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Fangio of the nineties

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Everything posted by Fangio of the nineties

  1. Flossy, appreciate your predicament, but I don't think you're exposed to a loss here. the premium is only payable if the policy is taken up.. and that assumes that the landlord will accept you as a tennant. I've reviewed my paperwork and the cover is arranged by the agent through Endsleigh insurance (Endsleigh have a history of dealing with students etc so have some depth of experience here). It appears to be available to landlords but is generally arranged by the agent. the premium we were quoted was £69.50 for 6 months cover and £115 for 12 months cover. This does not seem alot compared to the costs of the checks. At the moment agents seem very keen to get tennants and landlords too, so I'd be suprised if they weren't prepared to look into it. the level of premium does not dseem alot for the landlord to cover, but if they're really tight simply adding the cost of the premium to your rent leaves them no worse off. Ask the agent to check it out .. FOTN
  2. Yep... thats about the size of it....i'm not totally familiar with it but so far as i gather the agent takes out the policy on the landlords behalf it pays out if you default. metreley suggesyed that you might offer to cover the premium a. as a sign of good faith b. to demonstrate your confidence in covering the rent c. to remove any percieved disadvantage to the landlord in accepting you as a tennant. no neccesity at all for you to offer to do this... simply pointing out the possibility of a policy might be enough for them.. suprised the agent hasn't flagged it as a solution already... FOTN
  3. Ah... Fedup i see what you're getting at.. sorry the t&c s are on the back.. what else you can see is the ghost of the image of the front that has been thru a copier..
  4. I'm waiting on a cca from this lot myself too....maybe they are just snowed under !.... I'll keep an eye on the thread, but keen to hear if anyone gets sent a cca.... FOTN
  5. Dunno if this might help, but I'm trying to let my place now and although i'm in property i'm using an agent. The agent suggested that even "blue-chip" tennants in this market could struggle to pay rent and no-one now is a safe bet.. The solution was a "rent guarantee insurance" effectivley this pays out if the tennant defaults... the premiums seemed very realistic we were quoted about £125 to cover a rent of about £2k pcm... might be worth looking in to see if it's available to the landlord, and if you cover the fairly nominal premium they've lost nothing, and gained a guarantee of payment.. worth an enquiry i would have thought... FOTN
  6. Thanks fedup, I bthink you may well be right. docs 1 and 2 are front and rear of the same document (apparently)...as are 3& 4... certainly they seems to have been copied from the same sheet as a ghost of the front appears reversed on the rear ... on both.. however, in both cases the terms are on the back..I believe that they must be contained within the "4 corners of the agreement"..not neccesarily on the same page .. but between the start and the signature box... they are not .. so i think the agreement fails here.. also with the MBNA one.. the t &c's fail the legibility test.. thye copy they sent me is no better than the scan.. all the documents have slightly different "codfe numbers" on the f & R... the ones which start DPAL 04/03 001 etc... not sure what this means.. but i would have expected either a code on the front or matching numbers...different numbers on the same document can only lead th confusion . it seems to me ... anyone any thoughts ? Still need to consider whether these docs actually contain the prescribed terms... FOTN
  7. Sorry for clarity Doc 1&2 front and rear of a MBNA application form - or cca as they contend... doc 3&4 front and rear of same from All & Leicester... The point seems to hinge on the contents of Doc 3 it seems to me...and to whether these constitute the prescribed terms, It's pretty much the same stuff as in doc 1 and similar to many cca's i've seen on the site... this is where it deals with interest credit limit and charges.. the balance of the t&c's (para's 4-19) are refferred to as in a sepasrate document.. but it seems to me that this is their attempt at including the prescribed terms within the application form.. any thoughts ? FOTN
  8. Can anyone help with these ? just received in response to cca request ... FOTN
  9. Does this work ? doc 172 front and rear of mbna doc...374 same from all &leicester.. The point seems to hinge on the contents of Doc 3 it seems to me...and to whether these constitute the prescribed terms, It's pretty much the same stuff as in doc 1 and similar to many cca's i've seen on the site... this is where it deals with interest credit limit and charges.. the balance of the t&c's (para's 4-19) are refferred to as in a sepasrate document.. but it seems to me that this is their attempt at including the prescribed terms within the application form.. any thoughts ?
