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Conned Sumer

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Everything posted by Conned Sumer

  1. Your landlord already knows your address, the only thing that would need to be written on a permit (if at all) would be the registration number. maybe remind the landlord of the data protection act?
  2. I have to agree, I was rather frustrated that they didnt show the whole "scheme" to be a [problem] only glimmer of hope was that McD's were looking into a better system.
  3. the calls to me are quite rare, and of course I refuse to talk to them just as I do any cold caller *** update *** wondering if they think they have a bite, thats the second month in a row I have had a call from GW.
  4. Interesting with the ASBO's but aren't they the kind of people who would collect ASBO's as trophies? Like those kids do? (referring to the comments in the above article) as for inconsiderate parking, even with "enforcement" in place you still see plenty of people getting away with it, and as for street/driveway parking, that just needs a little community spirit when our neighbours have guests they are told they are welcome to use any space we have available in front of our property on on our driveway, common courtesy I guess.
  5. That is supposing they were awarded full costs, inflating the amount payable can be seen (and has) as a scare tactic for invoices the worst they should be able to do is add statutory interest and court costs, that is of course if what they were doing was all above board.
  6. That is interesting a credit search is noted on your credit score, that is why you are informed in advance of searches by all these stores that offer store cards, or credit agreements, you are told that even enquiring about the possibility of a loan (for a sofa or whatever) that a credit search will be performed. I am sure there are regulations that require prior notification of a credit search. The FSA would regulate any financial organisation but as for these [problematic]. not so sure myself something to keep an eye on
  7. The whole "IF" it goes to court is my only worry that, ignoring their correspondence would be seen as a bad thing However does that also mean that all the phishing emailers, and postal scams should also take me to task for ignoring them? As far as I am aware the presumed contract is unsolicited and unenforcable so should be treated the same as a [problem] letter.
  8. Yes Lamma the lesson is learned, it was just one of those occasions where I was caught off guard, luckily I didnt confirm anything other than my name, which is just the RK of the car anyway. And of course they already know my name and address as letters have arrived. Still ignoring them...
  9. Yes out of the blue a few days back a phone call , the usual am I speaking to ************** , and being polite I confirm my name they then say they are from Graham While solicitors and that we have a mutual client...........Mutual? They then ask for my postcode, but the penny has dropped and I ask what it is regarding they mention a parking charge and I end the call saying I am not happy receiving phone calls like that and that it sounds dodgy. Just before I hang up they just tell me to reply to the letter that should arrive. which it does in the form of the standard Final Demands that are posted on here.
  10. Hi Guys since a few of you on here have GWhite letters, have any of you had a phone call from them?
  11. absolutely awesome we havent heard from the original poster hope you are ok, just know you are in the same boat as me and many others, I refuse to be scammed Shame LW had to be banned but we must keep this site clear of garbage for us users looking for the great advice offered. Oh and Spitfire that joke made my day
  12. Hi I have taken the advice on these forums, and am feeling confident and relaxed about it I too would worry about judgements against me, but should sealed court papers arrive, I could still pay at that point and avoid court hassle, but as its unlikely I will keep on keepin on. Just waiting now for a new government department, to deal with all parking, with no private companies allowed, and for accurate terms to be applied nationwide, and reasonable charges for various levels of breaching national terms. well we can all dream can't we? come the revolution etc
  13. Lol, if you were fortunate enough to get to court, you could take up the fact that the parking spaces are not of sufficient size. While a Jag is a big car, its not exactly an uncommon size, unless you have a stretch limo version? Thats as bad as painting yellow lines on AFTER you have parked
  14. I think the council even deserves a thankyou there for dealing with the query properly too. Rather than just throwing standard letters back Its nice to see justice done
  15. I still cannot beleive there hasnt been a crackdown on this practice which is nothing more than mafia style racketeering.
  16. did some digging Graham White Solicitors is a trading name of Michael Sobell, Solicitor ???
  17. Cheers for that DMA I fully intend to fight it anyway if anything does happen as far as I am concerned I never entered into a contract with their client I am not even sure who was driving when they said it happened not something I let burn into memory there were several people insured to drive my car
  18. Ah now I was posting in the main thread at the top but this is more relevent I had a phone call from these solicitors before they sent a letter and unfortunately I confirmed my name before realising who it was still using the ignore route,but of course they have heard the registered keepers voice now... will await the second letter and then see what happens
  19. So these solicitors letters have no legal merit? I know the case doesnt but do they warrant a response? The only thing that gets to me is that if it does go to court (which of course is unlikely) will the court be displeased with the fact that I made no contact or response with the company or solicitors at all? In the past while working in purchase ledgers, I received unsolicited invoices for registrations to company directories, that were never requested or agreed to, these often went to final demands, but were usually dropped when they failed to have a purchase order or any signed documentation to support a contracts. But we always responded to say we did not request such a service. thanks for the continued help guys
  20. Hi Guys Not posted on here in a while recently I received a debt collectors letter, which I researched and found to be about as dodgy as the parking letters. A few days ago I actually received a phone call, very strange, as there has been no contact at all. Since the phone call a solicitors letter has arrived. I intend to do the usual, but of course the fact that they rang my house and of course the first question was to ask if they were speaking to me, and being the polite person I am confirmed my name before confirming who was calling (DOH) Next step? Cheers for all your help still guys, I see a lot of patience and well thought out advice, these forums are invaluable.
  21. Hi Guys well no other letters since my last post so its all quiet for now I am slightly concerned that Marina88 appears to have received court papers Time to search for that users thread.
  22. Hi again guys I decided to take the ignore approach, this parking charge is from VCS Ltd and 8 days after sending the first threatening letter, they have sent the second one I will keep you posted
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