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  1. Hi again, Further update, another statement received, same balance. No details on the card which was sent and as yet, still no response to SAR I have again rung them and they insist the balance is negative or zero, depends which person I speak to! Another recorded delivery letter sent this morning and slet's see if that brings any joy.
  2. Hi all, I had yet another statement yesterday, again showing a positive balance. No response to my SAR which I am just doing a letter to follow up. However, I received a cashcard today??? I don't have any other Abbey/Santander products so can only assume that it relates to this account? Why would they send a cash card if I was alledgedly in so much debt with them. This makes absolutely no sense anymore. TW
  3. Hi all, I wanted to update this because I am absolutely disgusted with the NHS complaints proceedure. I made a verbal and written complaint and both have been dealt with....well in the NHS's mind anyway. I've been told there is nothing which can be done, despite the fact I have waited for such a long time, told there are people who have been waiting longer and are more urgent on clinical need etc. They told me to go back to my GP if my symptoms worsened. I went back to my surgery, saw a far more understanding locum GP, who is fuming, he has written to get my case speeded up, went back to see him yesterday and he had asked for a response, didn't receive one from the hospital, so he rang and was basically given the same story. I'm not sure what's happening next, I'm in agony, GP can see that and he's told the hospital that yet they aren't doing anything. He suggested admitting me as an emergency, he spoke to the ortho on call who said they'd probably just discharge me with the same painkillers I have. I'm thinking of involving my AM now but it just doesn't feel right....I'm grateful for the NHS, I am, but it feels like it's failing me now when I really need it. Any advice would be appreciated
  4. I just wanted to update again. Abbey have started sending letters to me stating I need to repay the amount shown, I have had a debt collector come to my door recently from Abbey, told him where to go thanks to this site! I have SAR'd them again shortly after receiving the letter above and still NO response. The letters I am receiving are showing a minus figure of the same amount above yet I have had another statement which is exactly like the one above, with the same balance but no minus sign??? I am VERY confused to say the least.
  5. Just to update, phoned AM's surgery office, spoke to a nice lady helper who rang the hospital in question. She called me back and advised that on a generic basis (she took my details but said they probably wouldn't discuss individual cases) and basically, someone who has waited since August is likely not to be operated on until May/June 2010. They are not meeting targets and there is nothing they can do. She will pass my concerns to the AM and ask that they are addressed. Not good news though for me
  6. Thank very much Corgiman. I will get on to that today. Very helpful, thank you.
  7. Evening all, Hope you are all keeping warm and well. I've been waiting since early August for surgery on my shoulder, as a 'soon' case, the surgeon said he operates a routine, soon and urgent caseload and I was told I should wait no more than 16 weeks for surgery if I fell in this category. Obviously 16 weeks has come and gone, I rang. the hospital where I am scheduled just to see where I was on the list and I was told the target was now not to wait anymore than 22 weeks for a 'soon' case. I asked whether the waiting time included the 2 week break for Christmas and I was told yes, operating as normal over Christmas as far as possible. Asked also would the winter increase in people affec this time scale, advised no because the surgery is being done as a day case and it's only the inpatient surgeries which will get affected ( hmmmm not sure on these two as I am sure these will put a delay in any case!). I asked about a rough date, told second week in January, so was quite pleased at that. That was in December. However, still not heard anything and I am getting increasing pain, but that is fine, I know it is only a matter of time to getting it sorted! My GP is not supportive of me having the surgery, he thinks I should leave it alone but the consultant thinks I have a 95% chance of a full recovery with no ill effects, so I am going with the consultants choice as previously have had all non surgical treatements, physio, cortisone, painkillers etc. I also asked my GP if he could write to the consultant to ask if my priority could be re-assessed due to the increasing pain and lack of mobility in the joint but he refused on the grounds he did not agree with the surgery. I then telephoned the consultant's secretary who said not a lot she could do but pass a message to the surgeon. That was December as well. So, I'm in a quandry really about what to do, I