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Everything posted by andyathers

  1. Hello i have posted the CCA above from tesco,I have blocked the address and signatures,which were on there. Thanks
  2. They have not confirm yet what they put on the forms.Tesco today sent me what looks like a correct CCA, GRRRRR
  3. When I got the court papers,I called payplan they said send the forms to them recorded delivery.I did that and they confirmed they recieved them and sent them off to the revalant people. I do wish i filled them in my self, buti ts done now.I will apply for re-determination and other appeals should it go against me. i think tesco and natwest are after a charging order.
  4. Thanks for the reply.The 2 that are playing hard are tesco loans and natwest loan. Tesco have instucted incasso solicitors,they sent court papers last week.They were for northampton court,I forwarded the papers tp payplan who have dealt with them. I have this week sent out CCA requests to all my creditors. the car is owned outright. Thanks
  5. It isnt at this stage yet were bailiffs are coming but it could do.Basically I am with payplan working very hard to sort out my finances.But of course some creditors are not playing ball.My biggest fear is bailiffs coming. 1.Can they take items belonging to my kids. 2.Can they take items belonging to my wife( debts in my name). 3.How would I prove items belong to my wife / kids etc 4. could i transfer my vehicle to another family member and still use it myself etc. Thanks, would like to say I am responsible and I am dealing with my debts but some companys are ruthless.
  6. bumping for any thoughts, thanks
  7. Hi 42man thanks for the reply.The problem is i sent the court forms off to payplans legal team tio fill in.they will probally admit the debt etc. But i m thinking they still would need a true CCA. Just like to add.Tersco loan via Incasso, have sent myself blue court claim forms, but they havent sent them to my wife.The loan is a joint loan.Can they do this as we are both liable.Tesco sent both of us letters saying they are happy with payplans offer.When I rang tesco they say they only sent the letter of acceptance to my wife, yet they have also sent me a acceptance offer. So how can they be happy with my wife to make reduce payments, but not with me and send me court papers. thanks
  8. Hello 42man, its ays on the form The claimants claim is in respect of monies due persuant to an account maintained with the claimant and the claimant claims 8432 Have i wasted my time today I sent out a CCA request to Tesco and to incasso there solicitors,I enclosed the £1.00 to each of them.I sent it first class recorded.Have i done it to late. Also should i request my CCA with all my other creditors.Sorry to be a pain but after the 12 days and they dont produce a true CCA what do i do then. thanks andy
  9. The claimants claim is in respect of monies due persuant to an account maintained with the claimant and the claimant claims 1. 8432
  10. Thanks for the reply's.The loan is about 3 years old and has 8450 still remaining.I have posted on another forum and a member asked if the court papaers are with northampton court,does anyone know what the significance is, Thanks
  11. Hello all, We have been on a DMP with Payplan for 4 months.We have about 11 creditors.Most have been ok, sending lots of letters and defaults ETC.And making threats of legal action. Today we recieved blue court claim forms from Incasso(tesco loan).The loan is a joint loan with my wife yet incasso are only chasing me.In novemeber myself and my wife had a letter from tesco saying they will accept payplans offer of reduced payments. But just 2 months later they are doing this via incasso. I have spoken to tesco who say they havent sent me a letter accepting payment,yet i have it in front of me with a seperate reference on it.I have also explained this to incasso,who dont seem interested.I even faxed incasso copies of the letters. I have not asked any of my creditors from copies of CCA's , should i do this and is it to late to ask tesco / incasso for it. If it wasnt to late who would i send the £1.00 to. I rang payplan today and they advised me to send the forms to them and they will fill them in and forward them to incasso, I have done that today but what if payplan dont send them. I felt good when I had my lightbulb moment and contacted payplan.It was such a relief to be dealing with my debts.I now feel more desperate than I did before my lightbulb moment. I work 70 hours a week just to live,whats the point.Maybe im over reacting to the ccj thing,but i havent read about many others on dmp's with ccj's. Could somebody kick me into gear, please
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