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  1. It was not a small job . New Ceiling New Coving. Wall Repair Lots of Painting. House left clean and tidy. Electrician to replace wiring and lamp. All done in less than 10 days fantastic service and only a £ 50 increase in building premium. I renewed last October
  2. Sorry to hear about your problems please can you pm and tell me which hospital is it. i would personally make a complaint in writing to your AM and quote the RTT (REFERRAL TO TREATMENT ) of 26 weeks which came into all hospital in 2009. What the welsh assembly govement said a patient WILL GET the treatment within 26 weeks of a referral being made so what are you going to do about it. NHS managers considering the salarys they are on are accountable to the assembly govement and must tell the assembly on a monthly basis are they breaching the RTT targets so tell your AM this hospital is and you want your treatment withing the quoted 26 weeks. Point out you have exhausted the hospital complaint system and still nothing is done.
  3. I work in the nhs on the admin side make a written complaint yourself to the hospital .This will invoke the complaint procedure which will make you a name and not just a number
  4. In wales there is a 26 week target from gp referal to treatment in your case they have breached this target .I believe you should write to your AM and complain and quote the RTT target ie referal to treatment as health is a devolved power
  5. I feel after reading problems with Norwich Union and their claim service I must thank them for the excellent service I have recieved in relation to a recent builing insurance claim. 1 Escape of water causing damage to wall and ceiling of kitchen 2 Claim Submited via online service. 3 Contact by company for full details. 4 48 hours later damage is surveyed full details provided claim accepted. 5 Within 1 week work commenced new ceiling etc .finished and decorated 6 When renewal comes will definatly renew. Norwich Union / aviva you certinatly did not make a drama of a crisis THANK YOU
  6. The employer MUST provide safety equipment under the PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AT WORK REGULATIONS 1992 Must provide drinking water under the THE WORKPLACE(HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE REGULATIONS) 1992 no questions asked is he in a union
  7. i have seen my branch health and safety officer today and things have been said i believe the s----t is going to hit the fan due to the managers already being told by myself . staff health are involved human resourses are being involved an an emergancy dse risk assesment is being done
  8. I have already done this and will raise a grievance when i go into work tomorrow
  9. Asking for a bit of advise i work for the NHS in a administration role office worker I have a torn catrlidge in my right hip which has been diagnosed via mri athrogram. Have been refered to University hospital in Cardiff for an operation to repair the tear. About 4 weeks ago asked for a different chair as i consider the current chair is not suitable and is causing me major problems with pain by the end of the day. Have not gone off sick with problem. Still at work but still supervisor still not provided new chair and still in major pain after another request have kept all e mail content both mine and supervisor so problem is well docemented Am in union should i get them involved
  10. Thank you i have had an inconclusive mri result the doctors thinks the cartlidge has worn away and i am now going to have an arthrogram an mri scan with contrast so will have to see what happens now. i have also applied for DLA but am expecting my 1 st claim to be rejected
  11. I am a 47 year old man who has had a problem with his right hip. i have been told it hip dysplasia and have restricted painfull movements i am waiting for an mri and possibly a hip replacement/ hip resurficing would you be classed as disabled
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