am in so much pain it's unbelievable at times, can't drive at the moment as I can't comfortably raise my arm to the top in the steering wheel and I have difficulty making up bottle for my son as I can't pick up the kettle but luckily, my husband now does the bottles for the day! I can't find any up to date waiting times for Wales at the moment and I know for some specialities they have a system where if you've not been treated within X amount of weeks you can opt to go to another trust or privately but unsure what specialities this covers or how long you need to wait. Can't see myself being treated anytime soon though, due to blood clotting issues I am supposed to have a specific blood test 2-3 weeks before surgery and the surgeon was aware of that and put it on the card he filled in for my surgery, if that has been taken notice of, then I am not going to be treated within the 22 weeks as even if the surgery was scheduled for late Jan/early Feb, I would need to have had or be scheduled for the blood test now! Does anyone know where I can find out the up to date waiting list times so I have an idea of when I could expect treatment or whether the private surgery scheme extends to shoulders (I know knees were on the list as I had a knee op privately as I'd waited 22 months on the NHS back in 2004)or even if this scheme still runs? Thank you! xx
  8. Hi There, I am newish to the site and wonder can anyone give me some advice please? My husband and I had a business with a business partner and the company closed in August as it was operating at a loss, had severe financial problems and basically we were funding it all out of our own pockets. We intend to take the debts into an IVA soon (more later!). We made a claim at the start of September for Jobseekers allowance and that claim is still not completed and this is where I need some help. We provided all the details requested and attended the first meeting, we then had a mountain of paperwork to fill out and send back relating to self employment and then we were advise by phone that the paperwork had been sent to decision makers, well, this has been happening every week and we then get a letter stating more information is required, we provide that information usually posting it out the same day and a few days later, another letter saying more information is required, we wouldn't mind so much but often, we previously provided the information requested, when we phone, they say they need it again. Each time we ring asnd ask 'is this it, is this all the information you need, do we need to provide anything else?' we're told 'no, we have all the information we need' and then the familiar more information letter appears on the doormat. My husband telephoned to ask why it is taking so long and they advised us it was because our claim was so complicated, which, granted it is more complicated than some but surely they should be able to deal with self employed people closing businesses? My husband has now got a job, it doesn't pay a lot but it's better than nothing, I'm still waiting, interviewing, pestering recruitment agencies and I also have a 4 month old son as well. My husband wants to take all his personal and business debts into an IVA when he gets his promised payrise in 3 months but until them we are with Payplan, who have been great. So my question is, for anyone in the know, we want to get the claim finalised for JSA as soon as possible and we are getting fed up of letters asking for more/same information, we also feel the process has been unduly long but is it really, I don't know how long these things take. How can we get this finalised, should I push them to give us a list of everything they may possibly want? Is it right to complain about the length of time it will be 3 months in a few days. Should we just drop the claim now because husband has got a job and it's all getting a bit too frustrating? We've basically emptied our savings to pay to get through the last few months and we are really struggling now with no money, although husband will be paid at the end of Dec so there is a light at the end of the tunnel but I am just not sure how to proceed with the JSA claim. Thank you!
  9. The balance was £20ish I think. I did follow up the harges, however it was after the hold was put on but I received no response, although did send a recorded delivery letter and I still have the slip and printed out delivery confirmation from Royal Mail in my file.
  10. Just called Abbey, they say the account is closed and Ii'm in debt with them by this much!
  11. That's OK, it is a long saga with them. So, the telephone number kind of implies the account has been assigned elsewhere? I've got married since I opened the account (& believed it was closed), so IF I am in credit, I only have this statement as proof I had/have an account with Abbey. Not 100% convinced I am in credit, given the saga but IF I am, how should I go about getting it with no card, nothing? Certainly don't want them having money that MIGHT be mine!!
