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  1. one nil to the silver fox, one nil to the silver fox!
  2. you reckon it would be worth signing with a totally different bluff signature so if they do try out dodgy with my sig then it catches them out mr fox
  3. Alright crew, ive read about but im not too clued up on this **** and wonder if you can help me with what i need to send off to where to get these accounts put in dispute and hopefully written off or severly reduced. now both i have paid money on to the collectors but i pretty much want that to stop . and for some reason even when i have the money in the account the direct debits get cut off and both get major arsey with me. and i know they aint statue barred as ive made recent payments on these last year. now the hfo have my old welcome account which is way more than i originally borrowed. im sure after my account went tits up when my house was repossesed in 2003 they put the loan under a new agreement i never got any money for it just cud pay less per month. i know for a fact both the original account and the one when they rewritten the loan have a crazy amount of charges, it was only a £1500 loan, and in the end even with lots of late payments im sure i paid every payment due under the original agreement, thats part the reason i stopped paying them. also the lowell one is for a capital one loan now im sure i only ever filled in a application and not a credit request. what letters do i need to send each company. do i need to send ones to both welcome and hfo. if so which and is there anything i need to add to these letters to get the account put on hold and get a full breakdown on both accounts of all the fines and charges they have put on these accounts as im thinking most of the agreements are just charges as such. as i dont have loads of money so dont want to send out the wrong letters spending £10 when its a £1 letter i should be sending. for lowell / capital 1 i assume its a CCA - letter N off the templates http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html i need to send to lowell along with a £1 fee for the agreement, is there anything else i need to add to the letter to put the account on hold and to let them know i dont acknowledge the debt any help will be great i'll favourite this up and keep coming back. if any major changes need to be done on the letters can someone help me and write out what i need to write. as i hope to get the capital 1 debt wrote off and my money back ive paid to lowell (is this possible???) and for the welcome one i would hope to get the whole debt wrote off even if the agreements are enforceable due to the near 50% interest and all the fines and charges they have added to these accounts over the years. as well as any action on the account put on hold as HFO always tell me they have transfered the account to the litigation department when a payment drops and i have to spend a hour arguing with them over a £10 missed payment due to my bank messing up the DD when the money is in there, to get the arrangement active again. and ive had enough to be honest of them. thanks in adavance
  4. i agree with bona id seek another solicitor i cant see how any judges or solictors have let this go bad so far, its rediculous, id seek another solicitor if it was myself. as they are clearly well in the wrong
  5. i cant help but think with all the money the goverment are putting in to nationalise the banks to protect peoples money they should do the very same with the energy companies. if they dont sort they prices out they should be forced to sell up to the goverment at a price the gov think is fair and then at least they could try and stop them raping our pockets
  6. they should just put a levvy on everyone who wants to put a tv channel out on broadcast. so if u want on terrestial tv, then u pay the most for ur channel, if u get a service u pay for like sky or cable then u pay less for the private network but still they cover the cost so people dont need to buy licences. or put a tax on all the tv kit you buy and need to give ur name and address for tv licnecing to check u have a licence. or put a small premium on peoples bills for sky/cable etc. the tv licnece is stupid i think when they cud save everyone the hassell and pay for it in other ways or even better just privitise the bbc and have it ran like itv, channel 4 etc, who cares if they hoy adverts on them. some broadcaster would love the chance to buy them out and then they would be no need for this old lisence at all i get sick of paying for a licnce, not coz of the cost coz its next to nothing over the year, just the inconvienance of having to pay on a card every month and knowing if u dont then they can hammer you to bit. at the end of the day they shouldnt be able to fine you a grand for not having a liscence its rediculous. if you sack off your water bill or coucil tax they dont fine you for that under a criminal offence. they take you to court for defaulting on payments. at the very least tv licnecing should be delt with in this way like a bill, not as a criminal offence not to have one. its so out dated it makes no sense to me. after all for the sake of £130 you shouldnt be taking people to court to prosecute them for not having a licence. its a bill and should be treat same as if you dont pay ur water rates
  7. my friend has 2 old loans which had ppi and he has been trying to reclaim this. one of the lenders is welcome finance and he remembers that he had a 10k loan with ppi and 2 years ago it was paid off when he remortgaged. now he dont have any old documentation or records of any numbers what the credit agreements were and when he was written to them requesting they give him the details so he can claim they have just not replied everytime. i get the feeling they know exactly what he is trying to do and thats why they would rather ignore the request. i said i would come on this site for him as he dont have the net and ask, now i bet his letter was ****e to be honest. so can you point me in the direct of what to send them to ask for a copy of a old paid off loans credit agreement without any details other than knowing who the lender was. he also has a loan which he still has the paperwork for which is paid off, from what i gather off the docs it seems like they was no ppi on it. or no mention on this sheet and it was a 10k secured loan from 2006 paid off last year when he remortgaged. can he claim anything on this? and if so what. thanks for all help
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