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Everything posted by felix777

  1. I am having the same trouble with Swinton over the renewal of my house insurance policy. I told them to send me the conditions in writing as I am not able to deal over the phone (they do ramble on) and told them I didn't want it the day the documents arrived. They want £50 and the insurance wasn't due to start until the following month. I am being harassed on both my mobile and my ex-directory telephone number. I am not well and am not up to dealing with this.
  2. That's the best way to beat them in the end. I don't mind parking controls; I just hate it when they're unfair and extortionate.
  3. I have still not paid, nor will I. I won't go so far as to say that highwaymen should be hung, but they certainly shouldn't prosper.
  4. "Graham White Solicitors" seem to use a lot of different phone numbers, all with the same prefix. Get a caller display phone and don't answer them.
  5. I think Morrisons is an excellent place to shop. Sod Sainsburys.
  6. One thing which has emerged from my own experience is that I will never again buy anything from a firm which uses cowboy car-parking outfits.
  7. Feeling safe after 6 months . Today I got a phone call from "Graham White Solicitors". Refused to talk.
  8. I think we all know about nervous. Don't be tempted to give in to it. The only real reason for even keeping their letters is to make sure you collect a full set. When you are tempted to give in, log back in on here and just read the advice again. I have had it confirmed by a solicitor (just in passing). This site is probably the best thing to happen to me this year.
  9. Thank you for the advice on this forum. As an elderly and disabled person in straitened circumstances, I was heartbroken to find a ticket on my car door demanding money that I don't have for parking in a car park in my own country. Ignoring everything has been successful. Please pass the word around because no-one should be held up by these highwaymen. I have been fortunate in obtaining legal advice which confirms that these Private Parking tickets are unenforceable in law; don't confuse them with council parking tickets, however- they ARE enforceable, but then, the markings are far more clear.
  10. Sorry about that! I'll soert it out later. Please feel free to remove.
  11. We are being pursued for two old debts which were settled under agreement, one with the original debtor and one with a DCA, One DCA was written to and all this explained. then another DCA popped up, having bought the old "debt" from the other. They are written to again, but are still telephoning. Yhe DCA is Mackenzie Hall. Should we reply to their calls?_I'll only lose my temper. I can't cope with it any longer. The "debts" go back over ten years and one had only six months to go with no defaults when the original debtor misplaced money sent to one account, put it on the other, and defaulted them both These old loans still appear on our credit report.
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