  12. I sent the subject access request in to them in 2007!!!!, just want to know what this statement actually means!
  13. Hi all, I've been in dispute with Abbey since 2006 regarding bank charges. Basically, I was made redundant and I asked both my home branch of Abbey and my local branch to close my account to avoid charges, I signed paperwork and gave over my cashpoint card (I only had a basic account at this time) and never heard anymore from them. In Dec 2006, I received a letter saying I was £360 overdrawn, through charges, explained to branch managed who closed my account and they weren't helpful. Went through the CCA route (no CCA provided), then down the Subject Access line, again I sent the fee but received nothing except debt collection letters from BCW. I wrote to BCW stating Abbey had no CCA and did not comply with the subject access request and they passed it back to Abbey. Abbey acknowledged receipt of a letter of complaint in the summer of 2007 but I have never heard anything more from them. I asked them to refund the charges, bring the account to zero and close it, maybe naively, I assumed it was done. Today, I received an Abbey letter saying 'We enclose the following' and TRNSACTN SUMMARY STATMENT 1/2 and trans action summary statement pic is below. Can anyone help me as to what this suggests, are the saying I now owe them £758.89? I rang the number and it says 'We have recently sent you a statement confirm the recent transactions on your account, it is for information purposes only. If your account has recently been transferred or assigned, you will hear from that company shortly, if you haven't already. Goodbye.' From what the recorded message says, I feel Abbey are trying to say I owe them this money, but wouldn't this show as a minus figure on my account statement. This is the first I have heard from Abbey, so any help would be appreciated, I was going to write a letter but I don't want to incriminate myself, I believe a mistake happend when closing my account yet this has never been dealt with. Thanks
  14. Thanks for your reply. I have had a look at the Choice website, unfortunately, most of the policies on there refer to patients resident in England
  15. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help me please, as I fear I am going to have a battle on my hands very soon and I want to go into it the best equipt that I can. Last year, I developed severe pain in my shoulder, saw my GP, who suggested physio, being in so much pain, she recommended I pay to see a physio, which I did, at a local private hospital. Whilst there on my first visit, the physio was quite concerned and brought in an orthopaedic surgeon who specialised in shoulder disorders to see me. He agreed there was something severe going on inflammation wise, and gave me a cortisone injection into the joint, then instructioned to come back to see him in 6 weeks at the physio session, so I wouldn't have to pay to see him. 6 weeks later, I see him but I am pregnant at this point, so his plan of an MRI scan is out of the window, mutually agree with consultant to review 6 weeks after baby is born. I went back to see him 6 weeks ago and was told that he was 99% certain I would need surgery, but he would refer me for an MRI scan. Luckily my Mum offered to pay the £250 for the scan so I could have it done there and then. I also had another cortisone injection. I went back after the scan and was told on the basis of that scan I did indeed need quite major surgery on my shoulder. I was told that I would be put on the waiting list on the NHS as the consultant said based on the scans, I'd be looking at £6k-£9K depending on what he does when I am asleep. I had a letter this morning in which I have been advised that due to the consultant being based in a neighbouring health trust, my LHB cannoth fund surgery outside of it's own LHB at the current time. I was not aware that the consultant was not based in the same health authority, it was never mentioned and I saw the consultant at the private hospital I went to first. The consultant never mentioned it would potentially be a problem. Having spoken to him, he believes that without the surgery, my range of movement will get worse thus affecting my quality of life in the future, I already cannot raise my arm above shoulder height. He is a specialist in minimal access surgery which gives, apparently, a quicker recover. He has said he will write to my LHB to say that he does truly believe that it imperative I have this surgery. However, he has suggested that in addition, I also start a fight with the LHB. Not being completely in the know about such things, what type of argument should I put forward? Should I rely on the fact that I am in pain or mention that I feel in the future my quality of life would be affected, that seems a bit extreme given people get by with a lot worse conditions than a bad shoulder. Should I involve a solicitor at this stage or would a letter from myself and the consultant by sufficient? Any help or advice would be so gratefully received. By the way, I am based in Wales, as I believe this changes things in comparison to the English NHS way of doing things!
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