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Everything posted by Scrapper

  1. Morning, Sent an SAR to Barclays requesting transaction history dating back to just before I cancelled the Additions fee so I can prove once and for all that FOS are fecking worthless and I'm not a bare faced liar as Barclays and FOS have suggested. Anyway the 40 days passed so sent them another letter giving them a further 14 days and that has passed as well and yet still nothing. What form do I fill out to get an order for them to provide the information? As I'm more than up for a fight with these monkeys and once I prove I'm right and certain Ombudsman is going to get both barrels and anything else I can find to throw at him. And I'm going to demand a written apology from him. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  2. Hi all, Can anyone comment on the reply my mate got from Credit Expert. Since Arrow bought his account MBNA have also registered a DF as well. So 2 for the same debt. MBNA shows as satisfied though "The entry recorded by MBNA shows the name of the company that the debt was originally owed to. The second entry recorded by Arrow Global shows that the debt has now been sold to another company to collect. Although the debt is now being recorded twice, only the entry recorded by the debt collection agency will have an effect on your credit rating. Both entries will be retained on your credit report for six years from the default date." Thanks Scrapper Coco
  3. Hi DX Something to do with the cost of administering his account and the because he's been on a payment arrangement etc their costs have increased blah blah blah. I get the impression after reading the OFT report they are very selective on the bits they chose to tell you about and completely make it all up to suit themselves Thanks Scrapper Coco
  4. Hi DX I presume you are talking about the attached? He has claimed all charges. Even the one's for £12. Is that correct? http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/djackson29/Claim.jpg Thanks Scrapper Coco
  5. Morning all, Well my mate put in a claim for all the charges dating back to 2005 when account was opened and this is their response. http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/djackson29/Charges1.jpg http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/djackson29/Charges2.jpg Next Steps? Thanks Scrapper Coco
  6. Spoke with Webb (Picture) this afternoon and they have approved the transfer of charge to the new property Thanks Scrapper Coco
  7. Thanks, Is there anything that can be done if they do getting funny with me? I have read somewhere something about the property & law act? Thanks Scrapper Coco
  8. I have just checked the contract with Picture (Terms stay the same with Webb according to their nice letter) "If you move, you can almost certainly take your loan with you. If you're moving to a lower value property, you may need to settle some using the funds from the sale of your current property" Well fingers crossed the £18k is enough for them Thanks Scrapper Coco
  9. That might be worth a punt I'm just amazed that it's taken this long and FOS tell me they haven't got the power to tell Tesco's to remove the DN so contact ICO Got smile or I'd go mad Scrapper Coco
  10. No, we have told our solicitor to repay the surplus equity of £18K and asked Webb to transfer the remaining £12K to the new property as per the terms of our contract (underwriter permitting) this is the cheapest house we could find in the area we need to live in for my kids school etc
  11. Afternoon, Well what a surprise. Got a response and it's in my favor and I have been awarded compensation of £200 lol. Then it goes on to say that even though Tesco's has acted unlawfully and not treated me fairly they do not have the power to make Tesco's remove the DN and I will have to contact the ICO. They also state that Tesco's can request a review. So that's what I will do and yet even more waiting around. Serious issue's need to be addressed with FOS and passing the buck. Why haven't they got the power to tell Tesco's get it removed or we will pass to the FSA & FOS??? Make's my blood boil. At least they didn't given me their normal b*llsh*t answer. I'll keep you updated Thanks Scrapper Coco
  12. Hi Sequenci, Thanks for your reply. The property isn't in negative equity. We have sold the house and have £95K equity. We need £62K for the deposit on the new property as the bank will only give us 75% LTV. There will be approx £18K left over once the sale & our purchase are completed. We have instructed our solicitor to pay this surplus to Webb (Picture) and requested from Webb that they allow us to move the remaing £12K to the new property. The property we have bought is as small as we can go without incurring extra costs putting all our belongings in storage. What I am afraid of after reading a few posts on here and other forums is that they try and block the sale unless we repay them every penny. This will cause us a serious problem. I am aware that people would advise to pay them and get rid of it, but after spending 6-8 weeks negotiating with our mortgage lender to allow the move I am not prepared to just sell up and pay someone else's mortgage as we would have to rent. The rent on a similar property would be the same as our new mortgage payments. So worse case scenario is that they say NO and I'll pull the house sale and take my chances. Which will no doubt end in the house being repossessed by the mortgage lender and Webb effectively getting p*ss all by the time it is auctioned etc. And then I will disappear of the face of the planet and move abroad to my father-in-laws and build a new life. Not what I want to do though. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  13. Hi mercyblue, Thanks for your comments. That's exactly what I was thinking which is were I got confused. As you have already read. I want to be able to stop them putting a stop on me selling and moving if they should stick their nose in. Hopefully it won't come to that as I'm not in arrears and have never missed a single payment. In fact by moving and repaying them the remaining equity my monthly payments to them decrease by nearly 75% Thanks Scrapper Coco.
  14. Evening, Well I was promised a final response by the end of Jan and yet more delays. The adjudicator wants to speak with a senior member of staff as this is more complicated than she first thought. That fill's me with hope, NOT. People looking at complaints who aren't qualified and haven't got the first clue about what they are doing. Give me strength Thanks Scrapper Coco
  15. Evening all, Webb Resolutions (Picture) are looking into this matter for me and should have an answer by Friday. Told them it must be Friday with either YES or NO as needed to take the necessary steps should it be the latter. He asked what I was taking about but I just told him he'd find out in due course should they try and block my sale and house move. I think he knew what I was talking about. Will keep you updated Thanks Scrapper Coco
  16. Hi DX, Thanks for quick reply. Got a question for you. Would it be possible to take Sainsbury's to court? He has been on a payment arrangement for 3 years. This was extended every 6 months but on this occassion it was only 5 months and they passed it to their in house monkeys. The default notice clearly states payment by the 30th Jan yet they have registered the default as of the 25th Jan. 5 days prior to the agreed date. Plus the DN only allowed 10 days to rectify the issue Thanks Scrapper Coco
  17. Morning all, Mate got this alert yesterday which is somewhat strange. Anyone shed any light on this? Account showing as settled. http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/djackson29/SainsburysSettled.jpg Thanks Scrapper Coco
  18. Hi Sequenci, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for the advice. I'm confused (not difficult really) What I require Webb Resolutions (Picture) to do is transfer the remaining 2nd charge to the new property but I have a feeling they will want all their money back. This will totally mess everything up as the process is well under way for our sale and our purchase. Will leave us £12K short if they try and block it. We have never missed a payment and have actually repaid them £50k in the last 5 years which I don't think they are happy about given the loan period was for 25yrs. We have done this as we didn't trust them as Picture & trust them even less now they have sold it to Webb who seem to be a front for multiple companies. If I am correct in my thinking and have to go for an order of sale so we can move, how would they get a CCJ when we have never missed a payment and secondly I want them to move the charge to the new property? Apart from they can legally request their money back I don't think they would have many other excuses as we have done nothing wrong. Does this make sense or am I confusing you as well as myself? Thanks Scrapper Coco
  19. Hi bjoh69, Yes you can but they will write back advising they have sent this request onto their client as per the norm. I would have thought given they had bought the debt outright it was their responsibility to hold all your account info. Apparently not. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  20. Bump Don't mean to be impatient but this is somewhat urgent. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  21. If you think merging the threads would provide more assistance then I'd be happy for that to happen. Thanks Scrapper Coco
  22. Thanks CB your a star as always We'd be lost without you Got my Mortgage sorted Thanks Scrapper Coco
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