  10. Friends.... just recieved these back thru post...they are clearly application forms .. but do they constitute a CCA ? Are the enforceable ? whats my next move ? All opinions gratefully recieved... FOTN
  11. Ta for that, i think i've seen a template letter but a link would be useful...I think that a rec delivery dispute letter is sufficient for now ... but is it worthwhile combining this wit a SARN request too ? FOTN
  12. Sadly i only have proof of posting.(good enough for the courts)...the attatched cheques have not yet been presented...I would intent to send the dispute letter recorded delivery though... FOTN
  13. Right, I CCa'd all odf them, the 12+2 has paassed, and i've not heard a dickie, other than the endless collection calls and a note from capone that my I+E form was "not adequate"... what is my next move ? Is it now time for the account in dispute letter ? FOTN
  14. Right, I CCa'd all odf them, thew 12+2 has paassed, and i've not heard a dickie, other than the endless collection calls and a note from capone that my I+E form was "not adequate"... what is my nextr move ? Is it now time for the account in dispute letter ? FOTN
  15. Sorry to butt in, but i've seen this idea of sending them a cheque for £1 in F&F before... there's a company marketing this as a "debt killer" strategy..and on the surface it does sound appealing... Obviously they do cash the cheques, but it seems to me that if one of these ever came to court...(and I'm not aware of any) then the court may well deem that £1 was not a "reasonable" amount in lieu of a f&F for say a few £k....Creditor will argue that they applied the £1 to the account in view of the debt and were entitled to do so, and that they had not agreed to a F&F (you'd have nothing in writing from them).. Balance of "reasonable" may change though if there's no enforceable cca.. think there's some case law on this somewhere.. Can't see it being a viable way out, If i'm wrong can someone please tell me ...be a nice solution...but i suspect some of the more learned members of the forum will confirm it's a loser.. Even trying it on may not help your position, as it would doubtless arise in court and as they say .."no-one likes a smart-a*se.." FOTN
  16. Just thought i'd try and spread some cheer.... just had a call from MBNA (i cca'd them the other day)...I told them that i wanted a written response to my letter of last week before any further dialogue...I was told "We're a telephone bank, we don't write to people, we just deal with things over the 'phone... so we'll just send you letter asking you to call us..".... made me laugh anyway..
  17. I've seen this one too... after responding to a line ad in the sunday times... i did look at it and speak to the guy .. but got the impression he was just a chancer [causing problems] people... his contention was that you send your CC co's a cheque marked full and final with a covering letter...they cash the cheque (obviously)..."game over - debt settled".... It's clearly not that simple...I'd give it a wide berth...seems to be far better advice and depth of knowledge on this site.. Babybear...curious about your note on the post above...I thought - perhaps naively- no cca = no debt... how can a DCA enforce without one ?
  18. Thanks Spam...requests out today... back as soon as i get a response.. TTFN
  19. I'm now resolved to deal with this myself, need advice though as to where to go from here. I've 4 cards Ive missed a payment on 3 of them and have had the "you are in arrears" calls and a "default notice" from Cap 1... the other card is up to date. I've called them and told them of my change in circs..self employed - biggest customer went bust owing me lots..nil income at present and limited prospects of any earnings in the next 6 months or so.... They are now pressing me... I've done a budget form for cap 1 but not heard back from them..the others have told me verbally that as i'm not able to maske any payment right now and unable to say how long my difficulties will continue i cannot go onto one of their payment plans.. Whats my next move ? ... seems unreasonable to dive straight in and ask them for a copy of my cca..but i want to try and avoid as far as possible any default notice.. and it seems to me thats where i'll end up anyway..from what i can gather, no matter what they say they won't freeze interest or stop collection activity till the account is in dispute... and if they take action first i will not be able dispute it after a court order. is that right... where do i start ?
  20. Just, one more thing for now,,, I've seen some posts here that advise not sending letters to the companies with an original signature on them...Sureley they can't be that devious !....is this really important, and what about the cheques required for the supply of the CA and data protection thing ?
  21. I have to take my hat off to all of you on this site, it seems to take me an absolute age to gather, read and understand the info... then of course I've got to apply it to my own circs...are there any other threads on here you can point me to.. to see how others have got on ? Companies in question MBNA, Cap 1, morgan stanley (now barclaycard) and Alliance & Leicester (MBNA too)..So far i've just missed a payment on each.. but i can't see how i'll find any surplus cash to offer any of them anything... income effectivley now nil... wifes part-time job just coping with mortgage and putting food on table.. So i'd rather be pro-active, and at least get into a position where i can stop any further interest and charges..
  22. Thanks for that, I'll excercise a degree of caution..take your point about doing it myself and the fees etc.. but accurately drafting letters and confidently dealing on the same terms not my strong suit as i'm struggling with a failing business and demanding family all at once.. Seems attatractive to have someone familiar with the process take it further. Agree wholeheatedly with your ethical point, but i think that assumes the CC companies exercise the same standards. I was amazed to be offered a loan (secured of course) when i'd just told them i was unable to meet my payments ! All i was wondering was whether there was any recent case law on it.. all of these firms seem very coy about their track record. Or indeed - ethics aside- whether anyone had tried it and how they got on ..
  23. Hi all, first time posting, but i've been browsing for a while...seems a valuable pool of real info.. I've stacks outstanding on credit cards, so I'm vulnerable to all these new co's that seem to have sprung up claiming that they can challenge pre 07 Credit Agreements and write off all or part of any debt... Has anyone ever actually managed to do this ? One of those things that seems to be too good to be true .... so probably is... any advice ?
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