default to the account dated in 09 when they didn't even own the account
  18. Afternoon Well got to laugh as the CRA's seem to just do as the DCA tell them whether or not they have an agreement or not hank you for getting in touch. Cabot The company has investigated your query and have asked that you get in touch with them directly using these details. This information will remain unchanged on your Credit Report. Cabot 01732 524 615. The note that we added, stating that your information was in dispute has now been removed. Is there any bloody point in rules and regulations I ask you? My view is they ain't worth the paper they are written on yet when it comes to contracts extra they rely on them so heavily. Thanks Scrapper Coco 8)
  19. Thanks Donkey and Slick, Barclaycard Rep? Are they helping out or spying? Thanks Scrapper Coco 8)
  20. Does this look OK Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your letter of **/**/****, the contents and your intentions have been duly noted. It has not gone unnoticed that you have failed to respond to my legal request to supply me with a true copy of the original Consumer Credit Agreement for the above account and information relating to the cancellation of PPI. This account is clearly in dispute with the Barclaycard and has been for 2 years. I stress once again that Barclaycard have acted unlawfully and sold you this account when they are not legally entitled to while my LEGAL requests are still outstanding. I will not phone you and will deal with you in writing. This account remains in dispute due to Cabots / Barclaycards failure to deal properly with my legal outstanding grievances. I enclose copies of 2 letters which are highlighted to confirm which grievances remain unanswered. Given that this account is in Serious Dispute you are barred from demanding any payment or information from me and any further demands will reported to the FOS as clear breach of the OFT debt collection Guidelines has taken place. I will give you 14 days to answer my grievances. Failure to provide me with a satisfactory answer will result in making further complaints to the ICO, FOS and Office of Fair Trading. Yours faithfully
  21. Morning, Now this should be very interesting. Barclaycard have sent me a letter with the following: We acknowledge receipt of your request for information under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 dated the ******* We are dealing with your request and will respond as soon as possible.... Firstly I thought they had assigned the account to Cabot, so shouldn't Cabot be dealing with this as surely BC passed everything to them. Secondly, BC have already advised in writing that the DO NOT have the agreement given the age of the account. I wonder what fairly tale sort of document they are going to come up with? Thanks Scrapper Coco 8)
  22. What is the point of FOS full stop. I bet if you could get the stats on cases ruled in the banks favour it would make for very interesting reading indeed
  23. Im starting to get the same impression. I'm sick to death of banging my head against a brick wall. Another clear case of bias today with another claim which I can prove beyond doubt that I requested the products be cancelled yet FOS still ruled in favour of the bank after I refused the banks offer of a 3rd of what I am owed. Scrapper Coco 8)
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